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October 25, 2023- November 2023


October 25, 2023: We have been watching Billy the Kid episodes two episodes a day this past week. Groceries today included a Pumpkin Pie for Saturday's ladies group. Look forward to seeing RR this week.

FJS legal area is still in processing this area so they submitted the fees for the names again.


Going through June 23-30, 2023, Arizona Archive Library photos:


.65 miles from BSR:



RiP (15')

.5 miles from BSR:


.03 miles from BSR and this person should be one of the highest paid of many in my humble opinion even to this day --- knowing what I possibly "know and own" ...

instead, they only asked for $789,000 from the entities...I believe and have Faith that many could possibly have a legal standing if we had the right folks who was assisting all this- all this time.

we can use the images to look at the trees near BSR:


RiP 17'.

.91 miles away from BSR but right near Sesame to Shrine Corridor areas:


.21 miles away from BSR:

looking at this next image, I would be interested in what they knew back channel about the fire:


appx a mile from BSR:

more than 40 acres by the way and their view is the GMHS Memorial Trail- that seems weird to me that they allowed that trail to begin near this person's area ???


it would take a buyer who wants the Memorial Trail as their property view - with appx $2400 taxes for vacant land. It would take being willing to pay a high dollar to buy 45.6 acres.

(RiP 19')


8.88 acres:

.49 miles from BSR / .09 mile from where in a lawsuit claim they stated firefighters lit on their land which was appx .09 miles away. ... and this person should be one of the highest paid of many in my humble opinion even to this day --- knowing what I possibly "know and own" ...

5:42pm: watching me walk...


(RiP-2021) multiple lands which one was close to BSR... appx .10 miles away.


October 26: So many policies out there in the world...

How about a policy of speaking and acting in truth only ??? Right. ??? I think that should be an oath to one another we should have in place ...

October 27:

John and I went on the trail with Mae first to number 11, these bushes affected immediately my throat--- have a Dude voice

met Jake B., Scottie B., Errol E., Mary C. cancelled [Halloween Adventure], Sonny Gilligan, Fred J Schoeffler--- went to land ---

Errol and Jake:


roof time:


now time to get up there...

Errol and Jake:

Sonny and I did not see SDB/PS...but SB/EE/JB did and Fred did not...the land needs immediate attention in my humble opinion.

October 28: cut more hair off

really feeling ugh in the throat area...

saw RR :) - went to ladies group---first time back since early June 2023...

Love Birds:

just chilling at TG

we have to say goodbye to Seran Honee Heart C. and Jake B. --- they were in area for appx one year and now they are about to go on a new adventure:

October 29: Painful Sore Throat

left ear drum:

right ear drum:

we were able to update our areas ---

October 30: My throat from tonsils to front base neck - very painful - no vocals today - just up by 5am and getting some drafts into posts publish mode today since I am run down ill---

I am debating if I should go back to my daily journal or seasonal. I did dream about a person who recently got into action on social media, and I wish I could share --- all it told me was some that know you, know me...that I did find interesting. /// ??? rest day. [JPkd- good visiting and catching up]

last weekend group hike feedback:

thanks...blessings and clarity are always good. hikes this week is a day-to-day thing...a must in warmer temps. due to throat/ears.

2:03pm: did get some Wildland Fire learning and study time in...

I feel like getting better :) no really, I feel rough:

I cut more hair off last night...hubby asked how is this head hair is heavy..I am tired of being under the weather...give me a break and give me some good healthy ones...

also sick of the cpap machine changing the appearance of my nose...wth...

right ear drum:

throat 10-30-23

old hiking pal Jerry S. emailed us:

October 31: 8am: right ear:

left ear:

The only ghost around here is the Holy Spirit :)

[Joshua 24:15]

my treat this year for ya is print this coloring page up:

funny that my name sits next to folks who have been downright ugly my way on the CC email list:

YEAH --- I won the Monster Energy contest :)

left ear:

right ear: is that a parasite or dried up something to the right bottom:

October 31st is just me walking

--- trying to get the fluid retention down. right ear inflamed:

trap the leakage to protect sheets/clothes but also to see hue of leakage fluid:

cut more hair off --- made appt with Johnny G since Johnny C cut it all to the nape area:

November 1 -

Site will have a phone number soon. We have been directing everyone to FJS. Soon it will have its own line to text or call. This number is contracted out for 365 days. It is not a landline. I will place it on front page when it is activated. 10:28am: 12m32sec call to RR on plastic water bottles and "trash" in general.

RT-130A Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training

3/9/24, 7:15 AM - 3/9/24, 5:00 PM

RT-130B Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training 3/14/24, 7:15 AM - 3/14/24, 5:00 PM-

I will be taking a Leadership Class and Jeff Clark's class :) "Talk to Me" March 2024.

today is a sleep day--- feel yuk---turpentine and me clash...

my throat is having difficulty to swallow ... hurts

left tonsil:

left ear:

right ear:

November 2 this video came into my alerts and they removed my comments--- and zero comments went against YouTube should be a red flag folks:

it is a channel that is monetarized and to speak on the deaths of two fires--- please refrain from wasting your time to watch because views means monetarized for them ??? I give all I do for free.

United States Forest Service deleting my comments ???? why??? ---hmmmm---let us look and google my name on YouTube where I am shadow banned, folks, also search GMHS, Yarnell Hill Fire and see current scoring for searches on YHF13' topic...ok USFS:

mine is 72:

GMHS is 53:

, Yarnell Hill Fire is 55:

the sole survivor got a 51:

Forest Service- 42:

and the others are not shadow banned and they are not having something messing with their blog/site like mine is, so it is not easy to find or read the blog for others due to something creating those bans for me...and yet I still stand higher in rank with all those limitations set towards me....hmmm...right...think about that USFS...I am not a paid entity or monetarizing online would all that has done all the harm and hurt- how would they feel if the tables turned and they were under the radar of a higher authority like I have seen...I am a warrior and I refuse to allow those others to stop me from getting the truth out to the Public at Large.

added two courses:

Day One of the Dill Diuretic Diet to rid of the excess fluids --- let's get my vocals stronger and this is the way I know works:

should wipe my camera after having tape over it--- oh well---maybe it is good I look fuzzy

No popcorn? No candy ...ahhh.... hee hee

how will I survive ?? ?? ??--- no beef jerky? no wings? hee hee.

it was professionally just I went from LOW to medium risk and all I did was place a comment that was removed off this YouTube video: ???

thank God for screen shots---this is what they deleted folks:

since 2018:

let me win...right...come on...

check your ego at the door...I won fair and square...

12:35pm- ate me a mint Klondike bar

I own my flaws but now I have to go walk more after eatign that Klondike logging off pc to burn off those calories...was it worth it? Yes and doesn't bring me to my higher good of my best me and best journey to better health, but it felt good on my raw throat ;)

November 3

I should be on the trails but I am suffering from the turpentine bushes ....I keep seeing my normal numbers 1,2,3s ..33...333....11 11...10 10, etc but lately it has been awakening from a dream at 212am when I was awoken at 1:11am from hard time breathing with a breathing machine ???

I have to safely get this access fluid off but with the hole in my foot currently hurts to walk on it plus my lungs with the weeds.

one of those wee early morning ads that pop on PC:

I just bought it on Amazon. I am no doctor nor claim to be and my health disclaimer is never take my advice, ask your doctor ...this is just my personal journal what I am doing because I am tired of my many infections this year...just adding here to share to my family. I don't do social media and this is where my family comes to "check in" when life gets too busy---

I already use this and I support this product since 2018:

I find this concerning as the eyewitness and as much as I own that there are thoughts like this from firefighters that are saying it was a mass suicide--- in my humble opinion, that would be a false assessment. True about the Command Team and No Safety Officer and where was Division Zulu, Rance Marquez? We had some rookies on the Crew.

I question the validity of some of the leaders on YHF13' on ethics and morals and speaking up if they know more because I know they know more- people they spoke with told me they told them stuff. As it should be looked into deeper, I almost died but 19 did. There are still ways...

back of throat:

feel yuck but forcing myself to do calisthenics and walk today and doing my

grapefruit, ginger, garlic, onion, dill water regimen (day two)/ oxy powder) and let's pray no Klondikes today---hubby is not a good helper there; he always enjoys us eating the sweets---my head hurts and bodily prickly heat rash and draining in left ankle, left fever...low BP...