Jul 30, 2022

My "Dear John" letter to the ___ and why...

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"



God gives us free will ... God is protecting us ...

God is watching all of us ...


I am an egg, B___ M___.

Not a stone.

I am broken, like an egg does.

but egg?

That means one can say I am a butt nugget---


Soft smiles.

Yet, I told you that July 2021 and on 7-18-22

that I was broken.


Cops, really? The lies, really?


Make our hours to lead us to edifying moments

to do His Will and His Way.


My "Dear John" letter to the ____ and why I resigned my Lifetime Membership in just one year due to my 7-18-22 ___ Building Expansion Tour and what I saw on the walls...

I am left traumatized.


So based on B___ telling that lies behind my back to legal authorities, I am countering with TRUTHS here for the Public at Large so I can send the link to the Boise Police to show I am truthful and show the documents so they can add this link to the incident report where lies currently are stated on there.


I had requested this to be done privately 7-18-22, but ___ Executive Director and I thought my friend the past full year, B__ M__, he chose to use Law Enforcement

(and it was labelled by City of Boise Police as a High Priority call for me, Joy A Collura, quietly waiting by the ___ front door to receive a simple public records request form ???)


So based on him telling that lies behind my back I am countering with TRUTHS here.

Freedom of speech.


...when all I asked calmly for a Public Records Request Form 7-18 texted with no acknowledgment, 7-19/20? emailed with no acknowledgment, 7-20-22 "in-person" with cops called on me with High Priority to the call (undeservingly) he told the Boise Idaho Police I harassed his Staff and the People in there, but my recording shows I was QUIET. That would be lying to an officer; why???

And if B__ did not state it than the officer stated it on report --- either way --- lies. Actually, B__ is on officer Major's body cam saying it However, cops are legally allowed to lie, right pops. ;)

Nice to see how the -daughter of law enforcement- is being treated by the way. I have been good to W__ - this is all bogus.






I only have love for the Wildland Fire Community, and I would like to see B__ M__ produce this actual documented information you offered to the Boise Idaho Police on this harassment and etc.

Is this Willis' bad mannerisms and lies again leading to all this chaos...seems like the rabbit holes always seem to most likely lead to back him. God is watching you Willis.

However, there are some areas I am doing my best to help lessen Wildland Fire Fatalities --- beginning with calling out certain leadership or the lack of there in the Industry.


Let me produce my documented areas to counter and show I refrained from speaking to any of the people who visited your location at W__ except to your son to ask for the contact information for your lawyer and to share to Betty to let me stay and get this public record form.

It mattered- this form. I was calm. I was polite. (Minimal tone was shown - however, I was in a lot of physical pain from the punches a few hours earlier), fully documented the encounter in your building, and I find this an unjust event.


In the content of this post I may suggest, say most likely, etc. yet I am unable to lay blame or claim on the Retardant Industries. However, I would like to one day see pure studies done for the Public at Large from this Industry---


Why is it okay for retardant to be dropped on wetlands, marshes, "live" fire, etc. and no studies being really done to show us to the

Public at Large when I can state where these drops were done on "live" fire, I can show you some horrific style deaths we have seen to very healthy people.


I understand fully this firefighter could have had something in his childhood/teen/adult life surface later in life except he is not the only one (too many) & there will always be all the naysayer remarks, but I think it is about time the Retardant industry has to show the Public at Large the trade secret ingredients and or do a true study on that stuff hitting water areas, "Live" fire, etc...


And as well what kind of health impact has/will it have for this new Global pandemic and the vaccination aftermaths.


I will show one image with disclaimers (that's plenty) (refrain from looking if squeamish) in this post who he was hit with drops on two fires with retardant. I explained to B___ M____ this man was a doctor and a firefighter. No help was done for me or his wife. Just disregarded and B___ did say he would help but did not know how he could help me. Yet he never followed up on the topic. I had requested two times mental health check-in. Disregarded. I am certified in many areas within the Fire Academies/ Fire Related Conferences/Private Sector in Fire.


I ended up going to the best Brain Care to see if I am okay and I was told in 2021 and this year I am totally fine just Stress and to be expected as I am in my whistleblowing phase. I was this year recognized as an emerging leader in Fire and Climate. I think I qualify to have W__ assist.


Why was I brushed off?


This will be setup as Summer 2022 "Live" Journal to continue to add documents as I review them, so a place you can come back to with doing more documents-

B__ stated on Officer's Major's body cam he has all intention to build a paper trail against me so this is my one-time event now turned into a post where I will counter the lies and show my documented proof here.

I had someone from my high school phase 7-28-22 and as well CA dozer guy state let it go for my health and anytime you counter a billion-dollar industry topic- it just brews more crap.

Some have tried to make me feel fear...some say:

"if you have to explain ... you are losing"

I am fine with being viewed as losing - a loser in this.

At least I did my part to tell the truth.

I appreciated and paused the blog for 12 hours based on their comment.


I am physically hurt from that attack in Boise, Idaho.

I will get to the bottom of it for sure.

I know me and I am coming at this from a pure heart and zero agenda.

What is my hope in all these revelations they asked?

I hope by my sharing purely that we can begin to get a much more serious look at the Retardant companies and that I will always refuse to be tied to any organization that takes in any incentives incoming or outgoing from these companies until a proper assessment and studies are done.

I have done my intense extensive research.

I watch Wildland fires and their origins, progressions and burn scars and where retardant are dropped if it may be on "live" fire or near or in watersheds, wetlands, marshes, etc.

I have sat with too many ill or dying locals' hospital bed sides, been to their funerals and watch the maps where they drop the stuff on "live" fire and then go back and watch the health journeys of the folks near these drops. I am deeply involved on many Wildland fires.

The goal of this post is to show I am a gift of discernment, and I will show documented facts that I have only been kind to the

W__ and it was so undeserving what happened 7-18-22 and 7-20-22.

As well...

Avoiding fear.

I am a loyal positive Lifetime Member to W__ and met B__ M__ not professionally but personally then purely understand my confusion, why he called the cops on me?

My high school phase friend states either ego happened or because of my inquiry asking for a public record to his heart and soul- the WFF.

Either way, it happened. I forgive.

I just want a public document showing when he reports and stated, I harassed the folks in there- untrue- my recorder shows all that was said...

If you are looking to paper trail still on me then this is my official public 'cease and desist' statement to you B___ M___ but always here to work on it and rectify it as well. Just not into games and lies and orchestrations with authorities, sir...

Not into games.

DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts

Under age 18, you should click out of this post immediately and avoid scrolling any further.

The material and content within this post is for adults only.

Refrain from scrolling down any further if you are unable to handle truths and or are squeamish.

This post is raw and from my heart.

The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you.

Abbreviations used: Wildland Firefighters (WFs) - Firefighters (FFs).

The business internet is out for almost 8 days --- the other internet the guys use is out for more than that. I want this posted now versus later so I can tell my side before some other bogus authority action unfolds in the meantime like some bogus cease n desist crap- I deserve to share my documented side of truths. I have no clue who or what has been shared to others by B__ M___, but I have the body cam of that cop- that is enough to counter with documented facts my stuff. However, when I get bandwidth again, I will add more documented records. Okay. I worked on this since

7-25-22 and it just keeps "vanishing" to blank with showing no history on my history line--- it has been frustrating...

I have had way too many of these this week delaying me to progress on the post:

Click on "Important Side Notes" to expand the Collapsible List:

I am being called to stand my ground. Stay in strength. Stay in the boundaries. Others may get worse but I must stay pure and true. I am strong. Honest. and have integrity. I refuse to be blamed on an official report with Boise Police the lies. I will provide the facts here. I gave my one time account/testimony here. I will add more records when I have better bandwidth in the next few weeks and when more records arrive. I have zero negative comments about W__.

I have been cheering / supporting them a full year already in a productive positive manner - I like B__ just not his manners calling the cops and not engaging to help on my trauma since July 2021 and his stance he has a business to run but disregards me and another firefighter's wife???

Someone got in his ear because I met a kind humble good man July 20-23, 2021- I did not see that man last week- the one I saw last Summer 2021.

I am all for new beginnings. If you just want to use lawyers and law enforcement on bogus simple request on asking for a public record form escalated as a High Priority on the Boise Police end on paperwork-

that is a concern and a red flag, sir.

You have my guarantee I will stay away from the WFF folks in any and all manners / fashion or enter your land(s)/property(ies) again until this is resolved and if it does not get resolved- enjoy life...

However, God is seeking "balance," so this had to become public based on what I saw on the wall and you, B__, using law enforcement because I thought we were friends. It was a shock to my life. I do not know you professionally just personally. I wish you / everything well. God Bless you and yours-

The scales must be balanced in the Wildland Fire Community --- I am doing my part to lessen Wildland Fire Fatalities. We should both be like a lighthouse guiding all & not being selective as I have been shown. We should guide another to all to safe healings. You and I of all people should never be in any level of being combative to another -- we have a lot on our plates.