Author- Joy A. Collura

Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"
DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts ( )
The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you.
If you just came here with revenge and hate in your mind and heart, then click off to another site-
This blog is for people who want to learn not take the data to gossip and cause harm.
This is the link you will keep coming back to as I will keep loading this section with the Public Records Requests ( PRRs ) and eventually break them into Part One, Two, etc. as they increase in volume size so the posts are kept reasonable in size.
Request #20-450-
( currently OPEN status) ( From and including: Saturday, June 6, 2020 To, but not including Monday, June 8, 2020- open two days) -LINK HERE-
After the 353rd day, the City of Prescott ( COP ) came back closing my #19-538 request which that one was number three of asking for the 'proof of certification' yet being point blank specific now in this request #19-538 yet the end result was "closed" stating: " -No Responsive Records- Per Fire - All material or documents that were requested were transferred to the Department of State Forestry. I would recommend checking with them to see if they have this record. June 6, 2020, 11:27am"
Did you all notice like me- the closing of this request usually has a name of person who is making the closing comment- this one just had the date and time ( no name ) (see:

the image above is a snippet of the actual request page online) and that they transferred the record to the Department of State Forestry which is no longer named that but currently is named the Department of Forestry and Fire Management ( DFFM ):

When they eventually submit "closed" on #20-450, I hope to have received the itemized "transferred" document that the City of Prescott did with the items that were transferred, the date, and who signed it to be transferred to the place they named the 'Department of State Forestry'.
I also from the DFFM should on their end receive who signed this "incoming" transfer and where it is currently being stored so that eventually I can get my #19-538 fulfilled finally on the record of the 'proof of certification' to see if the Granite Mountain Hotshots on June 30, 2013 were ever a 'legal' Type 1 Crew.
So far, it is 'unknown' who is the Custodian of Records yet how many years have I tried to get this document and one ( DFFM ) states I got everything they have and the other ( COP ) state this transfer was made.
Yet both have to realize, I re-asked for documents in 2020 to DFFM and Bill Boyd states I, Joy A Collura, received everything they had. The date on this form will matter. I asked for "all" from both entities back four years ago. So really, I should have this 'proof of certification' already by one of them yet I am left waiting - and is it "patiently" after watching the recent actions of COP staff?
I should be focused on other areas but here I am having to show the world COP can be transparent if I make it happen, right! COP always kept all my records "unpublished" and so has the courts but eventually all the PPR documents will be right here on the blog. No more hiding my PRRs for them. The world can see the actual PRRs with minimal redaction due to legalities for placing it on my blog like personal numbers and emails and such.

June 9, 2020, 11:48am by the requester to City of Prescott - City of Prescott has a copy of what DFFM stated - time to show us the records City of Prescott.

Updated the two above images 6-9-20 12:16PM
Will there be Disciplinary Action or Criminal Sanctions for the fabrications made by "???" stating "-No Responsive Records- Per Fire - All material or documents that were requested were transferred to the Department of State Forestry. I would recommend checking with them to see if they have this record."
June 6, 2020, 11:27am" on my #19-538 PRR????

Updated the above image 6-9-20 12:41PM

Updated the above image 6-9-20 12:59PM

Updated the above image 6-10-20 11:59AM-
Yet, here it is seven years later and the wealthy WUI areas of Cave Creek faced what they did this Season 2020 ( Ocotillo Wildland Fire ) with Willis as the Incident Commander and if any of you "Forensic Weather" folks are still watching and documenting- odd, huh? Right.
I think it is important to make his profile "Public at Large" with full transparency.
It appears to me to be have leadership and Supervisor roles and allow this to just happen when so many lost homes and lives in those seven years.
Make your own personal and professional assessments - it is now for the Public at Large not just for the Wildland Firefighters but there it is above.
These kind of people in leadership roles should have their profile out there for the public so we can be sure we are doing the taxpayers of Arizona right.
Did any of you note how his Master Record- good section of it is "dry-labbed"?
And again, the very "Custodian of Records" - City of this date failed to fulfill this part of my PRR on Willis- odd,huh...where I received it superfast from DFFM.
Back to my Presentation and Dude Fire draft post...but that is the update for June 10, 2020.

