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Page 7- These are my City of Prescott Public Records Requests- (descending order)(Finish DP PRR)


Author- Joy A. Collura


Views expressed to "the public at largeand "of public concern" DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts ( ) The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you. If you just came here with revenge and hate in your mind and heart, then click off to another site-


This blog is for people who want to learn, not take the data to gossip and cause harm.


There may be images below watermarked with hidden trace so that I may know where the image was saved. All my posts must have written permission to use any content. Get your PRR or FOIA or ask permission by us. I gave the sources so you can ask for your own. Mine are non-commercial so remember that is for people not making a cent-

I do it for the Public at Large. No "made-for-profit" book like others.


This is the link you will keep coming back to as I will keep loading this section with the City of Prescott Public Records Requests ( PRRs ) and eventually break them into Part One, Two, etc. as they increase in volume size so the posts are kept reasonable in size.


7-31-20 5:22 PM I am just making a link to later come back then post 8 (Showing what I pulled) then post 9 (Jeff Archer PRR)


September 13th 2020 10AM- I finally made it back to Wix- I will do the Dude Fire Resource orders when I get done with some D.C. data and other areas but for today God led me to do this area here which is a "fact check and verify" the old podcast ( "Penny University Pre'Cents

Our Investigation, Our Truth" ) that Deborah Pfingston, Andrew Ashcraft's Mom, and Doug Harwood, Granite Mountain Hotshot Alumni / PFD made for the World. ( ).

It has much information in this link above. I just have to fact check with FOIAs and Public Records (PRRs) because I found it "odd" the very Fire Station Doug Harwood belong to was involved in the removal of the GPS Units and other items that ended up being stored at YCSO evidence storage unit through both Fire Investigations and even a year later before they even looked at those GPS Units - why is he doing the podcast?

I also found it a "red flag" that the "Prescott Way" allowed Doug Harwood to work for the City of Prescott while doing this Podcast with some of the content that is shared on this podcast.

I also wonder how come Curtis Heaton called Holly Neill so early on to pick up a specific Firefighter to be brought to the area and so I will document, document, document until we get the areas out to the public.

Yes, some crucial spots stay in locked areas and not public to ensure these people wanting harm for me for trying to gain truths, I have my solid data sealed and secure.

I learned early on from Moses and Stuart to refrain from keeping any evidence near me and my residing areas and I have been successful for the most part there. Some areas did vanish but I keep pushing forward.

I also found it a "red flag" that Doug's wife is/was very close knit with the very widow who really did not want anyone to speak about the YHF and the GMHS unless she had this "stamp of approval" of what was being said. It was just not meshing so I began to pull the records.

This envelope was mailed to me and I received it 7-31-20 5:22 PM:

My health has been my top priority this Summer 2020 yet during the times I could, I spent the time creating the pages to prepare to what records I received and I would come back and post them at a later time. I am relieved that City of Prescott held off on releasing ones the stated they were ready to send me back in the start of August- see:

I am glad I made it thus far and this crap did not zap me all together yet it has been difficult with much rest and away from the PC to heal. I feel if every loved one told their story public and every FF / WF / Homeowners told theirs and like we the "eyewitness hikers" have been doing from the start- without any incoming funds or made for profit bs and we speak what we saw and what came in and "who" reached us- it my also help future Wildland Fire Fatalities if we all did our parts to "speak up"

And I am curious how much Doug Harwood knows that has not yet been shown on that podcast. Why would a City of Prescott even be allowed to participate in this??? Especially with a wife who is so deeply connected to one of the widows who is careful who is given the freedom to speak their perceptions of their takeaway of the YHF. I know I have received much heat as the eyewitness and so have others so why not Doug for doing this?

