Author- Joy A. Collura

Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"
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The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you.
If you just came here with revenge and hate in your mind and heart, then click off to another site-
This blog is for people who want to learn not take the data to gossip and cause harm.
This is the link you will keep coming back to as I will keep loading this section with the City of Prescott Public Records Requests ( PRRs ) and eventually break them into Part One, Two, etc. as they increase in volume size so the posts are kept reasonable in size.
Page one was 99 pages when saving to PDF area so time for new page.

Let me "publish" this so I can link it to page one then come back and carry on here.
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.-Proverbs 12:22 ESV
3:16PM 7-20-20 - I am back from my "pause" from page one at - ( pause - publish - 7/20/20 1:23PM )
and I have an email from City of Prescott, see:

( pause - publish - 7/20/20 3:56PM )
I ate a cup of cooked Young, Arizona grass fed ground beef and slice of bread and later had my thin slice of my birthday Rock Springs blueberry pie with a teaspoon of Tillamook Marionberry pie. (5:20PM had allergic reaction to pie- so no more there. I had it on my B-day a reaction and I thought maybe it was emotions that day but nope- happened again.) Consumed all my PH10 water for this day- gallon. Had my grape seed capsule, Pure DIM detox and chelated molybdenum.

Side note- when doing these Dude Fire Posts I use this Magnabrite to read the Resource Orders and some areas are not legible but great item to own.
Number eight in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-534 (Opened and Closed within 1 hour, 19 minutes):

Number nine in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is #Request #20-532 (Opened and Closed within 2 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes):

Number ten in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-450 (Did you take note "Reopened" shows but no date of origin of date opened just "reopened" and it is still OPEN- 43 days, 22 hours ):

There is a glitch where their "read more" button will not extend the data so I went to my EHD PDF and grabbed the data:

the Result above images: 352 days, 4 hours, 32 minutes they just come back and close it and say "transferred to Arizona State Forestry" and nothing further ??? WTF???

The pie reaction earlier swelled my insides - mouth and throat and hives so at 6:18PM I just drank Vega® Protein & Greens plain as my meal tonight to calm the system. Later I will drink some chia seeds and Aloe Vera and Oxypowder at different times and before I sleep I will take some activated charcoal.
( pause - publish - 7/20/20 7:16PM -
Good night - eye strain so have to get offline to rest)
Number eleven in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-449 (Opened and Closed within 12 days, 5 hours, 22 minutes):

There is a glitch where their "read more" button will not extend the data so I went to my EHD PDF and this record request must of got saved wrong because I did not find it the standard way.
All of us who walk in Truth...thank you for walking according to His is not always easy...Prayers to our friend who is recovering from surgeries in recent times and God is good. It is so important for his healing. He rocks! (Smiles)...
( pause - publish - 7/20/20 9:33PM -
came back and did a little more
Now Good Night )
(Good Morning - 6AM - already had my Amazing Grace Raws drink and today food consumption will shift to just drinking PH10 water and kraut juice, tea, sauerkraut, tea, and artichoke hearts due what happened from the pie- swelling still there and pain too and itchy hives. It is all new redirecting my intake because of this new DNA lab results from May 2020 of what I am sensitive and allergic to...and getting away totally from the foods bad for me. Today I am working half my time on Dude Fire post three to hopefully get it out today or tomorrow and work here.
The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. - Psalm 28:7

Sorry for your loss- Unspoken Prayers.
I watched this today and yesterday:

How Can Humans Coexist with Monster Wildfires? at Zócalo Public Square - I was showing as the first view then it is now 40 views •Jul 17, 2020 10SHARE and I shared it on IM. Fernanda Santos.

