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Page 6- These are my City of Prescott Public Records Requests- (descending order)(Steinbrink)


Author- Joy A. Collura


Views expressed to "the public at largeand "of public concern" DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts ( ) The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you. If you just came here with revenge and hate in your mind and heart, then click off to another site-

This blog is for people who want to learn not take the data to gossip and cause harm.


There may be images below watermarked with hidden trace so that I may know where the image was saved. All my posts must have written permission to use any content. Get your PRR or FOIA or ask permission by us. I gave the sources so you can ask for your own. Mine are non-commercial so remember that is for people not making a cent-

I do it for the Public at Large. No "made-for-profit" book like others.

This is the link you will keep coming back to as I will keep loading this section with the City of Prescott Public Records Requests ( PRRs ) and eventually break them into Part One, Two, etc. as they increase in volume size so the posts are kept reasonable in size.

Page five was 37 pages when saving to PDF area so time for new page- page six here. (Steinbrink area only) -

Page 7 will go back and close Pfingstons PRR than Page Eight will continue on to my descending order City of Prescott PRRs.

How is it world, there is seventy something items for two men who "work(ed)" for the City of Prescott "how long???" but over 5,000 for Pfingston. I am not buying it. We will see what stuff they released but I doubt it will uncover our Stations info.

PRR 20-038 opening the request "live" with you.

7/29/20 4:05 PM


Okay on to this request...The next item in the PRR request is the letter first and its envelope contents:


Let me begin how I learned about the names ...

... Duane Steinbrink ... and ... Troy Steinbrink.

The very first time I heard Duane's name was in October 2013 at a Prescott Bar called Jersey Lily.

Then the next time I heard the name was March 2014 and June 30, 2014. Next time I heard the name was January 2015. All the time his name was brought up to me was when Sonny took me to a bar. However you all will recognize the name from this film:

Only the Brave is a 2017 American biographical drama film directed by Joseph Kosinski, and written by Ken Nolan and Eric Warren Singer, based on the GQ article "No Exit" by Sean Flynn.[1] The film tells the story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, an elite crew of firefighters from Prescott, Arizona who lost 19 of 20 members while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire in June 2013, and is dedicated to their memory. It features an ensemble cast, including Josh Brolin, James Badge Dale, Jeff Bridges, Miles Teller, Alex Russell, Taylor Kitsch, Ben Hardy, Thad Luckinbill, Geoff Stults, Scott Haze, Andie MacDowell, and Jennifer Connelly.

The very first time I heard Troy Steinbrink's name was in July 2014 at the Fence Play in Prescott (Ered Matthews production) where FFs watched the play and out in the alley they said Troy's name and it related to YHF. We will get into that as we show documents as time goes by. But first time was then I heard his name. The FFs were very upset. They mentioned a brother who died in a wrong way. I had to get to the restaurant to meet all the Cast so I hurried away.

Second time I heard Troy Steinbrink's name was March 2015 at Bucky's Casino when Sonny was gambling big for some expensive welder and Joanna Dodder Nellans was telling me I had to leave because Amanda Beno Marsh was there...I turned around and said to the management pull your videos not only was I there first but I had no clue she was in the building until Joanna told me in the bar area of the Hotel - we were in the Casino area. I showed my phone analytics and recent locations to show how we ended up there and I had no clue she was there plus the court stated whoever was there first can stay and the other had to go. I did not force her to go and it showed I was there first. Yet it was a good shot they were getting me out ( at least tried ) but I was legally there first. Anyways an angry gruffy rugged timber logger sawyer guy was the second person to mention "Troy Steinbrink" and he even in 2015 predicted that they will probably make a hero film and his dad will be showcased in it and Willis would be f*%ked and ousted and Troy can then hide behind the film. About seven of them knew way too much about the spur roads and the area. Way too familiar they were about the pumpkin area by the Helms. Sonny did not care to talk YHF shop talk but he would here and there and that was the second time but Sonny was there to gamble big monies and win - he had a welder he had to get in his mind he was wanting asap so we did not engage too much.

The third time is anonymously shared so no time place or who- yet it was the most crucial that blended and matched all I had already heard.

Then the intro to the movie was happening and Wtktt and I was going back and forth on social media tidbits and in that when Duane was with Jeff Bridges some of social media offered clues and or answers.

Yet the oddest part in all my FOIAs and PRRs at that time- Troy Steinbrink was the only one they wanted HIS signature to obtain the FOIA so I emailed him this emails below but never heard anything from him (just people who knew him said 'Joy, they will lawyer will not get anywhere there' but I did my efforts world and I really do not need the bullshit - you would think if you were not there in Yarnell you would just state that but it did not help when people who knew Troy told me that so I let it go but I did one last Public Records Request and that is this PRR 20-038 and we all will "live" see what I am shown.).

Let me begin with the emails I sent to 'Only The Brave', Duane Steinbrink's son, Troy Steinbrink who works for the City of Prescott as a Firefighter:

Then I did a second attempt but after that bogus time with ABML, I know better to go do a third try so this is it take it from here. I did my part. Indeed I did. See:


Let me take a pause- that was a lot to place out because I have kept it quiet for so long and I really like these people but if I keep holding on to information than I am no better than those people keeping silent but I do kind of get Pfingston on keeping areas quiet or back channel but the only way this is gonna happen if we work publicly together so I hope my areas can help others to make their own assessments and pull their own records.

There are areas maybe if I place it out then others can fact check where I was unable to do.

We know "back channel" gets you so far. Time to place it to the front. You know what is odd. The Government and Media will not touch a story unless we find the "missing pieces" yet we all know by a recorded audio recording the story of Bob Brandon and I know an officer's cell was taken by Investigator and never returned so we do know Government had some of this already that was in their possession and as for the Media, Pete the Miner told me where you all were between Manzanita and Sesame to the Shrine areas June 30, 2013 those last 18 minutes so I know from him you have the data or had...

What's it gonna take for them to do something?

One of those Firefighters that was there killing themselves over this YHF with a note left and video/photos?

Come on, really. What's it gonna take...Go now and pull the Phone Records and Garmin Unit data and Google Location History on anyone that was there June 30, 2013.

I have to pause but I will be back tomorrow with PRR 20-038. Good night.


Good morning. 7/30/20 10:28AM.

Dear Prescott Fire Department Station Staff that were in Yarnell on June 30, 2013:

Some tend to "believe" in only things they see. Most lost the mystery of "reading" and are only captivated by photos or videos. I know from all the accounts God has led me over the years since the Yarnell Hill Fire that maybe just maybe you can help by emailing me those YHF photos or videos you have / gave / shared or been shared from June 30, 2013 the last 18 minutes before the men passed on. Maybe just maybe someone of Authority will be willing to help if you are not willing to do that for us all. Look at the deep blueprints of technology. I mean if we can have bogus shows on TV doing stuff like that...remember Take the Money and Run

( and Hunted ( ) than we for sure have the technology to take a "real" look at June 30, 2013 the last 18 minutes before the men died.

Remembering when I was a little girl and Christmas. Every July 30th I watch Christmas shows to help ease the Arizona hot muggy Monsoon temps and as I am doing that today I think about those kids. All kids. So many kids are robbed of the mystery of Santa so early on. I want folks that rob those kids...when you say do you "see" Santa? I say back to you...

Do you see "love", do you see "joy", do you see "hope"??? Even though it is not seen - It is real.

I waited seven plus years for you all to do what I am doing. I want you that were there to remember the mistakes of your parents do not have to be yours.

You have had the chance to do something right and important. I want the world to see when I asked for the Stations Full Names they illegally close my PRR and I appeal it and they review it and stand by closing it. Why? It is Public Records. Will you world pull the records of all the Prescott Fire Stations Full Name Roster List on June 30, 2013 and stand with me so I can help pull the data together. Or if you work there and are willing to share it- please do.

I will see you after I do my Summer Cleaning and Watching Christmas movies today to upload more records later on today. Meanwhile I hope my Proton email starts to see your photos and videos. Even if you are just someone who knows these people. I am good to keep you anonymous- we just need that "seeing is believing" for those non-believers.