This release is PRR# 19-438 that took City of Prescott to get to me in appx. 440 days, 17 hours:

(my online look of my original request)-


and in the white padded envelope I received 7-31-20 was this content:

be right back - lunch break 9-13-20 1:54PM

I am back - lunch break 9-13-20 3:30PM

City of Prescott did the following blacked out redactions on the below pages:


When "hate" happens please make sure you report it and even if you have to ---take it to this site:

One of the Yarnell Hikers has received a death threat recently. Address the toxicity of others because perceptions are okay but "death threats" are not-

Please remember any attacks online or in person -may be a person just in pain or does not have all the information at hand so I tried to be a person to recognize that but even then it was a very dangerous attack so please know there are folks who exist for harm and paper trailing is the only way to deal with those folks. I also get venting but there is people out there with their own dark agendas so be careful. Remember,

Avoid allowing others to attack you or bully you. If you have Spiritual the name of Jesus Christ, rebuke it.


9-13-20 4:07PM- Now on to the content and I have less than one hour this day to work on this- so here is what I opened up and saw:


itemized as follows:

If you have Spiritual the name of Jesus Christ, rebuke it. That is all I can share. I remember the days Sonny would talk about this stuff and I was like ??? but it is real. Some area of ill intent does not want me to release these records. I have been 'distracted' so many times. Even distractions to the distractions so back at it. Good morning. 9/14/20 10:18AM:

Yesterday I opened an email from a "RG" and then my pc went into blue pc crash mode so I never made it back on last night yet it was a hard night that I wrote all my final areas I needed to address and where I needed the person here to know where I am to go once I passed on for my burial but I am having a "full" autopsy out of state first before that. That autopsy was a mandatory before the YHF. I made it thus far. I want my family and friends to have full knowledge of what/why took my final moment of breathe. Mainly because I never followed the traditional path in my healing and relied on God's hands on it.

I called the number from that email that went into blue pc crash mode last night to see if it was legit and it was a real person with real questions. The cell said I spent 50:05 minutes at 10:30AM and I feel confident that it was a God-led moment for both to engage in that topics he had. The call faded out because of the tracfone minutes ended.

"RG" (Memphis TN) is not a fan of how this site is set up like many millions of others yet like I told him and others. My health is just that. I do what I can when I can to upload the records here and try to make articles with contributing authors time to time on "Human Factors" and "Safety" but it seems my site comes back when people google "ministry, miracles, signs, supernatural, and wonders."

Yet, I am just the "housewife hiker" - I have zero professional background. I can do what I can for each day and if God leads me to someone outside John Dougherty and Scottie Briggs because those two people are the only people legally allowed to use my content on this blog as I share it without any contract. Everyone else requires my written permission and my blog is copyrighted. Anyways, if God leads someone to reach me to take the content to make it more organized ... we will do that when the time comes but for now it is just this:


pause - 9/14/20 2:34PM - break

Note there is clearly NOT over 5,000 emails or pages as COP reported there was-


Looking most likely doubtful just looking at the thumb nail images before so after the break I will get into the "meat" of the records request. Any blocked out areas above was emails showing the email addy so if you want it- pull it.


9/14/20 2:46PM - I was using the G5 machine every hour and half today- grey skies out - so let's get to the content now of this PRR:

once I clicked on the folder I saw a blank gif (???) - nice start huh:




So again, why is it "Holly Neill" was shown such special privileges from the beginning- and when they said she was unable to be present for certain meetings - just makes you wonder if her questions were entertained and answered as it follows below in the images.

Why her and not me who was up there on the Weavers the same day as the GMHS and as the eyewitness as well- why??? Why not answer my questions- Odd. This is weird that I was there June 28-30, 2013 but I am unable to get my questions out there without flack...

This also shows that the lady who came to many of us and said 'you give me what you got and I will give you what I got'--Did any of us get these questions she had? Right? Right. Weird.




so tried it on another system and I got this:

So I will not open it. You want to read it then you get the PRR. I am not opening it.

I emailed it to someone who has areas I use to be able to open but this one Dat File was "protected"

Someone else opened it on their laptop and it showed this but I redacted the dollar amount area:


In this next one (0028_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - FirstRecipient_ - Subject_Wildfire GMIHC Learning and Tribute Center - Second Stakeholder Meeting 9-28-17 - 09-07-2017)... I have asked in so many ways about the Wildfire/GMIHC Learning and Tribute Center Development and Ownership so it was nice to see some type of documentation there finally. It has been a long time coming where I asked for records and received nothing so good to see this for me.