People quite often ask me what I thought of Santos-
In the start, I felt she was in this to learn many dimensions to the Yarnell Hill Fire. The Brotherhood. The Fire. The Terminology. The GMHS Loved Ones. The Grief. She made time for everyone. She was one of the few who went the full distance for the YHF/ GMHS on the Weavers but CBS Investigative Reporter Morgan Loew still stands as the only person (and his camera guy Patrick) to go the exact way of the eyewitness hikers Sonny and Joy from June 30, 2013.
If we had a hike with new folks, she was extended the invite. One time, I was waiting on her to arrive (she was late) so I took Jerry Pfingston and Dr Ted Putnam to (neighbor to Helm's / BSR) Yarnell Homeowner, Bruce Brown. The highly emotional moment delayed us back to Sonny's cabin and everyone that was left there later told me Santos blamed me for the day running late and she had places to go. Ok, I thought. She was the one who was late and we only went to Bruce's because she was tardy. Nobody called.
Anyways, she came to my home in Congress, Arizona and examined my surroundings / belongings (inside a closet none -the-less) to measure me and it made it into her book that I was a doll collector and in a sense I am not. I was ill one year in the Hospital and the Staff and my work staff and family and friends did a Barbie Birthday party where everyone dressed like Ken or Barbie for me and I gained over 2,000 dolls from that event. I have given thousands away with our events when Tom and I use to play Mr and Mrs Santa since that moment. Yet, I still had some around in the Garage; closed door shelves. I have my mother's Shirley Temple dolls (in spare room closet). Nothing on display. Yet I am not a "doll collector" like others do- just happened to be given to me. Santos told me her daughter wanted a dog but she just has been so busy to pay it the attention it needs so I gave her my dog named Sonny- (photo below) one of those breathing dogs- and as well since Santos loved going to Navajo areas I gave her daughter my Navajo Barbie (photo below).

After the first year, she came to my home one last time. Santos has a beautiful connection to Mazzella and Eckel and others as it would come into my Google alerts. It is a kind of 'love' story that comes from strong women like those ladies.
When her book came out. She asked me if I would give up mine so she can give my book to Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman. I was confused. That one hike we last did with all the folks Santos told me New York Times got a warning call for an injunction for harassment from Amanda for her Santos and then I actually got that unusual ' injunction for harassment' myself few months later
and now this call about this book to go to Amanda that was meant for me ??? was when I was in the Court of Appeals for my case with Amanda so I thought 'really, Santos? Could you picked another widow name. No. you offered two books for the hikes and times we spent and Sonny and I live in separate areas so two books it will be. Amanda can find your book another way but not the book meant for me. Why would I after all the orchestrations that year?'
Have I heard from her since her book came out? Yes.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019 3:33 PM "Hi, Joy. I'm sorry that it took me so long to write back. I had been traveling when you wrote and then I got buried with work. Thanks for your kind words. We never got a puppy because Mike got a cat. So now we're stuck with a cat. (We love him, though.)
I'm happy to hear about the changes in your life. They seem like good changes. By now, with everything you've learned, I bet you'd make a great fire investigator.
Sending you my best wishes for this new year.
Fernanda." and again 3 months ago. Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:49 PM "Hi, Joy. I'm well, we're all well here, healthy and thankful for our blessings every day. I'm sorry that your family member who's been struggling with Covid. I hope they recover as soon as possible.
Hope you stay healthy and safe.
Fernanda." -- Fernanda Santos Life's short. What are you waiting for?
I find Santos to be a beautiful human being who really loves to learn and is an excellent mentor for all ages and gender. I loved how she spoke about her family and friends in our visits. Her love for her daughter. She really shines. I hope she furthers her education on Fire Weather of the realities if she plans to stay talking about Wildland Fire because that group on that video above could really reach people. Really sound folks. I hope they really get to learn the true data. For me, it is an integrity thing but for others they just do a job...but for integrity, these journalists should gather even more and I know my old college days pal and others feel 'we all have an editor, Joy even the editors.'
I get that. Yet, I am doing the difficult right thing and I guess I expect more from the Media that have the clout and power to help better than what is shown. That is my story and times with Santos. Nice lady just wanting more from these media folks.
After all my research, I can state the Media needs to learn more or they will be labelled by me as "disinformation" officers or they "manage the info. to meet their narrative"...either way it is currently unhealthy and a dangerous way to withhold crucial information from We, the people.
Very few lay on my list as people out there really learning what is going on and that was why I have for years ceased and desisted any journalist, reporter, author or etc from using my materials like I told the History Channel- include the last 18 minutes of the YHF and I will do their show. Let me find that email and put that here.

( pause - publish - 7/21/20 10:00AM )
Number twelve in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-441 (Open 47 days, 8 hours, 4 minutes):

There is a glitch where their "read more" button will not extend the data so I went to my EHD PDF and this record request must of got saved wrong because I did not find it the standard way.
Number thirteen in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-437 ( Open and Closed Within 43 days, 7 hours, 35 minutes ):