Updated the above image 6-10-20 12:33PM-

It is July 18th 8:05AM. I am "pausing" Dude Fire posts 3 thru 5 to make sure I get these records started due to recent release of records from City of Prescott showing Holly Snider Henderson Neill wanted what I requested:

Bear in mind, I already have the three remaining posts on Dude Fire in Draft form with hundreds of documents there but I have to "pause" and do this post here.
We want one to refrain from Holly Snider Henderson Neill using my requests as possibly becoming her 'original' idea(s) when doing their "made for profit" book(s) on the Yarnell Hill Fire / Granite Mountain Hotshots. We have shown on this link I am officially not tied to this blog until I announce it again so I can focus here to this one post.
You will only see this post being updated daily until I finish putting all of it here. All other areas to my life are paused. I will not attend opening any emails or going to InvestigativeMEDIA until this is completed. I will not attend phone calls, texts, conferences or Mentor / Mentee areas until this is done. My husband, mom and brothers will be the only ones to hear from me. No friends at this time and this includes my contributing authors.
I need "alone" time with God to get this out.
Let me explain, since the above City of Prescott Next Request Request #20-450 was first posted I have added more so let us begin "fresh"
If you click on and it seems like I did not finish an area- I either hit "publish" to where I last left off at to do bathroom, breaks and meals. Otherwise, I am going to be here seven days a week adding until it is finally done. I will in parenthesis time stamp those moments. Example: ( pause - publish - 7/18/20 9:04AM )
Let me show you what you all see when you go there ( 72 requests ) on their "new- updated" system:

( pause - publish - 7/18/20 9:04AM )
Drank this- is it working?
I do not know...
but trying to find over the counter ways to help my GI.
I am not promoting products nor suggesting you to use it and if you do run it by your doctor first...
I am just showing Dr. Orville W. as he asked me to food /beverage diary so I am using this area to do it as I upload records I can do it here because you will not find me separately making one to appease a doctor but I will this way. He wants to work on a plan for my GI...

For my family to know in case they ever face stuff and you can link on my DNA page by what I emailed you but the world can know too. I am still staying focused and alkalizing my body. If someone wants to take their time out and email me a list here is the content of my current nutritional need from an experienced person I would like to know a diet with my below limitations because I have been keeping it minimal as broccoli my daily staple and blueberries 2 times a week due to the sugar-My DNA reported back I need 45% Carbs, 30% Fats, 25% Proteins. I am Histamine Sensitive. I make way too much omega 6 and on a serious note not enough omega 3s. I am okay to eat red meat. My blood type is O Positive. Showed 'enviro'toxins for the liver ( I have cirrhosis since I was young ) and needs help. I am too low in cortisol and very bad on my estrogen levels. There is a "caution" for my current state of metabolism. I am by the DNA results a genetic risk for Cancer and Hemochromatosis (duh -right mom - seems most of us in the family have faced this, eh), serious critical velocity concerns with V02 (poor circulation), I am unable to convert Vitamin A (retinoic acid), molybdenum imbalance, I need (seriously low) but due to no health insurance only use what I have left from Nov 2019 of Vitamin D-125 (for hips and leg concerns), dark chocolate ( yeah it is on the DNA results as a "need" ladies), Vitamin K and B-6. I have a hormonal imbalance, adrenaline failure, insulin resistant, need a A / C test but I refuse to go to any labs during this COVID 19 phase, my DNA results came back I have metabolic syndrome and "cookie jar" syndrome. For the record, I do not even own a cookie jar but I have the syndrome. Believe it or not, my DNA states I am highly sensitive (may cause brain issues) and to refrain consumption for the following foods breaks down my immunity and allergic to: all greens, carrots, grains, wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, chicken, turkey, seeds, Chinese foods, almonds, cranberries, kale, malt, mushrooms, papaya, peanuts, all peppers, safflower, squash, black tea, baker's yeast and then it said I am extremely sensitive to mold and high heat temps. So, in addition, past areas and current areas of concerns head to toe: This year tests ran and the Dr. named it an 'anomaly' in the C1 area and prior MRIs showed it is at a tumor as well as one in the midline frontal called a meningioma (had that diagnosed in 2011 or 2012 time frame- never touched it). In thermograms, my sinus an T-zone areas has much inflammation, my bilateral for both leg and arms I have Advanced Neuropathy, I have throat/ thyroid nodules, I have a left renal tumor, pretty rough hiatal hernia and two lower hernias as well, I had scheduled Dec 19 2019 to have polyps and areas for gastric cancer but insurance was no longer, my vision has been getting better versus worse, anytime someone talks to me on a cell I am unable to use my right ear because they cannot hear me / distorted and so want to note that in case someone else faces that, occasional ear infections, annual tonsil concerns, on/off bilateral kidney stones, still have chest wall serious concerns as well and in additions still deal with costochondritis, extreme lymphatic congestion and edema, lipomas in right upper leg, left upper arm and right shoulder to armpit area, after the May 2019 dog bite on Forest Road 428 I have had on and off H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori), a few private health concerns too but keep between hubby and my mom only, COPD, time to time I have severe 'pitting' concerns with my edema or rough case of cellulitis and weeping erosions and at times ugly orange or yellow type blistering lymphedema, the tummy swelling can be so extreme at times I feel like I am wearing one of those fake fat people bodysuits, and so on...I digressed...but yeah with the above data- I am not near my recent blood lab results I took before attending the academy or the paper with the heart stuff but yeah there was issues there last Nov 2019- however based on above help me figure a good 45% Carbs, 30% Fats, 25% Proteins diet. That I would be very grateful for-
We have paid enough this year on medical expenses that it would be nice to have that kind of information.
this is what I see when I "sign-in":

