7-19-23 8:51am:
I am greatly disappointed in DFFM- FINAL PRR(s) to appease and see if they really fulfill it. So far when I place it...it just circles...

Anyone who follows the blog and seen the snippets over time, know I have done what is being requested in this email.
What is going on folks?
Is my email or ip addressed possibly blocked from DFFM's online Public Record Request system? is it an IT concern?
I am unable to make the request as he wants it...based on...
their portal area when I hit submit just circles...most all day I attempted.
Well, I will email them tomorrow.

Interested Party: COLLURA, JOY A. - [Congress, Arizona]
Location: Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 - YHF13'
Topic: Missing Permanent Public Records on a Historically Significant Wildfire
Delegation of Authority: ARIZONA STATE FORESTRY - currently Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM)
Point of Contact: Arizona Attorney General
Interested Party: COLLURA, JOY A. - [Congress, Arizona]
Location: Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 - YHF13'
Topic: Missing Permanent Public Records on a Historically Significant Wildfire
Delegation of Authority: ARIZONA STATE FORESTRY - currently Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM)
Point of Contact if not fulfilled: Arizona Attorney General
Arizona State Archives Library- LAPR - has non-important dates "7-4-13 through 7-10-13" records yet missing June 28, 2013, through July 3rd, 2013, the following Public Record:
Any Commercial Permits for filming 2013 Fire Season especially on a deemed historically significant event as Yarnell Hill Fire 2013.
It was missing at LAPR.
If DFFM does not have it, where is the records to show where it currently stored. LAPR does have email threads that this did take place that Season; Commercial Permits to film 2013 Wildland Fire Season.
I am looking for the record of the permits,
if it was transferred then the transfer form(s) with this topic on the form,
it would be deemed permanent record - if you follow a different rule, laws, guideline(s), protocol(s) than NWCG and LAPR then please provide what DFFM considers permanent records for historically significant Wildland Fires not just Yarnell but all historically significant fires like Dude Fire as well of any destruction of records form related to this topic.
because Incident Action plans are present for non-important dates yet missing June 28-July3, 2013 stored in temporary area at LAPR in the eight DFFM boxes that were unsealed for the first time in front of us, Fred J Schoeffler and Joy A. Collura. The eight boxes are stored not yet processed in the LAPR system, but I own a copy of all they have stored as of June 30, 2023 from LAPR of DFFM's records on Yarnell Hill Fire 2013.

refresh page and try again...this is bogus folks.

cleared my caches / cookies ...restarted and still just circling...

3:13pm--- still circles...called Bill Boyd to let him know.

NOTE TO SELF: a place I can copy and paste to their portal once it is working.
Interested Requesting Party: COLLURA, JOY A. - [Congress, Arizona] Date of Request: 7-19-23
Location: Yarnell Hill Fire Year: 2013 - YHF13', Granite Mountain Hotshots / GMHS, Homeowners Properties Damaged / Destroyed, Eyewitness named in both Investigations SAIT-SAIR / ADOSH - Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny); that fire.
Topic: Missing Permanent Public Records on a Historically Significant Wildfire
Delegation of Authority: ARIZONA STATE FORESTRY - currently Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM)
Point of Contact if not fulfilled: Arizona Attorney General
Arizona State Archives Library- LAPR - has non-important dates "7-4-13 through 7-10-13" records yet missing June 28, 2013, through July 3rd, 2013, the following Public Record:
If DFFM does not have it, where is the records to show where it currently stored.
I am looking for the record: to and from DFFM, transfer record(s), Records for Transfer, Transfer Manifest form(s), or any form of the like that shows Approval of transfers, Scheduling transfers, Records Retrievals, Permanent Withdrawal , Change in Disposition Date, Refiles, Interfiles, Overfilled Boxes, Reboxing Records, Pre-Disposition Release Form, Report of Records Destruction form, Single Request for Records Destruction or Transfer, Disaster Recovery Services, Backup tape storage, Tape and Digital exchange, Tape and Digital storage index records storage, Record Storage Fee Forms, Pick up/Delivery of records, Delivery Record Form, pertaining to the historically significant Wildland Fire 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire and any subcategory of the like still origin back to this historically significant fire June 28-July 11, 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 / Granite Mountain Hotshots / GMHS. Some subcategory named within this request for record.
if it was transferred then the transfer form(s) with this topic on the form,
it would be deemed permanent record - if you follow a different rule, laws, guideline(s), protocol(s) than NWCG and LAPR then please provide what DFFM considers permanent records for historically significant Wildland Fires not just Yarnell but all historically significant fires like Dude Fire as well of any destruction of records form related to this topic.
because Incident Action plans are present for non-important dates yet missing June 28-July3, 2013 stored in temporary area at LAPR in the eight DFFM boxes that were unsealed for the first time in front of us, Fred J Schoeffler and Joy A. Collura. The eight boxes are stored not yet processed in the LAPR system, but I own a copy of all they have stored as of June 30, 2023 from LAPR of DFFM's records on Yarnell Hill Fire 2013.
For years, an unfulfilled public record request under my name on this topic, so please refrain from stating "duplicate" request or any other type of reason that leads to close the request. I want the record or reason for denying me the record.
I want this request by a reasonable date fulfilled versus the years I have waited to receive it. If there is a request open that is of the like, I want this record to be treated on its own. Bottom line, I want this record, so we know it has been in the system a few times different approaches and those records request has yet to be done so if you close this and state "duplicate" then let me know the old requests; the ETA of receiving this request on same topic.
Interested Requesting Party: COLLURA, JOY A. - [Congress, Arizona] Date of Request: 7-19-23
Location: Yarnell Hill Fire Year: 2013 - YHF13', Granite Mountain Hotshots / GMHS, Homeowners Properties Damaged / Destroyed, Eyewitnesses named in both Investigations SAIT-SAIR / ADOSH - Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny); that fire.
Topic: Missing Permanent Public Records on a Historically Significant Wildfire
Delegation of Authority: ARIZONA STATE FORESTRY - currently Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM)
Point of Contact if not fulfilled: Arizona Attorney General
Arizona State Archives Library- LAPR - has non-important dates "7-4-13 through 7-10-13" records yet missing June 28, 2013, through July 3rd, 2013, the following Public Record:
Transfer Form(s) to and from Department of Forestry and Fire Management, DFFM, Arizona State Forestry
Yarnell Hill Fire Year: 2013 and any subcategory of the like still origin back to this historically significant fire June 28-July 11, 2013.
If DFFM does not have it, where is the records to show where it currently stored.
I am looking for the record: to and from DFFM, transfer record(s), Records for Transfer, pertaining to the historically significant Wildland Fire 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire and any subcategory of the like still origin back to this historically significant fire June 28-July 11, 2013, Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 / Granite Mountain Hotshots / GMHS. Some subcategory named within this request for record.
if it was transferred then the transfer form(s) with this topic on the form,
it would be deemed permanent record -
if not, the records showing it went through a retention schedule with date of destruction form for this topic.
because Incident Action plans are present for non-important dates yet missing June 28-July3, 2013 stored in temporary area at LAPR in the eight DFFM boxes that were unsealed for the first time in front of us, Fred J Schoeffler and Joy A. Collura. The eight boxes are stored not yet processed in the LAPR system, but I own a copy of all they have stored as of June 30, 2023 from LAPR of DFFM's records on Yarnell Hill Fire 2013.
Transfer Manifest form(s), or any form of the like that shows Approval of transfers, Scheduling transfers, Records Retrievals, Permanent Withdrawal , Change in Disposition Date, Refiles, Interfiles, Overfilled Boxes, Reboxing Records, Pre-Disposition Release Form, Report of Records Destruction form, Single Request for Records Destruction or Transfer, Disaster Recovery Services, Backup tape storage, Tape and Digital exchange, Tape and Digital storage index records storage, Record Storage Fee Forms, Pick up/Delivery of records, Delivery Record Form,
if you follow a different rule, laws, guideline(s), protocol(s) than NWCG and LAPR then please provide what DFFM considers permanent records for historically significant Wildland Fires not just Yarnell but all historically significant fires like Dude Fire as well of any destruction of records form related to this topic.
Those are my notes above because they want item at a time so here we go:
DFFM Public Records 7-19-23:

Audit done on the Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 records they are Custodian of Records to. Permanent Records Missing: LAPR has non-important dates "7-4-13 through 7-10-13" records yet missing June 28, 2013, through July 3rd, 2013 on crucial areas, the following Public Records:Missing June 28, 2013, through July 3rd, 2013, the following Public Records: Field Weather Observations (not RAWS), Map, Perimeter Map, Progression Map, Fire Statement of Costs, Fire Narrative / Executive Summary, Incident Action Plans (IAP) (original & corrected), ICS 201 Incident Briefing, ICS 209WF Incident Status Summary (final), ICS 215/215A Planning Worksheets/Safety Analysis2, Individual Fire Report (FS 5100-29, DI-1202), Infrared Imagery (with interpretation), Mechanical Use in Wilderness Request, Media Releases / Daily Fire Updates, Newspaper Clippings, Photos, (w/ captions), Significant Events Narrative / Reports, Special Interest / Political Inquiries,Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS)
Other Records:Other permanent records may include those relating to
joint operations and/or mutual aid; copies of incident
reports/analyses prepared by entities other than IMT or
host unit; unique documents of long-term importance to
home unit; records documenting significant interactions
with affected communities; and selected reports/notes
pertaining to high-level management/security issues not
incorporated into the Fire Narrative. GIS Data (file with
electronic at close of incident) .Any Commercial Permits and or Film Footage; Media / Aerial Firefighting Use and Effectiveness (AFUE), 3-ring binder, copy of video of a Prescott Hotshot from last hour
6-30-13, Sesame to Shrine Corridor photos/videos of FFs/WFs given to Investigation Team turned over to Arizona State Forestry now DFFM, Infrared Imagery or the record stating it was sealed and by whom, they placed all the Lawsuits in box 7 and 8 at LAPR yet missing Fred J Schoeffler VS USDA file.

Why are the following Historical Entrapment Wildfires excluded in the transfer from Arizona State Forestry to Arizona Archive Records?
Cedar Fire Shelter Deployments (2016)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/28/2016 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Hochderffer Hills Entrapment (1996)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/21/1996 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Coyote Prescribed Fire Entrapment (2017)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 10/26/2017 [Incident Type]: Entrapment Sawtooth Rx Entrapment Fatality (2003)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/14/2003 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Bull Fire Entrapment FLA (2011)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/29/2011 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Dude Fire Entrapment Fatalities (1990)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/26/1990 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
A-Bar (2003)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/11/2003 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
missing records: Yarnell Hill Fire Entrapment Fatalities (2013)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/03/1994 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Mackenzie Fire Entrapment (1994)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/01/1994 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Smoke Grenade (2013)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 10/14/2013 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Shultz Fire (2010)
San Juan Fire Fuel Treatment Effectiveness Report (2014)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/26/2014 [Incident Type]: Large Fire
Bowie Fire Radio Cloning Issues (2017)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/10/2017 [Incident Type]: Large Fire
Cherry Escaped RX Fire Review (2003)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 07/17/2003 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Mitchell and Hot Air (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/18/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Nugget Prescribed Fire (2009)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/04/2009 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Greer Escaped RX Review (2010)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 12/07/2010 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Frye / Whitmire Escaped RX (2008)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/01/2008 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Twin Prescribed Fire (2009)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 11/16/2009 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Island Lake Escaped RX Burn (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 02/04/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Long Jim III Escaped Prescribed Fire (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/05/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
EB-3 Escaped Prescribed Fire (2000)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/13/2000 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Chitty Prescribed Fire (2008)
Agua Fria Grassland Rx (1994)
Noon Fire Hit by Lightning (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/24/2004 [Incident Type]: Hit by Lightning
Clark Peak Fire Safety Concern (1996)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/03/1996 [Incident Type]: Firing Operation

I am busy helping get evidence out for the FBI
so I know I did my part for placing truth out.
I will get back to the Public Records Requests here hopefully soon yet if the FBI are looking...this blog has enough information blueprinted the who, what, and etc...
DFFM for years will not show me the transfer record--- they have not shown me their protocols for what records they are mandatory to save but I explained going by NWCG and LAPR--- I want those records... I want answers. A media person has been alerted.


still unable to make the requests as Bill requested me to do and almost a week now still just circles
never heard from him.
FBI, I am sure you can see from my journals where to look on YHF13' yet I want you to look at their portal system and see what I requested for in 2013-2023...it matters.
Look at the request and look to see if they even worked on them for my name and check why they can just say no to doing my request vs. saying thank you, it will take a awhile...or the latest one they sent me and then I am unable to even make a request ???? just circles ????

the above was pdf--- redo, doing screenshots:

the missing right part to above:

the missing right part to above:

Besides the Arizona State Archive Library- LAPR, where would permanent records be stored for Significant Historically Wildland Fires/Fatalities for any fire / aviation records that would be in the State of Arizona's jurisdiction. Also, LAPR offers a guideline what is to be perm. records but what do you have for DFFM as guidelines and protocols because for years I asked that both in Public records request and Emails and they have yet to answer/fulfill it. A Chart showing what records the jurisdiction must keep. Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM) states everything is at LAPR yet that is untrue. I would like the State of Arizona to do an audit for the following fires: Cedar Fire Shelter Deployments (2016)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/28/2016 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Hochderffer Hills Entrapment (1996)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/21/1996 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Coyote Prescribed Fire Entrapment (2017)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 10/26/2017 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Sawtooth Rx Entrapment Fatality (2003)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/14/2003 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Bull Fire Entrapment FLA (2011)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/29/2011 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Dude Fire Entrapment Fatalities (1990)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/26/1990 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
A-Bar (2003)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/11/2003 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Yarnell Hill Fire Entrapment Fatalities (2013)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/30/2013 [Incident Type]: Fatalities
Mackenzie Fire Entrapment (1994)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/01/1994 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Smoke Grenade (2013)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 10/14/2013 [Incident Type]: Entrapment
Shultz Fire (2010)
San Juan Fire Fuel Treatment Effectiveness Report (2014)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/26/2014 [Incident Type]: Large Fire
Bowie Fire Radio Cloning Issues (2017)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/10/2017 [Incident Type]: Large Fire
Cherry Escaped RX Fire Review (2003)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 07/17/2003 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Mitchell and Hot Air (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/18/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Nugget Prescribed Fire (2009)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/04/2009 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Greer Escaped RX Review (2010)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 12/07/2010 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Frye / Whitmire Escaped RX (2008)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/01/2008 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Twin Prescribed Fire (2009)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 11/16/2009 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Island Lake Escaped RX Burn (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 02/04/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Long Jim III Escaped Prescribed Fire (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/05/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
EB-3 Escaped Prescribed Fire (2000)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/13/2000 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire
Chitty Prescribed Fire (2008)
Agua Fria Grassland Rx (1994)
Noon Fire Hit by Lightning (2004)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/24/2004 [Incident Type]: Hit by Lightning
Clark Peak Fire Safety Concern (1996)
[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/03/1996 [Incident Type]: Firing Operation