There is a glitch where their "read more" button will not extend the data so I went to my EHD PDF and this record request must of got saved wrong because I did not find it the standard way.
I guess if you need to see the "Read More" - place a PRR in - letting City of Prescott know the "read more" button will not extend the data and you would like to see the PRR of mine. I only have one tiny EHD and if it is on there, I share it...if not on there you see "There is a glitch where their "read more" button will not extend the data so I went to my EHD PDF and this record request must of got saved wrong because I did not find it the standard way."
Number fourteen in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-433 ( Open and Closed Within 1 hour, 34 minutes- just notifying I received the PRR, not a PRR ):

Number fifteen in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-432 ( Open and Closed Within 2 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes ):

Number sixteen in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-431 ( Open and Closed Within 2 hours, 47 minutes):

In the past few months I was getting redundant from COP - three times in a few weeks saying they were working on the PRRs and I wanted to report that as abuse because that comes in my inbox as a couple hundred emails and they would be mixed in with release of records or records closed. It was frustrating. They never told me who is in charge. It went unnoticed.
Number seventeen in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-428 ( Open and Closed Within 16 hours, 39 minutes):

( pause - publish - 7/21/20 2:00PM - snacked on some Cashews and the rest of my PH10 water)
( pause - publish - 7/21/20 3:33PM - logging off- I am not feeling well but I did work since 5:45AM- Good Night. Pick it back up tomorrow.)
I am back 7/22/20 7:22AM (still dealing with the aftermath of that reaction- not yet well) and I have to get Dude Fire Post 3 out today so let me post a few items here then go do that.
I found others saying 'Joy, your blog was not on that video comment wall' so I ran a look at was just any https that did not show up; see:

Please watch the video in its entirety. Then go and Like or Dislike the video so we can see where you all sit on what the Media folks are saying out there on these topics-
Again, please click that Like or Dislike button for me. I need to know where you all are at on this. Thank you, and as well do the same in the comment wall if you Like or Dislike them. It means something to me. No ego. Just want to see where people are at on this topic.
I did visit with the elk a few times - lay down on the ground with them - the past 15 hours as too many came down from the mountains and surrounded the property just to see me and I was awoken to their whistle / chirp / bugle calls to me appx 6:30PM. I did get to consume 4 Kettle chips yesterday afternoon which irritated me internally- live and learn - I knew better just craved the salt after all that raw organic sauerkraut consumption. I did detox and rest and sleep a lot. Now back at it. See my buddy from 2019 newly born that Spring- his velvets are now a nice rack :) and now his son was with him.

it is 8:25AM 7/22/20 - let me go on another PC and do that Dude Fire Post 3 now...
Be back later here.
Due to thunder 2:15PM here- I will not be on this post until tomorrow. I am on post one of the descending orders adding Pat McCarty area and I released Dude Fire post three today.
So we were able to do part one of this post yesterday with Pat McCarty added in, the Dude Fire post 3 and 4 and today working on post 5 and here. I have been very ill the past few days- projectile vomiting; no temps. I am using today after I ate one of my egg on a slice of spelt bread and been sick since and hard to breathe so tea time or me.
A friend of mine sent me this when out of respect to my mother I wear my mask in public areas, they had this to say back on the topic in general- this person ( physician- now a NMD) tells me this today:
' A person wearing a mask is breathing in his own germs all day long. He breathes them out, as he should, but then he breathes them back in.
It seems evident that this unnatural process would increase the number and variety of germs circulating and replicating in his body; even creating active infection.
Along with this, a decrease in oxygen intake, which occurs when a mask is worn, would allow certain germs to multiply in the body---germs which would otherwise be routinely wiped out or diminished in the presence of an oxygen-rich environment.
Does a positive response (COVID 19) for the antibodies mean that person is actively infected, or that they have been infected in the past? The tests need to be accurate, and avoid both false positives and false negatives. That's the challenge'.
How can we avoid looking at the financial incentives?
It turns out that the states are receiving federal money for EVERY COVID case.
The reference here is Becker's CFO Hospital Report, April 14, 2020, "State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case":
"HHS recently began distributing the first $30 billion of emergency funding designated for hospitals in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act..."
"Below is a breakdown of how much funding per COVID-19 case each state will receive from the first $30 billion in aid. Kaiser Health News used a state breakdown provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with COVID-19 cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis."
$158,000 per COVID-19 case
ALL the so-called containment measures---masks, quarantine, isolation, distancing, lockdowns, economic destruction---bring on fear, stress, loneliness...lowering immune-system function...leading to more infections...which means more germs replicating in the body...which means more false-positive COVID diagnostic tests...and more human destruction...and more $$$ for the states.
I am going to work on this post here (12:23PM) until lunch time in a couple hours than log out due to weather- getting prepped for that history folks to stop by and interview us too.
Number eighteen in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-427 ( Open and Closed Within 15 hours- why?):

