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  • Writer's pictureJOY A COLLURA

"Love" ... "Truth" ... I will never comfort you with "lies & omissions", at any age.

Recent Social Media Plea to have us suppress our freedom of speech ... the name below who wrote something

9 months ago is being the origin of this week's motion for the public plea to watch what we type on GMHS, yet I stand firm in support of the comment from:

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That is an unoffensive comment and can be backed up with documentation not just on YHF13' but other fires too.

If it offends one, refrain from going there.

To use that comment as the public plea on Social Media...quite sad.

Versus ones that say downright "misinformation" - twisted topics--- that I could comprehend, but not this.

Maybe it is time to suggest possibly Department of Forestry and Fire Management - DFFM and other entities can band together to bring "Family Advocates" to these families once again and help these folks on these topics on the YHF13' because for many generations to come people can have Freedom of Speech.

We can turn around and say the comment that was made can be backed up with documentation...we understand there are areas that will forever be a trigger- please get the proper resources to get the proper healthier options for them then this recent attempt to create a smear campaign on a person stating something that can be backed up.

I feel for ya---

but only if it is truth to lead to a conclusion...

...not a glazed narrative

and that subscriber is being made an example when there are others out there, they are to be made a better example like: @bobbypingree8940

why don't family members report this:

This seems much more toxic, NONSENSE, and damaging unless the subscriber can provide the "go pros" footage and more information instead one gets ignorant replies that ABC15 highlighted the reply ??? That is odd.

that subscriber should be addressed, not this comment/subscriber that was targeted this past week. My humble opinion. It is creating an unneeded audience on the wrong individual.

If a person states something that can be backed up-that does not make it offensive especially on the fire orders. ??? If it's offensive to you then refrain going there. Simple.

Get the resources to teach the youth the same.

9-10-23 10:30am: My YouTube uploads can take all day so just come back for my verbal reaction to this week's Social Media announcement that was made --- I was thinking it was possibly a contributing author but since then someone handed me the origin information to assist in knowing finally a time we are not their target. When will it stop...

I have reported some comments as they are distasteful to alleged private moments about a GMHS widow ...

but you are okay with those comments you used on the alleged smear campaign this week to that You Tube subscriber who said about the 10 and 18

but it is not okay to write and speak about the 10 and 18 and 'staying in the black' ??? Right!?

this was a comment I reported and YouTube kept it on...yet this is the kind of stuff I think should not be on there because of kids:

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