FBI, are YCSO entity; truly, after I sent you the raw footage, doing right by us civilians and the pedestrian, Donna Gordon?
Are they even following their own
"Mission Statement/Values/etc..."?
I know I am placing this all public based on that community knocking / pleading at my door recently.
I never sought this out or asked for this,
yet I am known to be bold with documented facts
and I am known to protect the Communities when it comes to doing the difficult right thing.
As you see here: DONNA GORDON - Arizona Department of Public Safety - Public Records Request Completed. (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
I almost refrained from doing the public posts
based on it brought back up too many memories of when I was a kid/teen watching the lies and omissions of agency(ies) and even from my own honest father's lips to keep his job to take care of me...
that was in my humble opinion a causal factor in destroying my own father as he was employed by the law enforcement and got awards when the agency protected him, or he protected the agency which basically was "covering up" for another.
Boy, how many times did I have to shine his shoes-- ???
One of the times my father got an award:
Nobody clapped / applauded - but much back-channel snickering and smirks, I witnessed.
It was as if people knew if you were on stage receiving an award- the agency most likely did wrong, or you did. That is how I saw it. Actually, that was how one of my father's leaders told me.
I even had an officer [associate of my father-fellow co-worker; a leader to my father] tell me how the system works, and I was too young to comprehend the words, but I do now understand.
However, I want the FBI to note this:
My father loyally followed in step for the agencies he worked for as I shined his shoes staying quiet myself as well loyally,
but watching a life being destroyed physically, mentally and spiritually can trinkle on for generations to come.
I break such by "speaking up" and "speaking out" publicly.
S[__], as much as I give WFF a hard time on the slurry drop bs ... I can probably endorse they are right now helping so many WFs with this here topic...so if you are reading this, I know they help firefighters, yet I would encourage their platform to broaden for all first responders...
My Daddy mattered. (RiP)
We all matter.
I can share to you all I was uninterested when people came to me as I was focused to Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 this Summer 2023
and getting those YHF13' documents to the front.
I even told Yarnell Fire Chief 7-14-23 in an email thread how I was uninterested, but others kept coming to me.
Once I saw the final footage that I was privy to watching much sooner
but because ______ is tied to ________ in more than one business ventures, I awaited the videos Arizona Department of Public Safety; 321 days later from requesting it- I watched it fully.
I kept the sensitivities of the matter away, so they were never the origin of giving it to me even though I was offered to watch it long ago.
I never even requested the surveillance footage from YCSO because I saw how they did my records for Yarnell Fire 2013-
I am left pondering will the FBI even help a common civilian when you see the leaders of YCSO graduated from the FBI Academy?
Only God will provide that in His time...
Here are the Mission Statement as of 8-2-23:
Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office is committed to the prevention of crime; the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order, and safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances; and the safeguarding of constitutional guarantees.
We are dedicated to enhancing public safety and reducing the fear and the incidence of crime. With customer service as our foundation, we will work in partnership with the people in our communities and do our best, within the law, to solve community problems that effect public safety. We value the great diversity of people in our communities and serve all equally.
Does that Mission / Values apply to your own YCSO staff?
I feel this needs to be (re)evaluated in regard to pedestrian, Donna Gordon.
We have been given the honor and privilege of enforcing the law. We must always exercise integrity in the use of the power and authority that has been given to us by the people. Our personal and professional behavior should be a model for all to follow. We will obey and support the letter and spirit of the law.
Did you enforce the law on Donna Gordon's incident?
Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office is committed to the principles of servant leadership in law enforcement. We believe that each individual needs to be a leader in his or her area of responsibility. Making sure that our values become part of our day-to-day work life is our mandate. We must each work to ensure that our employees and our communities have the highest respect for the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office.
Integrity is our standard. We are proud of our profession and will conduct ourselves in a manner that merits the respect of all people. We will demonstrate honest, ethical behavior in all our interactions. We must have the courage to stand up for our beliefs and do what is right. Our actions will instill public trust and a sense and feeling of protection and safety of each individual person of Yavapai County.
I question after looking at the raw footage and the AZDPS body cams if "integrity" is the standard...I question and challenge it not just for YCSO but for the AZDPS and Media.