Please I ask those people who pray feverishly as I am a strong believer that when there is two or three who gather- I have the faith for Healing- I really need prayers to answer my prayers- in Jesus name - in your Stripes - we need this in Jesus name, Amen.
This prayer was for health yet I want to extend it right now to these PRRs- if there is any Christian people out there who can help me make sense of why I ask for a legit request above and within 15 hours they close the PRR- I have too many that I am about to post like such-
Something is not adding up. Either they want me to sue them ( the Arizona State Ombudsman has not been very helpful during this COVID 19 Phase) and I really want to refrain from that platform unless someone can walk me through how to build such into where it makes sense because I am so over-extended in so many directions that I really can only place the data here.
If you want to help me "pray" for the truth to surface versus courtroom crap especially during this COVID 19 phase...I would appreciate to avoid that route. If I am not stating it right in my PRRs then I own it just let me know.
Pray for people like Scott Hunt, Larry Terra, Dave LaTour, Pat Velasco, Ed Hollenshead, Walt Shaw, Pat McCarty, and Jeff Whitney too because I really placed them to the front in recent times and I know it has to be difficult. I am trying to get "complete lessons learned" out to the front.
Maybe in that we can have Wildland Fire and Wildland Prescribed Burn books be made with old style vintage look -leather bound for generations after generations one can be proud to own.
A book that to obtain it retains its value in cost and content and never becomes part of Abebooks discount areas. A real tool for the firefighters.
Not a book I will ever make but someone who has had decades and worked hard in the Wildland system can make with my permission to use the materials here to do that. MacLean lost his position and such right when I went to visit him in person in Washington and he spoke to me as he did. He lost his right to any of my material here and his research team.
Number nineteen in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-426 ( Open and Closed Within 15 hours, 41 minutes- why?):

Number twenty in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-425 ( Open and Closed Within 15 hours, 52 minutes):

I have not been offered an email to communicate so that is why some PRRs are just "situational awareness" type like the above I wanted the tracking number to some GMHS records because they had not arrived yet-
Number twenty one in descending order of the City of Prescott Next Request System is Request #20-422 ( Open and Closed Within 1 hour, 12 minutes):

I will come back and add the READ MORE area above tomorrow except I need to let COP know now I received 19-438, 20-036-, 20-038, 20-86 and I want to spend the time skimming it before the storm arrives so Good Day and Good Night.
( - spent a few minutes watching this- in our family we have many artists and I like to take the moment for folks who can "speedpaint" like this...not easy to brother does Commercial Architect stuff. My mom attended the School of Arts in New York when she was in high school. Art is just a part of our family's history. That was my "side track" for today)
( pause - publish - 7/23/20 2:37PM- I am logging off for the day due to thunderstorm moving in again like yesterday- this morning the electric went out for a good while. )
Aunt Ann - Happy Birthday to a very beautiful Aunt and woman- The best of the inspiration.

FOR THE PUBLIC AT LARGE- Opening my PRRs with you all right here...
I am very sorry but the storm passed thru and I am skimming and I did appeal #20-86:

PRR 19-438 opening the request "live" with you until I am unable due to storm:

I did not see the actual email for this above 2 images - PRR 19-438 - the very first folder labelled: 0001_Sender_Markel,Laura FirstRecipient_Burkeen - Subject_BIRTHDAYS - 06-23-2014 when you click that folder it shows no email but this image002.gif.
When I searched the Laura Markel in other entities and PRRs- I did find the "missing" email that was to be with this PRR 19-438 but I think it may have been redacted due to this part of the email for this PRR 19-438. I will show you snippets yet there is nothing in there worth showing the world when it has stuff like this in there:

Next in PRR 19-438 is Holly Snider Henderson Neill's Questions and issues that should be raised with Todd Abel and B33/ASM2 and there was no email:

AWAITING THE ACTUAL EMAIL TO ABOVE- MISSING - 0017_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Doug Harwood - Subject_questions - 09-25-2014
When I searched the "0017_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Doug Harwood - Subject_questions - 09-25-2014" in another entities and or PRRs- I did find the "missing" email that was to be with this PRR 19-438 and I have no clue why the COP did not have it in the PRR 19-438 but here it is:

.xlsx.dat unable to OPEN this so if anyone knows how to open this- let me know.

When I searched the "0021_Sender_Nicholas" in other entities and or PRRs- I did find the "missing" email that was to be with this PRR 19-438 and I have no clue why the COP did not have it in the PRR 19-438 but here it is:

Put my trust in the Lord...

I am going to SKIP A BUNCH then go back to the start because my contributing author found GPS UNITS and emails to support the Sesame to Shrine Burnout Operations-
1) Item 502- T. Carter - Garmin GPS Unit
2) Item 505 - A. Ashcraft - GPS Unit
3) Item 508- plastic bag marked "21 i-phone" - GPS Unit
4) Item 513- E. Marsh - Garmin GPS Unit
5) Item 521 - T. Turbyfill - GPS Unit
6) Item 523 - W. Warnecke - GPS Unit
7) Item 524- J. Steed - GPS Unit
***Item 525- D. Parker - (gps clasp only)
These above GPS Units are found in this PRR 19-438 File
This will help the families out to know who can contact Garmin to see if they still have the log for June 30, 2013. You are welcome. I wish the Officials did this for you.
When I searched the "0831_Sender_Deborah" in other entities and or PRRs- I did find the "missing" email that was to be with this PRR 19-438 and I have no clue why the COP did not have it in the PRR 19-438 but here it is...before I do that I am sorry to any GMHS loved one if these ladies did not share on these email and information to you and sorry if you are learning for the first time here but here it is:

When I searched the "0839_Sender_Deborah" in other entities and or PRRs- I did find the "missing" email that was to be with this PRR 19-438 and I have no clue why the COP did not have it in the PRR 19-438 but here it is...before I do that I am sorry to any GMHS loved one if these ladies did not share on these email and information to you and sorry if you are learning for the first time here but here it is- I will tell you the full name behind the scenes the area I redacted and that may be the reasons it was missing in this PRR:

(Pause- Publish -Good night. Storm about to arrive and my eyes are boggly...7:13PM 7/23/20)

What I posted on Facebook and IM:
I want to apologize for placing the information out before contacting the people I know to the Granite Mountain Hotshots. I was keeping my intake with calm herbals and when I took a very potent Lymph Drain concoction - I really had a tough time with it ( the whole vomiting and can't breathe and etc )
I did finally reach the people I know tied to the men. Anyone else tied to them that I did not know, my apologies too.
2020 was always prepped to all that after the schooling and conferences I would sit down and finally release all I asked for. I know some will be sad by me doing this.
I want to walk you all through why emails are being released tied to a GMHS loved ones and others.
Almost five years ago 12 of the 19 settled on a lawsuit. My hope that areas would be brought out in the legal system was crushed. I knew already then too much that I thought if it could just make it to the court setting, it will all come out. I did not want to be that first one to SPEAK UP yet unfortunately it looks like that is what is happening.
I knew it was going to be a tough ride. I knew it because I was up against a billion dollar industry and I just learned that the families of 12 of the 19 Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew members settled for $50,000 each, according to a copy of the settlement agreement - one day before the second anniversary of the deaths. I thought no way did TWELVE families just do that. I had enough with cleaning peoples properties, digging lines, and being there for locals that I was floored
when I heard from one GMHS loved one they expected me to come to them. I was like ??? HOW...I just labored hard hours, went to the community meetings trying to be the informal spokesperson to our townspeople, did the flyers, tried my best to stay strong as I kept going to funeral after funeral. They lost 19, I lost over one third of my community. I was the sponge as the Yarnell Hill eyewitness not just to Yarnell Fire anymore but most all Fire Fatalities, Near misses and so on.
"My final comments are for my son, Andrew. I promise to find the truth, and I will continue that path," said Deborah Pfingston, mother of fallen firefighter Andrew Ashcraft. "I promise to live life until I see you again even though there are days I wake up and I have to fight to breath." (
I know that fight to breath part. It has taken its toll on my health. My family and friends have been aces through this all even when one family internally has been so bad to me with their spreading of ill gossip. They still to this day hold on to that I am a bad person for their dad and I am in this to take advantage of him. ???
How does that make sense especially when some have not even met me in this circle and the one who is the core to it is basing it on a few moments of strong disagreements. People really do not understand that in one day I saw $8,000 worth of Public Records were burned unintentionally and that stung. That person felt bad yet it stung nonetheless. These people really do not comprehend the stuff happening so they lay out their acting like they are doing right when in reality they are being harmful in their actions. Creating even false 'paper trails' which is a Class D felony.
Please as I start to share these emails keep in mind even though they settled in some lawsuit these loved ones wanted answers still. I hope by me revealing what they have searched for you can fill in the pieces for them.
I remember my knees collapsing and me weeping with depth the day this came on tv:
“We have reached a final settlement regarding the litigation involving the Yarnell fire,” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said at the outset of a press conference.
then the killer was when Patrick McGroder stated there was going to be a “legacy of transparency and change.”
But then what happened to BJ a few weeks ago. If that small ass fire that did not deserve to be labelled a Type 1 pretty much in the Mesa in back country then having Todd Abel spew his "big box" potential and then they start staging eight miles away from the head of the fire and .4 miles from
Transparency? Change? Really, McGroder?
Since Pfingston was part of the unusual 'dramatics' of the bogus injunction for harassment made by Marsh - I had to think how can I bridge or help and so I pulled the records to start "fact check and verify" her and Harwood's podcast content. The only way I could do that because I did reach out to her and she never replied May 2018 was to pull the records and if I am pulling them it is not just for me but for the Public at Large because I too need the World's help in this. I cannot any longer carry the burdens on my shoulder alone.
I have in the past year added a few external people in hopes they would be able to carry those burdens with me. They have helped so much. Thank you.
Now if you want to tell your first hand YHF story so it is forever out there-
please reach me so we can do just that.
or the Dude Fire.
Please do that.
I have to keep releasing records today so we are all in this together.
Yes, some will not like this and some will say "finally" I know a little more because no one shares to me and I deserve to know this about my kid.
As I am doing this action all I have on my mind is Dave Larsen and Pete Masiel (RiP) as I do it.
Carrying this torch for those truth tellers.
Proverbs 12:17-19
International Standard Version
17 The truth teller speaks what is right,
but the false witness speaks what is[a] deceitful.
18 Some speak rashly like the cutting of a sword,
but what the wise say promotes healing.
19 A truthful saying[b] is trusted forever,
but the liar[c] only for a moment.
(Pause- Publish -7:11AM)
Recap last night for the food diary and beverage intake...after hours of vomiting and the calm happened I did eat San Diego swordfish and fresh broccoli last night. I rested appx 10PM until 5AM. My head awoke in a fog- took some Goodys powder for the pains. I wrote YCSO and posted on IM and Facebook and I will stay on this page for a bit but also working to post Dude Fire Post 5 in a day or so.
The Lymph drain product is working but it was one hell of a detox.
(Pause- Publish -8:00AM to 8:40AM- all that time vomiting- horrible I feel but let me keep adding records and we are about done with post 5 of the Dude Fire posts)
What I did above was add the missing emails.
(Pause- Publish -9:11AM)
The next item in the request is missing the email from this PRR so I do have it so let me find it but in it I want you to "remember" this as we go further and read this email because in it - it states "Please see the attached letter from Chief Light regarding an upcoming discussion regarding the establishment of a Wildfire GMIHC Learning and Tribute Center." email is by Jaimie Sventek Business Manager Prescott Fire Department. I think it is important for me to take the time out now to find the other PRR so they are all right here. here is 0028_ :

Here is the actual email:

Either way you view this- I have "red flags" because is the lady in charge of my City of Prescott Public Records "Michelle Shaw" tied to this lawyer in this PRR or the Dude Fire person who allegedly destroyed records, Walt Shaw and am I giving a truly unbiased look when these folks review my PRRs- I am on the fence there because it has been true 'tug of war'---

and as I show more records- see, even Jaime (below image) lays on Social Media on a person I ask records for and it kept being closed on Troy. ???

Since it is closed it would not allow me to expand so here is the original PRR:

The article images below have been embedded with a watermark as a way to trace, because it is important to watch where these get saved or re-used. Please remember that you must have written approval before saving the images from this post.
After reading Prescott Fire Dept. (PFD) Harwood's documents / emails (above), I have to digress.
I have a photo of the Harper Canyon fire behavior to show that it revealed no 43 mph winds at 4:40 PM June 30, 2013.
See Norton Way area of Yarnell with Harper Canyon in the background (below):

Now look across the way at the June 30, 2013, 4:49 PM fire behavior (two photos below), from what is currently the Dollar General Store on Highway 89 - these were those views:

Now entering the Glen Ilah Subdivision near the Assembly of God church on June 30, 2013, 4:51 PM- these were those views (below):

(Pause- Publish -10:30AM)

(Pause- Publish -11:08AM)
I received a receipt that YCSO opened my email:

I have to go to a new post...I want to keep all posts under 100 pages when turned into a PDF