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Wildfire: Shiprock. Arrastra Mountain Wilderness - 34.285667, -113.164667 34° 8-4-24 & Joshua Fire 8-6-24



BY FIRE JURISDICTION: August 6, 2024 1:28pm Arizona Time.

This is a protected area-

Praying the Fire Industry

comprehend that

as I see no heat on the map

when they reported SHIP ROCK fire then a smoke check then 74 acres with no heat shown to now 250 appx acres reported...


Not circle HOW LONG in the sky above it...because once you did, the fire showed up on the heat map but it had not most likely before...already a FOIA placed for this incident.

Where am I at

on documenting incidents

in 2024 in my state---

What is it like over

208,000 acres in 2024?

appx 235 fires? (DFFM)

at what

about appx 71457 acreage reported?

AZ-BLM is about 96 incidents?

and appx 7142 acreage reported?

There were more Arizona BIA incidents

( 428 incidents? -33909 acreage)

reported than NM?

(78 incidents? - 25649  acreage reported?-

less incidents - more acreage burned?)

That does not include

other Units and Misc...

Something ain't right, folks.

Appx 295609 acreage in our SW area?

11 Arizona National Park Service incidents? - appx 255 acres?

Arizona US Fish and Wildlife Services 6 incidents? - appx 6 acres?

Arizona United States Forest Service- 480 incidents? - appx 95648 acres?

When I went for Fire Training-

they taught me well

on "Situational Awareness"

Probably too well...

Let us not stop there-

over thirty new Initial Attacks on my map ????

Over 100 in the past week???

Almost 85800 with 15 Larger fires???

Three of them Large Ones---

became Large in the past day-

Skeleton (AZ-PHD) - Jacob Canyon (AZ-KNF) - Mesculero (AZ-GCP) - ???

Let me look at current Fire Weather-

  • Red Flag Warning(s) -

  • Watches - Advisories: None.

  • Breezy and dry southwest winds of 12-20 mph with gusts 20-35 mph -

  • relative humidity of 8-20%

  • High Risk Triggers: None.

  • wet - thunderstorm activity during the next several days -

  • late week, monsoon type weather.

  • couple of westward-moving disturbances will boost overall moisture

I watch origin, progression, burn scars since 2013

based on certain folks who stated they had something to share--- but now are part of running possibly many areas in fire and that makes me sad that the person(s) chooses to go up the ladder vs. do the difficult right thing.

This all could have been addressed a lot sooner---and they know what I am saying...If only a higher authority came to me vs. possibly making it harder on themselves if they are doing their own style of looking in...

I carry zero bias

and could easily assist

on changes that need to be made.

My thoughts are told to me

to be irrelevant

yet I think a higher external authority

should see if you get the records

in a PRR/FOIA for the topics:

Human Caused/Lightning/Unknown

(over 1200 incidents thus far in 2024)


and see their source

because I have yet to receive

in 2024

those documents.

You see,

I like docs to lead to a conclusion...

Just me...

but yet to see

on any of my requests such.

They reply on ones they feel like


doing them in order

because I am still awaiting some from years ago

but they are filling ones

some of them pretty fast Summer 2024


Make sense of that.


In my area in 2024


shares to me lightning caused

so maybe communicating that

to official documents

because it showed Undetermined

and reason I ask for documents

to lead to a conclusion

not "lightning"- as a reply

give me the data that backs that it was lightning please:

SWA 05 02 YTD ICS209: Hillside Cost $400,000 818 acres ended 7-14-24- Waterman over 3000 acres and $ 825,000 and ended 7-31-14 and so on....point being - what just took place was over a million dollars was spent in my Community that any crazy ass cowboy who knows this desert would say give him that million and a bottle of whiskey and he will tell you most fires may carry with weather but how about minimizing placing fire in our old Mining town and lessen slurry drops and ensure they are kept away from water ways and seasonal creeks...Do you know how many disabled or elderly people could have used assistance with that kind of funds but instead our electric gets turned off and we get some fake fireman pretending to be a WF scaring our community telling people to evacuate...please, just go away and do your malarkey elsewhere. Some of you in leadership roles should have been let go on the spot June 30, 2013, and it sickens me to see how many of you were not only not let go but what position and pay scale you are at now --- God is watching...

As of yesterday, Upper Deer Creek Mazatzal Wilderness has been going since

7-17-24 and is over $200,000 and a little over appx 355 acreage but my Community you got over a million and not even here long ??? right?...make sense of that.

Date: 08/04/24 1711


Other: PDR5J6 (1522)

Wildfire: Shiprock

ARRASTRA Mountain Wilderness

34.285667, -113.164667 34°,17.14 x 113°,9.88E-3664


this fire


is being documented

back channel


on my

Seasonal Junk Journals.

