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A quick look into the digital I received June 23-June 30, 2023 [LAPR]- "live" journal

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2013 Southwest

Incident Management

Team Type 1

Keep coming back---

it is a "live" journal...

which means time to time I will add more of the Arizona State Archives Library [LAPR] Digital Data Non-Commercial Purpose Public Records Request [PRR] in person --- and I will timestamp when it is completed.

Topic: from June 30, 2013 --- the Yarnell Hill Fire 2013.

The sole source of this post is the LAPR yet to be processed for preservation. Temporary location.

Being grateful

in all things

is the only way to go

and as well living in truth...

I needed to take a pause hearing about ill-mannered folks cutting off "cold turkey" someone who gave his "heart and soul" to those folks ( I did too get cut off in same style but guess he did not learn from watching my journey but then again I still have little faith it was those folks but most likely the ones puppeteering it all ) to then the Attorney General closing Donna Gordon's area...I appealed. We will see...

I was looking for the body images to give to FBI of DONNA GORDON from actual scene when I found this records,

and I thought crap I have such an overwhelming amount of data

and both retired CIA / retired smokejumper Charlie "Moses" Moseley and Dr Ted Putnam always said keep your stuff away from your residential home...

so it is not easy to obtain what I this God awful hot Summer months...

some I lost because a person died who had a copy and some caregiver just moved in and destroyed where it was ...most likely unintentionally...another accidentally; so they say, burned some of my records ($8,000 value) so been a journey...

So, to clear my head --- did my exercises and laundry so adding the data I got from June 2023 in person LAPR PRR request.

Here we go:

  1. The first disc was ABC15 footage- over 2 hours of footage

  1. Second Disk:


If you do not mind--- I am gonna skim and first see what does open first, then go back in proper order...


I was going to find the ones I can open up ... and add them but first one I opened was stuff like this so today I am gonna skim the records, and if I see anything YHF13' related I will add but stuff like this it can wait:


9 more hours to go...





took a break--- watched some PGA Golf and ate caramelized onions and roasted garlic hamburger- no bread and some sweet potato...back to work here until laundry is done at 4:30 then another break to make the beds...

let me google a few of thos GPS coordinates:

???? ???? ????

July 7, 2013, in 6-30-13 file??? wth??? where is 6-30-13 GPS data???

PURPLE RIBBONS= Wildland Firefighter Foundation - WFF

found one program that requires $100 to open them so post index only...

LVR files I have the program--- yeahhhh!!!! :)

it's locked on 8% and it is not recognizing the files..let's move along...


8-6-23 8:50pm: I am tired- logging off---but spending 10 minutes freestyle jumping in folders so for now here are some freestyle images for 10 minutes then bed...I will place them in chronological order later just jumping around for 10 minutes:

Good night--- This is interesting because of the date, and we always wanted to find that area was restricted - that paper like Sonny and locals saw...but too tired to stay up:


Wow, 8-7-23 9am- very informative day thus far ... I want people to know that there are some, possibly many, who want everyone to keep believing in the YHF13' SAIT-SAIR ...

This blog has enough documents, and the highest authorities are aware so it is such a shame to see others to be able to just carry on ... ???

What a possible disservice you all are doing to past, current, and future firefighters by suppressing truths.

I mean, come on, some are still processing the Dude Fire so how are they to process my fire- YHF13'... right?

Even more so to more than likely suppress Authors, Journalists, Directors, etc... they deserve to speak freely,

yet watching the texts and email threads back-channel, I can safely assume and possibly speak/type to you who is/are orchestrating/manipulating that God is watching all you are doing, and, in His time, He will make it right.


On another topic-

God told me to resign my Wildland Firefighter Foundation Lifetime Membership July 18, 2022, from the Boise, Idaho, Wildland Firefighter Foundation, and I truly did not even want to go in and ask for those specific public records that day July 20, 2022 [ I had {still do} "caring" emotions for all of them, so, this made no sense to me for me to be that person to do this for God ],

but God said stand tall and stand up with knowing God will be using me to say what I did and just ask and then walk out and I did just that.

You saw my documented evidence and journal and you never saw me campaigning negativity just documented facts and "in my humble opinions"...I spoke the documented ways how it all happened as it happened and moved away from that.

God asked me to present those links to the journals based on recent incoming information this past week on this post.

I thank you for confirming what I told you at the start of Summer 2023 in regard to a few - what would happen - yet you were so tight in all this you had little faith in what I spoke,

but I am sure you do now. Maybe you will have more Faith from all this ... You are blocked from my technology, and you can only reach my family. You felt your actions was all from the heart and yet the times people spoke ill on me, you were present as they did. You sat in on it ...

Why? You can say you spoke on my behalf but yet you still stayed --- so, how is that a true friendship towards me?

You also were disingenuous at times not only to me but to them. I feel you were trying to help heal too many at one plate and that was a difficult task to be on ... the way they disconnected to you was unfair and unjust.

I was praying for them to realize you put much heart in all this for almost 27 months - that should account for something yet as I always state if you have any faulty area --- God will clear it in His way.

However, what just took place last week was not God's doing but [wo?]man's ... political? any facts to a w____ having that kind of power? I beg to differ. I think strongly you have to learn to embrace dissenting viewpoints. Not just cut off people "cold turkey".

Following the general census to "go along to get along" will only survive so long ....Jesus is the way...the light...this I know...embrace dissonance.

My family, friends, and loved ones really know when I shared July 20-23, 2021, knowing Burk Minor- that kind of s[___] just does not happen for my life nor do I seek it.

God assured me there were blessings in those lessons.

As much as it is hard to believe for folks... Burk the person I knew 7-20/7-21-21 {humble/authentic} before someone got in his ears with the insidious influence of negativity about me --- you have to learn to embrace dissenting viewpoints. Not just cut off people "cold turkey".

Remember, following the general census to "go along to get along" will only survive so long ....Jesus is the way...the light...this I know...embrace dissonance.

what was that word again..."controversial"...

in God's time, Burk and Betty are told to me that they will be in my life again at a later time in God's way and time, not mine.

The times I shared and had with those two were genuine and God-breathed. Everything I gave was God thought out, not me. He inspired all of that.

Here are those journals:

by the way ...there are glitches currently on the blog so if it has this " V"; "down arrow"---please click on any of those down arrows because the documented evidence is stored there.

then click on that to open the content.

Back to this post and placing the LAPR PRR DIGITAL here-

-- I had to place the areas God told me to do---

Maybe someday the energy these folks place wanting to hurt / harm towards my way and others --- may they surrender to God and live in the light ...

The reason you were/are blocked currently, you never owned up to some spots that lay still hidden- you only owned up to what you wanted me to hear or they wanted to hear, yet I know more.

You have my family's support, if you want that.

For me, I am on pause in 2023 from external areas.

Thank you for confirming this past week ---what I already had seen to happen, and I told you at the start of this Summer 2023.

Think about what I told you - what loss was to take place and not of someone passing on ... I expressed a huge shift was happening Summer 2023 and you kept going ...

Listen to His voice ... I get your heart in all this more than any of those people ... yet time to let it go and move past this ... God has amazing stuff for you, plans to ... well, read Jeremiah 29:11 ...

stay away from engaging with others on what just happened or going against grain --- just go with the flow ... one top reason, God said: block for now --- so I am not pulled into it.. It was wrong but God will take care of it.


8-7-23 1:07pm:

Before I get to the above- I still have this to do:

total of 86 pages---stopping here---waste of time---nothing YHF13' related...