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Why is the City of Prescott Continuing to Keep My Public Records Unpublished From the World?


Author- Joy A. Collura


Views expressed to "the public at largeand "of public concern"

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This is how a "Public Records Request"

Looks For Me

at the City Of Prescott since they went digital

"NEXT REQUEST" System; "Unpublished":

I "watermarked and embedded"

the above image

with a special Yarnell Hill Fire photo in the center.

Kinda how the City of Prescott Records Request Department makes me feel as I log on to the PC ...seems 2020 it is more... another closed "Public Records Request" ( PRR ) with some needing explanations for I paid for attachments to be put on a memory stick but when I got it- some were not on there and they will not explain why they refused to place them on there or reason for such redactions- puzzled and like I have been spun by a fire whirl is how I feel- like that photo image above.

They are refusing to properly address my PRRs. So, tonight as you read I am giving them some time to "re-fix" the areas that do fall under most probability to being illegal. And if they leave it alone as it is then I will place it all out here on this post. After I get my other Dude Fire posts done first.

Then ask the World for help because I feel like I am getting "buffaloed". I am having a very difficult time comprehending it all. If it is just me- let me know. I can handle it.

However, if all fifteen (15) pending appeals get properly fixed and the other areas as well, then I will be satisfied for now and let them have their "unpublished" moments. As odd as they are...

Now, here is an example of another person who filed a City of Prescott Public Records Request; a Snippet- their request clearly lacks the word "Unpublished" which every one of my PRR has that word:

I told them tonight my needs-

I am "frustrated" but I am on a deadline to get my Dude Fire Site Visit posts out. Consider now, my PRR shows the run around I am getting:

1hr18min- you can hear me talk to the chief- I am a thorough and considerate person...I am "frustrated"

and the very guy Chief Bob Heckman above and his recording...when he left the Peeples Valley Fire Department, the very person I was trying to get records on "became" the Chief (Bob Brandon from the 2013 Yarnell Fire) and "listen" to him hear...look at the way I have been "circle-jerked" all these years from soooo many entities.

Where is our Arizona Ombudsman Citizens' Aide -

Mr. Garone all 2020:

I left messages voicemails too-

I never heard from Mr. Garone yet.


Finally, May 29, 2020, I received something after sending Mr. Garone my link to this post:

"Let all things be done decently and in order."

1Corinthians 14:40, KJV


Nothing yet back from City of Prescott but Mr Garone wrote and our "corresponding" email thread are below:

I want the world also to know my FOIA number 2019-FS-WO-00010-PA -

I have pulled Public Records and FOIAs countless times on individuals receiving information back too but only for "Troy Steinbrink" (no other person - remember that), Acting Assistant Director Forest Service ORMS - FOIA/PA used these words as a reply,:

"Under the FOIA, a first party requester is defined as the individual, and whose name the personnel record is retrievable (filed) by.  A third party FOIA requester is defined as anyone, other than the individual and or subject of record, who requests the records.

You have submitted a third party request.  I have attached a Privacy Act release form that should be completed by the individuals who’s information you are seeking.  Please submitted the completed forms directly to me.

Thank you,

Sara L. Sullivan Acting Assistant Director"

I directly emailed Troy the Privacy Act release forms Friday, June 28, 2019 1:57 PM. On Friday, June 28, 2019 at 1:53 PM right before sending the forms, I made Troy aware what the USDA Washington Office asked me to do and why- and I gave him an almost full year to reply when I closed my email to him with- "Remember to think it over and make good choices - best way to heal." I never heard from him at all. It is important I let the world know the reason I mention Troy in any FOIAs or PRRs is to "fact check" information I received about the Yarnell Hill Fire and that June 30, 2013, late afternoon. I do not know him personally or professionally. In my world, he is just the son to the man Duane Steinbrink who was portrayed in 'Only The Brave' fillum released October 2017 about GMHS / YHF yet when I hear alleged areas- I have to do my due diligence and "fact check" and document.

The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful; they fail to act wisely or do good. ( Psalms 36:3 )



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6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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