Jon Jones is Deputy Emergency Manager at Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management- I never met him nor know him just DENNIS FOULK was our area during the fire, 2013. So maybe the email address for Emergency Management went to him...web.EM@yavapaiaz.gov?

I suggest off highway 89 in this specific area is seeing a growing number of fire only in recent times- when there was none before ---then toss a game trail camera to capture the ORIGIN data...and what/who/when is causing it---"common sense"- aiming in the direction of the desert vs the road so the camera does not always go off---I want to avoid incidents and so have the fire dept be proactive vs. come in with mutual aid agreements wasting our tax paying dollars placing fire on the ground where we have a long history of pockets of cess pool poisons from the old mining days.