That calculates that the City of Prescott Next Request System shows 96 more records requests for me than to you, the world. Why?
Now let me open the first descending order request which nullifies the above Request #20-450 as the first because I have done nine more since that posting, see:
#20-580 is the first in descending order of the City of Prescott Open Records for JOY A COLLURA which was OPENED yet not assigned / reviewed on July 18, 2020, 7:34am:

( pause - publish - 7/18/20 10:24AM )
Drank this- is it working?
I do not know...
but trying to find over the counter ways to help my GI.
I do know I rarely drink it because of the Soy and other ingredients in it.

I guess because Request #20-569 is closed is why I am not able to click "Read More" but this was a request thanking Ms. Shaw for the actual document number so I could request it from YCSO on the GPS Unit but never got the itemized index log nor photos just the narrative report and that I actually not only received it but posted on here at
Number two in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-569.
Note there is nothing public in between to show that there is a number order from the first one Request ##20-580 which was my first descending request and the second one Request #20-569- which is 11 number digits in between. You would have to ask City of Prescott how it works. If they keep their Public Records "unpublished" and if there is 11 actual PRRs in between actual records or not. I do not know. I can tell you when I looked up Holly Snider Henderson Neill or her PRR number it showed my information not hers at all, see:

thank you to the person who wrote this below- you are one of the top reasons I keep doing what I am doing - many folks wronged you and I know how to get the information to the front so it does not happen again to you or another. I fear God not man as Willis told me once. Thank you. What you can do is pray God's Will be done. See:

( pause - publish - 7/18/20 11:27AM )
(pause - publish - 7/18/20 1:11PM -update - added the health stuff insert above and now going to eat an organic gluten free 1 slice of bread grilled cheese and slice of tomato using:

I prefer my grilled cheese with this bread below over the one above -Yes, I am not allowed dairy and a few times a month (every 10 days I eat one half sandwich) with some chips.

I am almost done with my Ph10 gallon water for the day.

I do have a solid question for people with experience / qualifications.
Say my normal body weight without edema has been 168 to 188 range but with edema it shoots up to 200 plus and with edema it's highest range of fluid was documented 252# and its painful at that phase to even walk.
How much water does one drink then. "Wrong number" Charlies B. always said drink half your body weight daily. Any experienced qualified folks out there who can answer me is it the same for lymphatic congestion and edema and such? More? Less?
Back to the Public Records.
Even John Norman MacLean along with Holly Snider Henderson Neill have been preferrenced by City of Prescott and received a copy of my public records documents while I have OPEN records so now we have two people who asked for a deadline and they got it but my records laid untouched- how do they get priority over mine that have been in for so much time-see:

I would question "how" MacLean determined and came to the conclusion "self protection against abuse and harassment that is occurring as a consequence of release of FOIA 18-541."
FYI- John, it is a Public Records Request (PRR) not a FOIA.
I see they claim it in a 'slur' fashion but no facts to back it up their claim to the City of Prescott Legal Department.
Remember folks, these same people have really done defamation on the YHF eyewitnesses over the years since 2013- I just call out areas I see needed to be to the Public at Large.
I am requesting and getting more information but meanwhile I did 'CTRL F' on InvestigativeMEDIA and got these links that was Sonny not me who I 'back-channeled' the records without redacting-
Sonny placed it out because he gets tired of me holding on to information- he never would do things with ill intent especially about the YHF. I know that. He does not know how to redact and he probably figures the redactions were completed by the COP PRR folks. Plus he does not know all the lingo to that stuff.
RTS posted one but it is important what he posted:
Also, John and Holly, I publicly state my reason on IM- see:
"My goal with the public records is to make sure we get to why Pfingston and Harwood and Alan and Holly and Willis and others thought they were all having private emails shared to one another and I read and read and read all there missing links and I thought maybe if I post it here then people can help them because they have a few blocks but like I said earlier IM participants could help them but at this point it takes them coming here to participate too."
Really, right now our focus should be to YCSO and the GPS Units- seeing if any of them logged their stuff online or if someone who still has one can run an analysis further than what was shown on:
I am asking any of the loved ones of the GMHS who has a GPS Unit to get a fingerprint analysis who handled that Unit. That should matter! Especially when it took one year to even have them looked at and not in the SAIT - SAIR phase.
In this email from City of Prescott they show it was set to PUBLIC VIEW

Untrue and they were notified today. I get this message, see:

Finished my water and ate some fresh broccoli- done to let the body rest from foods and water now but I did consume NuAloe to coat the insides ...may eat some cucumber and a tomato after the bath and a slice of avocado.

and heading for a long epsom salt bath to reduce the swelling. May switch it up today and do Magnesium flakes instead. Then soon I have to log out for today and elevate and do my electric compression leg stuff and the great item everyone should try after running it by their doctor, the jeanie massager is similiar to a G5 which helps in body circulation-
I hope by sharing other areas you get a peek into what my days entail. The Arizona Desert Walker rarely walks due to the pain of the edema. However, did the Dude Fire Site Visit twice and YHF June 30th, 2020 with edema. Ouch!!! You all saw that on these posts. It is what it is. Let me do one more requests for today then go do my evening away from the PC.
In the Request #20-567 below there are some of us forensic weather folks paper trailing the COVID 19 phase and how agencies and cities / towns are managing it with firefighters who are hybrids that work for a town or city but then go out as a Wildland Firefighter in state or out of state or out of country to fight fire with other multi jurisdictions than bringing it back to their town or city. We want to have that documented. I also asked in the request about Darrell Willis's last pay stub or resignation letter since it shows him tied to Arizona State so is he doing both?
However, I asked for the records:
"And is there any documentation showing the resignation letter or last pay stub of Darrell Willis as he is now working for the Arizona State and looking for the document to show his last pay period with the City of Prescott and any documents showing if any disciplinary actions and or negative exits of his City of Prescott position(s). Or any positive exit information. Both."
and their reply was:
"HR does not have any documents that comply with your request related to Darrell Willis." July 16, 2020, 2:42pm by Melissa Fousek, HR Analyst (Staff)
So maybe that means he still is employed to City of Prescott and contracts out to Arizona State.
Number three in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-567 ( Open for four days):

( pause - publish - 7/18/20 4:45PM )
I hear thunder- logging out for today
Good night.
One of the co-authors asked why the drink and bread labels in the photo gallery and I explained I used it in this post because remember Dr. Orville W. wanted another four to five hundred dollars to come up with a diet plan specific to me with my limitations. Well, I thought expressing all the above maybe someone reading can help out (pro bono) because they see all the hard work I am doing pausing my "housewife hiker" role to do hard stuff.
925 MGO New Zealand Manuka Honey is my favorite ( I feel a difference when I use it ) and I will say "buy" it except certain people with diabetic issues- ahhh heck---run it by your doctor first. I am starting to see why Suzanne Somers wrote her material as she did - everything is a disclaimer or run it by your doc and now I see why - bogus 'sue' happy world. I like this item, research it out for you:
I am starting today off saying hello to the elk first then had me a cup of Lymphatic Cleanser Tea and a dab of 100% New Zealand Mānuka Honey. Certified by New Zealand Gov. 80 MGO Manuka Honey.
and a little later had a handful of fresh blueberries. Read my bible and ODB.

As you can see in the labels I drink this every so often not daily. I am estrogen dominant and had a full hysterectomy long time ago so the Red Clover is not helpful for me- maybe ok for another not me. Side effects.

