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PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 4


This is a release of the PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Part 4

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I just wanted to give you a personal update. I am going to sleep for this day July 14th, 2021 ( 8:15pm).

Back in March 2021 I went to Costa Mesa CA to gain better knowledge of my current "brain health" with my brain tumors and over time I get from the Clinic "feedback" inquiries and I keep stating to them "what was my main concern and focus going in there- has it been fully examined and answered?"

This is four months later and my answer is "work in progress" - staying in the positive but a little frustrated yet to answer "no, the reason I went there has not been answered yet" and thus far I just completed a serious detox phase and I lost inches but did not have good lab results.

July 12th, I received "abnormal" for the following blood labs and urinalysis: Total cholestrol (high), HDL (low), LDL (high), T Chol. ratio (high), Hemoglobin (high), Hematocrit (high), Cancer Marker CA 19-9 (high), Gastrin Serum (low), Cancer Antigen 15-3 (borderline- high), Creatinine (high), eGFR (low), urinalysis- specific gravity (abnormal), urinalysis- protein (abnormal), urinalysis- ketones 2+ (abnormal), Microscopic Exam performed as well, RBC (abnormal), Bacteria - many (abnormal).

I sent that direct to my primary along with "correction" amendments and such as well to the Costa Mesa CA doctor who supported my strict detox phase. Neither have yet explained my results.

Tomorrow I have a tele-med appt with primary.

Almost two months later, I am trying to do the Sinus Cavity culture for staphylococcus aureus. I have to earn some funds so I can buy printer ink so I can print the lab referral request for the appt in August to do that.

Here is the date it was originally asked but not yet completed but I have done my part to get it rolling.

Executive summary from May 26th visit:

"Summary from today:

Results summary from the labs we ordered:

Suboptimal folate, suboptimal testosterone, high cholesterol, low HDL (good cholesterol), low Vit D, DHEA suboptimal, homocysteine 12.0, Neut: lymph ratio (indicates possible chronic infection), creat high, GFR low (consistent with slightly low renal function).

From outside labs:

Heavy metals looked WNL, low potassium, Lyme neg, mold makers negative. Positive sensitivity: almond, cranberry, mushroom, papaya, pepper red, pepper black, peanut, safflower, yellow squash, tea, yeast.

Genetic testing was not scientifically sound.

To run:

Additional bloodwork: TGF b1, ASO and DNAse. ...

If you have access to a primary care provider, request that they do a sinus culture for staphylococcus aureus.


DHEA - 10 - 30mg. Start with 10mg for a week, then increase to 20mg for a week, then 30mg. Stay at which dose feels best. Do not exceed 30mg daily.

- this will increase testosterone, which can help increase metabolism, and may help with weight loss.

Supporting glutathione and detoxification:

Glutathione - one application daily.

Zinc picolinate - 30mg with food daily.

Selenium - 100mcg daily, or just eat 1-2 Brazil nuts.

Molybdenum - 500 mcg daily.

NAC - 600mg twice a day.

I think that supporting your detoxification pathway will support many of health concerns."- the Costa Mesa CA doctor.

Then, let me recap -March 16th-19th, I was in Costa Mesa, CA doing this "brain health" procedure with radioisotopes. My relationship with a local is severed because I choose to refrain from helping any further a dysfunctional atmosphere filled with deception and lies of another and that at the "young" age that person is comfortable being a liar and the person I helped just drinks the "Kool-Aid" of enabling. Sad.

I had two teenagers on my surveillance cameras vandalize my property and I handled that area. I have fully had medical massages weekly in 2021 and chiropractor appt began in June 2021. Dee Sickles helped Deb out with specific medical massage needs last Friday. I missed out on seeing Bob Powers in Sedona and I was bummed out. I was excited to see him.

The entire DJ Helm event towards the attacks and lies and defamations happened towards me in April 2021 and still continues- explain as I share the past few months. I was hiking 30-40 + miles a week in the Spring months but due to foot injuries ceased weeks ago to allow it to heal.

The ENT specialist helped me with my ear infection and hearing loss. I can hear fully when I wear my hearing aids and special thank you to a local business owner for paying for that procedure for me- it was over $5,000.

I continue to watch and sit on Grassroots Wildland Firefighters meetings ( ) and I learn a great deal of Wildland Fire current issues and news updates. Great set of people show up each month.

(Topic: July 2021 Grassroots Wildland Firefighters - Updates and Happy Hour!

Description: The Grassroots Wildland Firefighters are focused on bringing our diverse group of voices to bear on leadership in the land management agencies and our elected officials, at the local, state, and federal levels. Our website has links to facilitate communication with officials. The organization is actively engaged with members of the House and Senate to find solutions to the following Four Pillars: Pillar #1: Wildland Firefighter Classification series, pay, and benefits parity Pillar #2: Wildland Firefighter Comprehensive Health and Wellbeing program Pillar #3: Expanded Workforce Pillar #4: Federal Wildland Fire Service Please visit our website at: We acknowledge these are complex and multifaceted issues spanning several government agencies. This will be a long battle as we build on previous work to create a better quality of life for those who sacrifice so much of themselves to protect life, communities, and natural resources. TECH TIPS FOR THIS ZOOM MEETING: If you attend this meeting and would like to stay as anonymous as possible, please change your screen name and use a generic photo.

Time: Jul 15, 2021 06:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

I watched the Backbone Fire a little bit. I went to the Lung specialist. I had three areas biopsied from my Dermatologist Specialist. One came back that it was 'precancerous' and enough was cut off and to just monitor it. My foot Specialist put a cortisone shot into my left foot 6-16-21 and awaiting the x-rays terminology there- had to do with 2 of my toes and it felt like a "blood blister" than my left big toe nail bed a quarter of it turned black then now is brown- and the back of the knee has pain vascular wise-still never addressed but will talk about it tomorrow with primary.

I had a nice time with Errol and family and Scott/Jackson in June--- I loved our ice cream and candy moment... I was to do a procedure but Dr. G is holding that up with the unethical and unprofessionalism but I think with the help of Fred we are getting somewhere finally. By them finally announcing the surgeon's name from 2019 I was able to omit Dr G and go right to the Surgeon. Had a good solid shopping day at in June 2021.

I am appealing my 6-21-21 ct scan and ultrasounds. It does not add up.

Back to the foot area- The foot doctor had stated my right foot has a ganglion cyst / Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of lower / subcortical edema on the lateral fibular head / bone contusion injury / osteoarthritis / neuroma / generalized soft tissue swelling of the ankle / (l/r) calcaneal spurring / Achilles insertion enthesophyte formation / (l) Mild first digit MTP joint degenerative changes with hallux valgus type configuration / etc. awaiting definition of x-ray terminology on one area so I did the MRI for that and see him for results soon.

I spent June 30th in Yarnell- I did put the 'No trespassing signs' up June 4th and 5th, 2021 for the P10n18U property. And in July, I was notified by property owner that YCSO was given some signs and that the Helms gave them to YCSO. I find it biased that YCSO tell me it is a civil matter yet they take the damaged No Trespassing signs into their possession from the Helms and without the expensive hardware and accepted damaged property which when I was last up there I took pics and the signs were not damaged. I explained this to Sgt Ashby yet she is feeling this is a civil matter even though she accepted the damaged signs to store in her substation- Until the owners identify the current gate and fence is illegal - I will not even go there. I require a legal paper trail that Super Dave's fencing area is robbing the new owners of their own land and that the fence was illegally placed up without proper required County permits. That needs to be appropriately identified before I ever help up in that area. Especially the new owners setting the whole 'easement' topic to rest with these others who think they are allowed what they are doing--- uhh, nope. Anyone can go to satellite imagery and see when the gate was placed up and the fence and there is currently no permits on file and why would there be - it was not there land they put all this on. Plus this whole "we own the sign post" needs to be properly handled it- either legally notify them to remove the post or the new owners own it- end of story. Stop the horseshit. I did receive quite a bit of PRRs filled the past few weeks and it will take me a long time to get it out public- it is voluminous.

I had a very good time last Friday with Johnny G- he warmed my hair up, see:

before he did my hair:


it is just a wig, folks...

just kidding- here it is:

It was really good to see Jackson/Scott/ Fred this month. I was very sad that I was to meet up with a lady I have wanted to meet for so very long but in God's time. Meanwhile, I was very sad by the news of Miller and Pie dying recently in that crash. Hurts. I am busy in August 2021 jam packed with medical appointments and then on to my Arizona State Fire Academy training this Fall 2021. I can share to you that I feel unwell at this point - haggard and it shows in images above even my fine lines show depth - soft smiles.

oh and to update an old post--- State Parks people I saw June 30th and we worked out the whole apology area stuff out... so all good but I can see why "Gecko" got his nickname ... must be the beady eyes ... him and I did not work it out because he ran into his vehicle when I went to approach him. I guess he needed to 'gecko'oing--- I will work on the 2010 Western States WUI Grant data tomorrow after my doctor appointment. I wanted to open a new page though- the last pdf just had too many images.


7-15-21 Noon: The Primary Doctor tele-med appt. went "technology - glitchy" but well. We went over that I have an infection and another round of antibiotics. I would be very wealthy if I got money for each time I have had antibiotics in my life time. The information is not yet on my portal so give ya details when I know more. Macrobid is what I will be taking this week for the infection; five days. I can say the neurosurgeon and GI appt are been moved faster than not as they added me on the cancellation list due to recent "abnormal" labs. I am going to spend five hours loading records here than attend the July 2021 Grassroots Wildland Firefighters - Updates and Happy Hour at 6pm.

7-15-21 8:20pm: Due to a storm- my internet was out so I missed the July 2021 Grassroots Wildland Firefighters - Updates and Happy Hour at 6pm. I am loading images. Thank you Danielle for getting my meds for me. I wanted to add so much inserts down below but it seem likes I was taking jabs but I get frustrated watching the raises happen over time in these records yet Eric Shane Marsh seem to be locked and capped at his salary while everyone around him advanced in pay. I still think Steinbrink and Willis should share to the Public at Large a lot more crucial data but that is me. I am allowed my perception / opinion.


I had asked long ago (August 2018- a "687 days turn around" PRR where they really screwed up on that PRR fulfillment) on Steinbrink and they stated they destroyed his profile -

I requested his "Complete History and All types of professional certifications for both structural and wildland and others and evaluation reviews and resource wild land fire documents (any type of document)-


and on April 23, 2020 via web I asked:

'Confirmation that Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink / Duane A Steinbrink was fully researched- you all (COP) stated his records are no longer in your system for certifications and etc. and you did not find any tied to Granite Mountain Hotshots that you have with his name on it and any resource wild land fire documents should be archived permanently on this historically significant Yarnell Hill Fire so are you stating you destroyed those- may I have that destruction of records of any tied to this name tied to Granite Mountain Hotshots. Thank you. May I have the destruction record of you destroying Duane Allen Steinbrink records.

(Dear Requester,

No records found for Duane Steinbrink on item #3, per state retention. Mr. Steinbrink retired in January of 2010. Staff will continue to search the remaining items. Thank you.

January 14, 2020, 3:39pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff))

(State Retention may work on professional records but if any of his professional records INCLUDES the topic Yarnell, Yarnell Fire and or any Granite Mountain Hotshots / Crew 7 / any name that leads back to the men that died- then that area is Permanent records tie to a historical significant tragedy then I can see those records from his professional file. If I do not see that and you have since destroyed those areas I will file complaint with Arizona State Archival records because those records are tied to a tragedy should have since been transferred to Arizona State Archival records and they state the last transfer was in the 70s. So it is illegal to destroy records with any area like signing off on how the GMHS became a type 1 or any area Duane Steinbrink is tied into his professional profile tied to the tragedy. COP, Your reply is not sufficient and complete.

Just stating State Retention on the man who I have here on other records signed a lot of areas to the GMHS is not exempt until his profile is examined and if there is no profile I need that in writing to forward it to the proper areas as it is illegal.)'

and City of Prescott (COP) just closed the request 43 days of it sitting there unopened stating it was a "duplicate" even though I appealed the old request and they told me to open a new PRR on the large amount of errors and I did to have it closed 43 days later as a "duplicate"--- it was an odd back and forth moment trying to gather on him and as well his son Troy.

And I had to search other entities to get that area but still left with Swiss Cheese moment there and I also have a private declaration from a dear friend to their family's personal and professional account for June 30, 2013. I am always gathering the documents.

So if he retired January 2010- the destruction forms I have does not cover that year so where are his records???


Now we get to see less of Duane Steinbrink ( you read above the COP stated he retired January 2010 ) on the papers and more of Darrell Willis:

I found it funny in above image --- Scott Hunt, acting State Forester--- sounds about right --- "acting" --- soft smiles. Good description adjective to his name; acting. Then the disappearing act he did on the aftermath of the YHF when Jeff Whitney took over. What about all his files that were destroyed yet no destruction form of such has surfaced yet?




I have to say Nature can be quite comical:



7-19-21 2:03PM: I have not been on the PC since 7-15-21. I had my 10am Doctor Appt. ( update above ) and I am at the last 24 hours of the antibiotic then I can check to see how I am doing-

I did enjoy the whole "Roy Hall Tour Guide" event last Friday July 16th- bringing the Youth to the local businesses yet I am disappointed the 'narrative' is still being carried out on the Weaver Mountains to the Mormon Youth Group(s) by President Hall and that is too bad. Sad really.

No person in a leadership position should be misleading, omitting, rewriting history of June 30, 2013. It was hard enough that day but the only thing that needs to be said is the truths and facts. All of it. Not just what feels good to you, sir.

Then I went up to Prescott to pick up an item that did end up getting damaged in transport. I also received from "JCF" her long time pal- "Violet" - I very much appreciated that/ I also in a sad way or begging way am now sporting a kick ass Smokey hat that belonged to someone I highly respect.

Then I headed out to Superstition Area and was so sad again for the aftermath of the Bush Fire - all that fire damage to the scenic highway roads.

We went to the Pine - Strawberry Community 'Surviving the Back Bone Fire' "Open House" Meeting July 17, 2021-

And I felt it was done in a very productive professional setting. After that I crashed / napped then saw the Phoenix Suns game with some very quality folks. Excellent time. Then crashed and slept hard finally. It was nice to awake with no animals tight against me. Tried to see you Leo then headed home.

I just have a medical massage and my daily walks this week so I will be here. However, due to recent new growths after the precancerous one was removed 7-19-21 - I am getting a few more to monitor on the throat area. I think my walks will have to be away from the sun for now-

Also, this man in the below image ... Mike Reichling ... I filed a complaint on manners he had on the Back Bone Fire (June 2021) towards one of the longest running Sup bosses when he retired in 2007. Why Mike? Why?

I never did get any replies- so I asked my co-author if he had as well- here is what I wrote after his image below:


I just caught that Central Yavapai Fire District got a cut in above image so I need to go back and look at documents to see if this was the first time and see why and how they were then included in the financial cuts-versus prior times they were not.


In 1994-96', information that I had gave to an investigator back then had one woman sharing publicly this statement: "I can start with healing, but I can’t truly heal until ______ is brought to justice."

I think some in these leadership roles telling the narratives truly are oblivious ... that sure ... 19 folks died June 30, 2013 and hundreds since and yet the narratives painting just an image of heroism is not healthy one or omitting obvious well known facts "behind the scenes". We need to talk about the fire and its aftermath.

Right now, two women could have met and felt a sense of relief that they were not alone. Yet somehow and someone(s) stopped that from happening this month. It is okay. Some day and some how it will still happen. They waited this long. Just sad people "behind the scenes" have to go through this.

Today ( 7-20-21 10:11am) I am on the last day of antibiotics. I am working on the blog. I keep having dreams of two family members and I just keep having the dreams. I pray he is okay.

Family, Mentors and a "Golden Generations" couple will receive these items this week from us and I could not get these without the help of my barder and trade with Dan Jacobs earlier this year- thank you Dan. I appreciate you.

My "thank you" gifts to you:

and I am finally organizing my dry goods area with containers:

along with adding some of my favorite snacks:

I got on my google alerts Angie Tom's book that has some true leaders listed and written about in her book- get yours today at The Supe's Handbook: Leadership Lessons from America's Hotshot Crews: Tom, Angie, Escobar, Anthony J: 9781735699103: Books

Our co-author, Fred J. Schoeffler, is also written about in this book.


7-20-21 Noon: I am so sad our co-author, Lance Honda ( RiP ), passed on this year. He is missed greatly. We are working on a post for others who also passed on this year to honor them. This was the last paper Lance Honda was a part of with us here.



7-20-21 1:55PM- I will log off pc for a few hours to see how bad this storm coming in is going to be:



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G   O   D



6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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