I noticed -

did you?

The title of this file folder above was "0043_Sender_Rebecca Thomas - - Subject_Media Request - 05-20-2014" so where is 0043_Sender_Rebecca Thomas - - Subject_Media Request - 05-20-2014 email? Right. This is the kind of stuff I get when pulling records. Games. Go look up above again and you tell me-

There is only what you see above in 0043_Sender_Rebecca Thomas - - Subject_Media Request - 05-20-2014 file folder.

Yet remember that letter earlier I posted first - COP claims zero responsibility in any event I am unable to open an attachment, find blank or missing areas or empty file folders- they claim it is HOW they received it but I ask by whom did they receive it that way- the legal team or IT????? Right. Something odd there.



I will end here as I am one hour plus past my daily cut off time and I have to get my walk in - I said I would spend on here five days a week Monday thru Friday 9 to 5.

Good Night. 9/14/20 6:06PM


Good Afternoon - 9/15/20 12:05PM -

I was able to go further today in my walk and I stopped my walk for a couple weeks - but I went today after reading Psalms 26-27 (praying on my bad head pain went away after reading His Word and thanks "RG" for your prayers- they worked)- see my walk today:


Next: Continue to the 0060_Sender_Holly Neill - - Subject_IMPORTANT FOIA RED CARDS - 06-04-2017 file:


0093_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - FirstRecipient_ - Subject_Prescott GMH Education Meeting March 29th - 03-23-2017 (I redacted the under 18 minor full names below)


0086_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_ - Station #7 - 06-13-2017.pdf

0093_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - FirstRecipient_ - Subject_Prescott GMH Education Meeting March 29th - 03-23-2017.pdf

This email above was redacted by City of Prescott not me. Seems the attachments must be the ones above-


0067_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Willis - Subject_Invitation - 03-15-2015


0071_Sender_Fousek,Melissa - FirstRecipient_McGroder - Subject_ASRS Contributions - City of Prescott - 04-09-2015


0079_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Darrell Willis - Subject_Final Edited History of the GMIHC article - 09-18-2016

Ready for posting - Complete Final Edited Draft GMIHCHistory.docx.pdf:


0107_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_ - Subject_#266 REV - 11-11-2014


0113_Sender_glen hopkinson - FirstRecipient_Willis - Subject_Memorial Design Sub-Committee - 02-16-2015:


0118_Sender_Markel,Laura - FirstRecipient_Sventek - Subject_BIRTHDAYS - 06-20-2014

Agenda 2017-05-04.pdf:

PAWUIC Minutes April 2017.pdf:

Blank gif:


0121_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Joe Woyjeck - Subject_271 - 11-09-2014

the transcript is up above with 0107_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_ - Subject_#266 REV - 11-11-2014.


0124_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Darrell Willis - Subject_Wildfire Museum and Tribute to GMIHC - 07-18-2017


0125_Sender_Harwood,Doug - FirstRecipient_Jess & Doug - Subject_Thank you - Deborah Pfingston - 02-26-2018

the man above is the man who was our Staff Ride guide for Little Venus ( GMHS Dustin's Brother)

Willis (above)


Good night - that was all I was able to load for today. I did stay focused without distractions.

I wrote one BM ecard. Broccoli time - 9/15/20 7:17PM - Be back after my hike tomorrow.


Good Morning 9-16-20 10:19AM - Been back from hike awhile and just reading weather and current events and now here -


0126_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug - Subject_Photos and Video - Deborah Pfingston #1 - 08-04-2014


0147_Sender_Deborah Pfingston - FirstRecipient_Darrell Willis - Subject_Wildland Firefighter Guardian Institute - 08-27-2015

If you want the 'Board Member Booklet.pdf' then pull your own PRR because I am not uploading 37 pages of this booklet that has to do with: