Views expressed to
"the public at large”
"of public concern"
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"Junk Journaling"
I, Joy A. Collura, need to make the time to explain something since a family member today felt I was busy because their email inbox received many notifications that posts when to publish-
Firstly, the "live" journals are just my "note taking" for many reasons like when I go to medical appts. that I can show my lymphatic congestion or drainage areas over time or lab results by the click of a link [ "live" journal] vs. storing data on my cell...
and well, to show family/friends my desert Spring 2024 botanical trail blooms and etc. ... a way for them to "check-in" since I am not on social media, and I am not a phone gal.

or to jot notes on a wildland fire--- it is a "brainstorming/chicken scratch" of what's happening in those calendar days.
It is far from every detail to my life...
remember this...
you came on your time to my space and my space is just that, my space not our space ...
if you got notified by email is because you signed up for it---
if you did not sign up, then let me know and I will learn how to remove your email address but contact me with email that it went to so I can learn in a timely fashion to get it removed.
I am not gonna make an extra fast step to get this action done yet it will be done if you never placed your email and signed up.
or you will not find me with this thought ...
"let me write to create or create an audience"...I am not a journalist nor reporter just a small-town housewife who wants to prevent another fatality as we saw 6-30-13
and I, for sure, want to keep the "politics of fire" out of my community since we have tied into another Fire coalition [entity] and no longer just Congress Fire District by placing out to the public how to do a tort claim
because if people have "situational awareness" versus counting how many broken crayons they have to still color or how many days left until fantasy football drafts...
or when is the next ladies' group to meetup and never get to the 'meat of the matter' and then discuss behind their backs horseshit gossip... ???
people should be aware of the local, county, state, national, international / Global politics to their zip code...
it is okay to burn in a safe healthy way yet in my opinion, it is not okay for so many reasons to create a Fiscal budget to make sure to burn acreage, so you keep being funded or what are currently seeing. I will call out the errors that I will do...
There is a better way.
How come a long-time contractor in fire is good with the Feds, but State, they want the contractor to up their insurance to appx. Two Million Dollars to "have at it" / participate in Fire Season 2024 ???
Hmmm.. what are the plans for Fire Season 2024???
The other fun one is how people state to my face they read my you don't and I can prove it to you..."back channel" so why waste your energy telling me you do, right?!
Archiving front page for SPRING SEASON 2024.
What does InvestigativeMEDIA mean to Joy A. Collura? Why did she first venture to IM Chapter One? (