Due to my impaired liver, hormonal metabolism and excretion has been slow then the longer it circulates in my system the higher my estrogen levels. Symptoms of this is usually irritability, bloating and digestive sluggishness, my skin gets pale yellow and my bm are pale. We ran tests this year to see what is the factor(s) affecting my liver. It was determined to rule out alcoholism, hepatitis, NSAID, and pharmaceuticals or recreational drugs. It did have a return I had higher than normal exposure to solvents and environmental toxins. So I try to slowly bring in time to time to cleanse with Red Clover, Milk Thistle, Dandelion root, Burdock root, & Nettle or Bitters.
On ODB, the Reflect and Pray:
Reflect & Pray
What can you do to keep Scripture on your heart? Why is it important to read and talk about the Word with loved ones?
I feel this blog we do our best to share Scripture yet most my heart stamping moments are done in mindful meditation(s). I feel we express how much your life matters to us by taking the time to do this blog.
Yes, we should make "more" time for "in person" time with family and friends. We have at times failed there for a couple years. All of us contributing authors to this blog. You matter too. It is just so much information we keep thinking if we cram all the time in then we can go back to our normal lives. Then more data comes in and then the end looks too far away.
After the Dude Fire posts and this posts, we will take a break and do just that. Remember, You matter too and we do not ask you to comprehend this project just put your trust and faith in the Lord on it.
If there is anything these Fire Fatalities teach me, there might not be a tomorrow. Today is the day to express your love and admiration. I love you.
I know I have failed the past two years to be fully there to some...right, Kayiden. Right, Danielle / Grace /Annie / Dan Jacobs. Right, Vicki. Right Maryanne and Pat and Bri. Right Lois. etc...
I know certain families wish we would just let it go because everyone knows what happened but I have to think back to Corey Moser and that alleged pact and I have to show that to the front. You all failed these families with GPS Units laying in some evidence room all that time. I would personally find it odd that the City of Prescott closed my request and said go to YCSO then I get the narrative report only not the itemized log list and photos. I would hope by me bringing it out to the world the loved ones can take it further and ask for those records they failed me on.
( pause - publish - 7/19/20 9:52AM )
(-one slice spelt with an egg and cheddar - means I have to walk tonight because I usually refrain from having this the very next day - probably easy to make / get back to pc and emotions and not being mindful )
I always pondered when people who have tried to put me down, are already below me if they do that so why waste my energy they will eventually mess up.
But with Holly and John I find it 'odd' after all the firefighters / smokejumpers they told their twisted perception over all these years which some lays as slander and defamation especially on one of our contributors here, how they even think that publicly discussing them is abusive and or harassment.
If they were to 'cease and desist' from making a "made for profit" YHF / GMHS book on a fire I almost died on and so many others too than I would not even waste any energy that way.
Due to they are making a book as in recent weeks they stated that to someone, I will not stop sharing about them. It is my first amendment right. They felt like doing it on me all these years even in Smokejumper Conferences in front of large crowds so all I am doing is showing the Public Records.
Let the world make their own assessments.
They made themselves 'public figures' on a Tragedy fire. We have the first amendment right to discuss them and or show public records on what they are discussing of their investigation of material matter and where it laid out there in Yarnell. If they did not want it public then why email public entities?
In addition, if I was still connected to them, I would tell them for people who have been in Wildfire like them as long as they claim to be and have that superpower clout you both seem to have or be shown (you got paid hefty in funds to attend conference(s) in regards to YHF and the material you used had some of mine without courtesy credit ???)...why didn't you nab the GPS unit logs before me and make it public asap??? Why did it take some stout small town girl to do it? Just curious.
If it was my loved one and you were my family advocate and you had pull and ways then I would be greatly disappointed in you. I would not be happy with me either placing it public but at this point it needs to be PUBLIC AT LARGE all I gathered for over seven years. No more having it stored. If any of my material ends up in a book and it did not get my permission or a commercial PRR or FOIA, I will file a suit. I paid my life savings to gather all the records and it is not to be placed out to be in some fillum or book unless I granted you written permissions(s); a contract.
Back to Public Records. Always CTRL F to skim past my ramblings and put in "Number in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is" to get to the next request.
Before we get in to number four- I added one PRR last night so below would be technically number five but it was because they closed a request and I wanted to show them image I cannot get into Holly and John's request yet.