Please refrain from coming here for updates.

The junk journaling comes out Seasonal - so it will be released in Fall/Winter 2024.

I only document



on anything

ten miles or under.

I suggest using this tool for updates:

I did take note

one had a

smoke check

at 2126 hour

but named

it a Wildfire

at 1711 hour?

That seems odd-

Shouldn't it be


smoke check time be first

then calling it a Wildfire???

Not the other way around?

Also, conflicting reported GPS coordinates between the two-


Arizona Interagency Dispatch Center

08/04/24 2126


Smoke Check


US 93 MM 166 Shiprock

34.307378, -113.150447 34°,18.44 x 113°,9.03


Prescott Interagency Dispatch Center reported it:

08/04/24 1711


R5J6 Other: PDR5J6 (1522)



ARRASTRA Mountain Wilderness

34.285667, -113.164667 34°,17.14 x 113°,9.88

E-3664 CRD

73 acres


Thus far-

no lightning strikes

in the past 24 hours

on the Arrastra's

where it was reported

but in the area, see:

there is a direct path to get where this GPS reports, see:

and then the other one reported:

The rest of the information

I will keep back channel

to now watch how they do the

"origin, progression, burn scar"

for this reported incident

and we will see their firing methods

...cough, cough,

Fire suppression methods I meant...

Back to my genealogy findings...and documenting that...

I rather keep the gathering private on this incident

since I am watching some heavy traffic from some specific areas coming to this blog for the Willis post-

that was telling...Lightning only was reported in area 8-4-24 23;47;26 but not ON the Arrasata's:

No social media reports yet on Initial Attack data:

looking at my tools...where is this alleged Shiprock acreage burn(ed)...I do not see any:

Hope they see how much fire danger is for that area when doing their planning to suppress:

They reported it out but why was Air Attack over there just now---recon???? Just want to see where my tax dollars are going...right....:

Ok ok ok...

I just noted

there is a permanent

hot spot

over my property ---

disregard it,

it is just me :)

I am so hot

(soft giggles) ...

No, it is weird

to see no heat map

outside Watch Duty's mapping layers ...

Remember- no heat map shows for the 4th and 5th for this area but it did all of a sudden show when air attack was up there -?????????? you all saw it above in documents plus I kept many back channel on this one...

06 Aug 2024 11:39am

I am going to send to politicians to stop the malarkey because heat maps show no heat unti

the green in image below is deemed protected area so how come no heat showing until air attack showed up and it went from 70 something acres to appx 250 acres on protected land and they circle for how long the area that creates its own factors...?????

Now they got the lightning strike data- but when it was being reported- not so...there was no data public showing that and reason I requested a FOIA for such.

had PC off during storm

I will put the lightning strike data on tomorrow---thunder way too close---storm arrived here 8-6-24 8:51pm but there was plenty of lightning----hundreds to the area even in area of Ship Rock / Joshua Fire tonight--- do it tomorrow. I do still want to know how they did the origin to the Ship Rock fire but NOW they can say there is heat to the area---due to the way soooo many strikes,. Plenty of rain coming down so should put both fires out...

less than a quarter of a mile- lightning strike near my property:

I was swimming when I had to jump out fast when this storm was just grey skies in the way distance....happened quickly...I was getting my daily exercises in then bam, indoors I went




I took an interest in this fire

once they stated...

they, being BLM

stated they were using slurry drop

in a "protected" area-

so, dropping slurry

in a protected area is possibly




or just possibly profitable for someone?


why label it protected then???

I is just wrong.

The Waterman and Hillside Fire

were also to be possibly considered "Protected" areas yet slurry drop was used...


...the official maps show retardant avoidance for many areas but not the protected area near me from map...

I wish journalist/investigators/Fire Weather nerds when they report fires pay attention to this below map...

...when a wildland fire is reported as an official incident...

watch the reported origin and match it to in person "live" time,

...then watch the methods of suppression or as I possibly call it "their ignitions"- or the possible quick use of this slurry not knowing the trade secret ingredients

and are we making the entity(ies) accountable for dropping in protected areas or waterway areas?

the heat maps show as well as real time in person images that it is most likely rarely the origin that causes the fatalities, destruction and damage ...

...but most likely the methods used, the resources or lack of, lack of communications, poor / ignorant / possible pencil whipped leadership, and disregard to protocols and respect to protected areas and yet we see accountability where????

Yeah, also watch the pay scale on some who have been on tragic Historically significant fires and watch where they were that day and where they stand in decision making roles today. ???

Watch your sound bites, I went to HOW MANY funerals on the aftermath of Yarnell Hill Fire- 2013- YHF13.

There should have been an official case study done- shame on possibly the EPA for that? possible somebody...

there are watering areas if slurry drops are laid , see: