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  • Fred J Schoeffler

Honoring the GMHS - 6/30/21 with U.S. Senate Res. 270 yet still working the Backbone Fire - Ethical?

Author: Fred J. Schoeffler

This preferred Title replaces the Wix website size constraints version above - Is it ethical for a Type 1 IMT to publicly honor the GMHS on June 30, 2021, with a public reading of U.S. Senate Resolution 270, while celebrating the grand re-opening of the privately-owned Eric Marsh Foundation (EMF) headquarters in Prescott, AZ while also still assigned to and concurrently working for the Backbone Fire?


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On this 8th anniversary of the loss of Granite Mountain Hotshots, this is an incredible honor for their families, friends, and loved ones.

Figure 1. Video Screenshot of Eric Marsh Foundation (EMF) video on June 30, 2021 at 3:14 PM. SW #1, IC Alan Sinclair and OPS Raplh Lucas reading aloud US Senate Resolution 270 Honoring the GMHS. Source: EMF


21 For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man. 2 Corinthians 8:21 (NIV)


Senate Resolution 270, sponsored by Senator Mark Kelly and Senator Krysten Sinema, honors the lives and legacy of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew. Unanimously voted on and signed during the 117th Congress. The resolution was read aloud by Southwest Area Incident Management Team 1, Incident Commander Alan Sinclair and Operations Section Chief Ralph Lucas during the grand re-opening of the Eric Marsh Foundation (EMF) headquarters in Prescott, AZ.

Figure 2. June 30, 2021, 2:13 PM Eric Marsh Foundation (EMF) video of Southwestern IMT #1 Incident Commander (IC) Alan Sinclair and OPS Ralph Lucas reading AZ Senate Resolution 270. Source: Video Credit: Mike Thompson and EMF

Consider now the official SWA IMT #1 IC Sinclair document stating that "Today [June 30, 2021] is the last day on the Backbone Fire ..." Yet they are clearly not on the Backbone Fire during any of this reading.

Figure 3. June 30, 2021, Final Backbone Fire Update Southwestern IMT #1 Incident Commander (IC) Alan Sinclair and OPS Ralph Lucas reading AZ Senate Resolution 270. Source: EMF

"SOUTHWEST AREA INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM #1 Alan Sinclair – Incident Commander. Final Backbone Fire Morning Update June 30, 2021"

Acres: 40,855 acres

Percent Containment: 76%

Start Date: June 16, 2021

Cause: Lightning

Origin Location: Approximately 12 miles west of Pine and Strawberry, AZ

Fuels: Pinyon Juniper, Chaparral, Brush, Grass, Cactus

Personnel Assigned: 319

Final update

"Today [June 30, 2021] is the last day on the Backbone Fire for Southwest Area Incident Command Team #1. On Thursday [July 1, 2021] morning, management of the fire will be turned back to the local units, a smaller organization that will continue with suppression repair work." (all emphasis added)

Consider now the fact that these Federally-funded IMT WFs working as a SWA Type 1 IMT yet are performing entirely personal duties regarding this U/S. Senate Resolution 270 thing. Is that even legal? It certainly has the appearance of malfeasance and it is at a minimum unethical.


15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)


The Project 10 & 18 United LLC (P10&18U LLC), Project 10 & 18 International (P10&18 Intl), and the Yarnell Hill Fire Revelations (YHFR) website honors the memory of the fallen Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew Firefighters (FFs) along with the recent United States 117th Congress Senate Resolution 270 ( ). Some literary license is reserved, Whereas the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (GMIHC or GMHS) was organized within the Prescott, Arizona, Fire Department (PFD); Whereas the GMHS was originally formed in 2002 as a Fuels Mitigation Crew (Crew 7), and later transitioned to a nationally-recognized Hot Shot Crew in 2008, with their first "official" IHC fire season in 2009.

They are often incorrectly referred to as the first municipal Hot Shot Crew in the United States because there were numerous established municipal IHCs in California. It is more accurate to state that the GMHS was the first municipal Arizona Hot Shot Crew. In late 2009, the Ironwood HS from the Northwest Fire District near Tucson, received their official letter of certification from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), and started 2010 as fully certified; Whereas, on June 28, 2013, lightning ignited the Yarnell Hill (YH) Fire on a ridge west of the community of Yarnell, Arizona; Whereas, on June 30, 2013, 19 GMHS FFs had their lives taken from them battling the YH Fire in Yavapai County, Arizona

The YH Fire was declared the sixth deadliest firefighter tragedy in the history of the United States; and (3) the greatest loss of life for fire services in the United States since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; Whereas, on July 9, 2013, thousands of people attended a memorial service held in Prescott Valley, Arizona, including more than 100 Hot Shot Crews from across the United States; and Whereas the memory of each fallen firefighter is honored and recognized at the GMHS Memorial State Park, which was dedicated in 2016: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the YHFR website (yarnell hill fire revelations dot com ) (1) honors the memory of the fallen FFs of the PFD GMHS; (2) extends its deepest condolences and sympathy to the surviving families, friends, and loved ones of the 19 firefighters lost in the line of duty, especially the children of these men; (3) commends and recognizes the valor and loss of these fallen wildland firefighters in the service of their communities, and (4) with all due respect, diligently exposes the truth (and lies) surrounding the YH Fire and the GMHS tragedy, especially the conclusions, findings, and recommendations of the alleged Serious Accident Investigation Team (SAIT) and their Report (SAIR). This is held by many, if not most, of the GMHS families, friends, and loved ones. The P10&18U LLC, P10&18I, and the YHFR group are courageously Christian and base the website on Biblical values; some are listed below.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is true. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (KJV)

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Luke 8:17 (KJV)


Figure 4. (upper left) US Senate resolution 270. Page 1 of 3.

Figure 4a.(upper right) US Senate resolution 270. Page 2 of 3

Figure 4b. (lower left) US Senate resolution 270. Page 3 of 3 Source: US Govt Printing Office

25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. Ephesians 4L25 (NIV)


Consider now the answer to the question posted in the title: "Honoring the GMHS - 6/30/21 with U.S. Senate Res. 270 yet still working the Backbone Fire - Ethical?"

Consider now the fact that these Federally-funded IMT WFs working as a SWA Type 1 IMT, however, they are performing entirely personal duties regarding this U.S. Senate Resolution 270 thing. All the while knowingly and intentionally "read aloud by Southwest Area Incident Management Team 1, Incident Commander Alan Sinclair and Operations Section Chief Ralph Lucas during the grand re-opening of the Eric Marsh Foundation headquarters in Prescott, AZ. " (emphasis added)

Taken from their "June 30, 2021, Final Backbone Fire Update Today [June 30, 2021] is the last day on the Backbone Fire ..." official memo on their SWA IMT 31 letterhead. (Figure 3) Yet they are clearly not on the Backbone Fire during any of this reading.

Instead, they are performing their Senate Resolution 270 reading "During the grand re-opening of the Eric Marsh Foundation headquarters in Prescott, AZ." (emphasis added) Prescott, AZ is at least 50 miles from the Backbone Fire in Camp Verde. Is that even legal?

It certainly has the appearance of malfeasance, possibly fiscal violations, definite conflict of interest, and it is at a minimum unethical.

Updates: answered the question posted in the title - July 5, 2021 (7:15 PM) ADDED This preferred Title replaces the Wix website size constraints version: Is it ethical for a Type 1 IMT to publicly honor the GMHS on June 30, 2021, with a public reading of U.S. Senate Resolution 270, while celebrating the grand re-opening of the privately-owned Eric Marsh Foundation (EMF) headquarters in Prescott, AZ while also still assigned to and concurrently working for the Backbone Fire? November 29, 2021 (4:25 PM)


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