Number four in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-558 ( Open and Closed within 1 hour, 55 minutes )

In Request #20-558 above the City of Prescott Public Records Department illegally closed my request and there was too many attachments missing and emails missing or needed to be fixed or notify people they did not redact their personal information.
Arizona State Ombudsman said he would look into it. Nothing came of that yet. This COVID 19 phase has been the excuse for so many. See:

If John N MacLean and Holly Ellen Snider Henderson Neill asked for the same records of mine and received them superfast then they too should be confused by how they received it unless they got more and I placed a request in just on that topic.
In this request #20-558, I wanted the attachment to email to 0582_Sender_asinclair13[redactedforblog] - FirstRecipient__Holly Neill_- Subject_any ideas - 06-03-2014- and they closed it not even two hours later saying:
Request Closed - Hide from Public
"Dear Requester, As you know I have been activity [sic] redacting your PRR's. This email looks very familiar and I believe it is in PRR 19-438 for Deborah Pfingston’s emails, as she is also listed on this email as well. I would ask that you please be patient with the City of Prescott and upon receipt of PRR 19-438 review it for the requested attachment. PRR 19-438 has around 5,000 pages, so as you can see in order for me keep moving forward with your PRR’s I cannot move backwards. As for now, I am closing out this PRR as a duplicate and have denied your second appeal. Thank you.
July 13, 2020, 2:41pm"
My Reply:
"I just need clarification. You closed #20-558 and its appeal based on a belief that some other response to some other PRR 'might' contain the information being requested in a separate PRR. It is your job to KNOW ( for sure ) if it is ( or is NOT ) before being allowed to CLOSE a current / valid PRR request. So you are for sure the ATTACHMENT I am wanting is in the Pfingston PRR 19-438, otherwise leave this one OPEN?
July 14, 2020, 12:30pm by the requester (me - Joy A Collura)
So now I have to read all these 5,000 pages of emails of Pfingston to even see if the attachment is present then go back and re-open a new one if it is not in there. Yeah, ok. On to the next one.
( pause - publish - 7/19/20 11:15AM )
7-19-2020 11:36AM - I am back. I had fresh broccoli, part two of the same lymphatic tea, algae omega 3, PureGenomics multivitamin, Sprouts brand 250 ct. Vitamin C + Rose Hips, Vegan K2.
I got bored of placing images of products I consume- so I switched to where you can click on the word and link to product page and its image.
When I pause on here, it is to elevate better my legs- I do elevate them while working on this post on and off but at times I have to use the jeanie (G5) machine. It helps to increase blood circulation by breaking down the fatty deposits in body, improves circulation, expedite elimination of toxins, increase local blood & lymph flow, etc.
I also want to mention my computer is ancient so it takes appx. half hour just to log on. Each image added has to be converted from a pdf to a jpeg to be added here and that takes alot of time so if you think I am slow, I can accredit my pc into the math too.
Number five in descending order of the City of Prescott Next RequestSystem is Request #20-544 ( Open and Closed within 1 hour, 28 minutes ) :

So I put this request in above July 8th 7:53AM- somehow the original PRR was redacted out when this PRR was closed. I appealed it and 1hr28minutes later they closed it. They agree with closing the next request #20-543. So let's go there.
Number six in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-543 ...I opened this request July 7, 2020, 10:17am and by that same day at July 7, 2020, 4:26pm they closed it but interestingly one day later July 8, 2020, 3:25pm Michelle Shaw, Deputy Clerk (Staff) stated:
"Dear Requester,
As you are aware we are in the redaction phase in several of your Public Records Requests. I have been working on 19-438 today. I just wanted you to know I just found a document titled Granite Mountain Hotshots Inventory List DR 13-021744 as an attachment to an email. The email states this record was obtained from Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office. It appears this may be the document you were seeking. You are welcome to place a PRR with YCSO using DR 13-021744 to obtain this record or be patient with the City of Prescott and receive it as an attachment to an email through PRR 19-438. Either way, I will not be placing it in PRR 20-543 as we do not distribute other agency's records to respond to City of Prescott Public Records Requests.
Thank you "
Request #20-543:

( pause - publish - 7/19/20 12:50PM )
I ate one slice of Sprouts Spelt Bread, 1.5 slices of Salami, organic mustard, few chips, and oxypowder. In warm water I dropped an anise cough drop in it and drank it after it melted and chugged down for my cough and irritated throat some Dayquil. (*1:31PM scale to 10 - 7 pain lower back, used machine - pain down to level 2-3 by 1:40PM- b*m)
Back to uploading records.
7/19/20 1:46PM- back from lunch break and feeling good.
2-2:22PM used the G5 machine. Left leg giving me bad problems today. Keeps wanting to buckle.

I just placed a new PRR in seeking the records to the full master records index, see:

Number seven in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-541 (opened Request July 6 855PM and the next day they never tried that certain storage area with banker boxes for archival stuff instead they closed the request 19 hours, 8 minutes later. ???) see :

From this article:

"Thousands of miles away, Pat McCarty’s day went from the best to the worst in an instant. The Prescott Captain and former Granite Mountain Hotshot had barely landed in the Caribbean with his wife on their honeymoon when he got word of the loss. They immediately returned to Arizona — with help from the governor’s office — because the department needed McCarty and his brother, Dan, another former Granite Mountain Hotshot, to help with the recovery.
They went straight to the site and collected debris leftover from the investigation.
“So, we’re picking up tools, chainsaws, anything you can imagine,” McCarty said. “It was really bizarre because when we got there, it was like a moonscape man, and there’s nothing left.”
And the reason I place this for the public at large is because of statements from that article like this:
"Despite the investigation, there will never be a full understanding of the loss." -
No shit, when you have year after year you kind of folks highlighted for the Remembrance part yet never talking about why you took GPS Units then it ended up in YCSO evidence then looked at after the SAIT - SAIR the following year ??? Why did it take my blog to put it to the Public at Large- those Public Records - why didn't you DO the difficult right thing...maybe below can possibly explain the whys and how comes, eh.
There was nothing in the Pat McCarty areas to "fact check and verify" in reference to that article yet I did learn he went from 2013 to last reported $$$ increase substantially. See the COP journey:
From "Umpire" to...

$10.00 started out as Wildland Seasonal Firefighter - 2005

$11.58 to $13.03 (took over Jamie Magallenez's FTT position) (Willis / Steinbrink signed off - 2007)

$13.03 to $13.29 ( July 2007) $13.29 to $13.82 ( June 2008 ) ( then he was Matt Bainter's Replacement- 2008 - from $13.82 to $16.59 - Squad Boss )

Due to above image I placed another PRR at 12:06PM 7/22/20 about Matt Bainter:

$13.31 to $13.91 ( Oct 2013 ) to then quiet in 2014: then Feb. 2015:

$16.61 to a 12.5% pay raise (when all prior raises were tiny percentage increases) to $18.58 ( July 3, 2016) (*I will note this is interesting to me because I wonder if other FFs there had same increase or if the Only the Brave possibly influenced this?)

then in 2017, look at this:

Where is 2018 to now information? Where are those certifications that match to the areas on this Red Card:

Did you note, my City of Prescott Request #20-598 and 13 minutes later they closed it but my request was that the original PRR was from date of hire to date he left or current so where is 2018 thru now but they closed it...but I opened a new one, see:

My serious concern with Pat McCarty is not only did he get paid well in the making of the "made for profit" Only the Brave movie ( reminder 19 men died and how many lost homes and as well lives lost after the YHF ) and all these nice advancements above and I would be very interested to see other FFs who work with him and see how much they get paid but my concern is he was a part of picking up items at the Deployment Zone those crucial moments after the men died and he never told the Families or Media right then he pulled the GPS Units that sat for appx a year at YCSO Evidence Storage area. You gotta be kidding me, right?
I have a problem with that for sure.
If the GMHS was my family or friend I would directly sue the individual PAT L MCCARTY (again- the individual) not tied to his G-scale for such actions because I pulled that information and City of Prescott did not provide that so I would ask for that payroll stub like I did to ensure he was not on COP-time or G-time than take that evidence and sue him for being there in an "Investigation Area" where your loved one died. He had no right to deny that fact that the GPS Units did exist all these years. Yet by the pay scale and the movie paying him you can assume why he did not... It's a bullshit.
That history of work above does not give you, kid , the 'gravy train' ride to avoid the topic of GPS Units and other items you removed from the DZ area- who since all my FOIAs and PRRs- gave any of you that right- the Prescott Fire Departments and or Districts and then never talk about it to the loved ones or Media or We, the people when nineteen men died.
(pause - 7/22/20 12:31PM - lunch time for me) (Come back soon with more here)
I drank 1 full gallon for today of PH10 water. I am going to have the same as last night most likely- cucumbers, slice of tomato and slice of avocado and some dandelions. I will be logging off today by 7-19-20 4:45PM.
I want to spend time in the Word, talk to my family, dinner, watch a movie.
Last night I watched the old Stand & Deliver.
I am placing an appeal for the above request:

it is 4:25PM- Good night for 7/19/20
It is 6:33AM- wow it is the 20th of July already. Where is the Summer going? Where is the monsoon? More like Non-soons.
Already did my G5 this morning. Had my 2 shot glass full of Organic Coffee with 5 fresh blueberries and one square of those $5.00 big a** dark chocolate bars (it usually lasts us 6 to 8 months and we keep it frozen-the entire 40 pc. pound bar), Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Collagen, Country Farms Super Greens within the past couple hours. As you will see I refrain from consuming a certain brand daily because most or all products have one or more ingredients I am allergic to but since I am not out rock climbing, running, hiking I still want to "pay attention" to nutrients in my body even if when you look at me it looks wtf? (soft smiles). I know I did my best. I also know I do not know everything and maybe by being here sharing to Dr. Orville W. - I can get feedback even from others out there across the World who see my limitations.
People think I am hard on myself (self image) and I am not. I know where and what I have done in life and I resist this current path very much so.
I prefer to be outdoors hiking with my hubby and our loving dog and enjoying life (simple housewife hiker stuff) not this stuff. Some think I am 'held hostage' and some family members of others think I am 'bad news' / 'taking advantage' and 'they do not trust me in this path for truth' but again that is on them. I cannot fix others perceptions nor want to, they need to do that and fix their views on me and the whole thing. I have to keep staying the course. I make no monies at all in this path. If anything it costs me and others money over time - the PRRs and FOIAs and such and I still give it to the world freely- do others?

I love the desert and has such history...and I love to revisit as much as I can...From old pioneering - cowboy type living to how Indians use to set camps (taking material in that area and making it functional to our needs like hornos and tables using railroad ties) and then move on as shown in Sonny and my trailing and rock climbing "freestyle" below:

In the photo above, you will see a table Sonny made. One time, online someone listed it as old and was selling it locally. I went there and showed them the picture (above) and that it was "new" and just made in recent times and it was us and I put it in a cave away from folks near our camp as a rememberance. He still lied and sold it as "old" and never told the true story but I just did. (soft smiles)
But then again if I do not do this YHF digging and gathering - than who will? Right. Your answer to that is in your Google search on Yarnell Hill Fire and Granite Mountain Hotshots and or any fire fatalities.
Last night I ended up on Netflix watching Chappaquiddick and it reminded me of my journey in the aftermath of the Yarnell Hill Fire and the similarities and you will begin to learn why I say that as I show all the public records. I show these records not for just the Public at Large but for those kids without a daddy.
I know that pain very well.
Those kids deserve to enjoy their childhoods now but one day they will be adults and they can come here and see someone out there cared enough - tried hard enough - went out and did this knowing that we are up against a billion dollar industry and we did it for we need to show our children of the world "integrity" and doing the difficult right thing still exists in this dark world. Refrain from anger. It is okay to be angry but sin not. Take all the negatives and focus into putting it into the positives.
During the movie I did attend and care for my edema and use the G5 and did an Aveeno oatmeal soak then placed Christopher's Cayenne Heat Ointment. ( purest herbal stimulant to increase blood flow ) Then for 1hr14m13s I spoke with Tex (Sonny) Harold Eldon Gilligan (photo of him below) about life

and as well we talked about his talk recently with the lady we brought down the Weavers June 30th, 2013, Penny (in video below) who was our 'joy' when we visited the Yarnell Senior Center back in 2012-2013 - she made everyone feel good ...I think people visited the center just to get a dose of her "feel good" ways- I know Sonny and I did at times.
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We know the pains, Penny. We know so many want to always express the "honor the fallen" by avoiding talking about the real stuff that happened June 28-30th, 2013 yet it does take us all talking about it and healing- and it is hard. Very hard.
These are views Penny and us saw June 30, 2013 when you listen to her video above on June 30, 2013 YHF- (click on image to enlarge it)