All my Love and Kindest Regards,

Joy A. Collura


Request #20-38:

185 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes it was opened then closed and I am about to place what I received but when I get to older PRRs this PRR will PROVE they illegally CLOSED another request without properly fulfilling the other PRR(s). I remember there was some part of 20-63 was "off" too with Troy mentioned in that one...There is other PRRs but my focus is this PRR I just got and release the documents if any pertain to YHF.


I also went one step more and provided an alternate email for Troy Steinbrink to search and this was that process PRR 20-39 -totally illegal process? You tell me.:

Read More Button still does not expand even though City of Prescott was notified about that.

42 days, 23 hours, 43 minutes - after almost 43 days they closed and I appealed it and they stick by it closing it- ????- It is now in your hands World or Ms. Pfingston. I am out on this. I can tell you this Troy Steinbrink from other entities gave me similar run around. Who is this guy where Chris Desrosiers stuff came to me - same time of FOIA- I have to have Troy sign off???? Tell me please. I would like to know how does Troy rank higher than thousands of other Firefighters both structural and Wildland and Hybrids that I have their stuff asking the same public records request with no signature. Maybe you know something. Let me know. I am clueless.

World, you tell me. How is it on so many other PRRs as you will all soon learn they provided me emails on others just as I asked for Troy's - same way- but I got the closed request as you see above on Troy's. You pull it. I will help you on how to write it too. Just reach me. It is ridiculous. Are they protecting something or someone? What's going on?


I remember last year they were selective on what they gave me of Troy's work profile and that entire PRR was a long joke- totally illegal too.


0049_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_All Available Hands Requested - 11-21-2016.pdf:

Does anyone recognize the names on the list to the right- do those names belong to Prescott Fire Station 72-75? Are they closing requests when I ask direct for the June 30, 2013 full names for Prescott Fire Station 72-75 - but are they encrypting me them and I just need to learn "who is who" to Prescott because to me they are just names but maybe it is the missing names I asked for and they closed my request and appeals. Help me out World- if you know the answers.


Next is 0047_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_Tour of Honor's Arizona Heroes Run - 10-31-2014.pdf.


0045_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Hotshot 19 memorial WOD - 08-01-2017.pdf:


0043_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_Frozen Yogartz Fundraiser June 30th - 06-29-2016.pdf:


0042_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park Dedication Ceremony – SAVE THE DATE - 11-08-2016.pdf:


0039_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_U.S. & AZ Flag Half-Staff Alert - To Honor the 19 Granite MountainHotshots - 06-29-2016.pdf:


0038_Sender_McCarty,Pat - - Subject_Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial - 06-29-2018.pdf:


Been through a few emails tonight as I listened to DJMD in the background. Good night. 7/30/20 8:10 PM. I see Yarnell GMHS aftermath emails but nothing yet on the June 30, 2013 moment. If they redact and failed me in other areas - how am I to feel confident that they did not omit this area as well...


Good Morning 11:33AM 7/31/20 Happy Birthday Sir from IM...I slept through since last night. Finally awake. I am trying to rest because when I awake the coughing is killing my chest area. When asleep I am asleep; no coughing. I hate to sleep so long but I think it is the only way I will pull through the bullshit. Feels like concrete on my chest 24/7. No fever just clammy and groggy feel.


0037_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Fifth Year Remembrance In Honor of Granite Mountain Hotshots Planned for June 30, 2018 - 06-15-2018.pdf


0036_Sender_Peterson,Dave - - Subject_Prescott Fire Department Peer Support Team - 10-24-2017.pdf.


0035_Sender_Kriwer,Eric - FirstRecipient_Brown - Subject_Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial - 06-28-2014.pdf:


0033_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Bi-Weekly Update (Bit Belated) - 03-13-2015.pdf:

Request Opened Public (Unpublished)

Request received via web

July 28, 2020, 10:52am

Request #20-616

I could not expand other PRRs due to the READ MORE button still does not work - but when I put resignation in search keyword-


Did you take note the above email ( 0033_Sender_Light,Dennis ) identifies Willis resigned (2015) yet any PRR I ask for all documents for his entire time with COP to see if it was the first time and last time - to fact check other information - I am not seeing it yet ???


0031_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Station 71 - Subject_A Week To Remember, Reflect and Learn- June 30- July 6, 2014 - 06-11-2014.pdf:


0029_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation June 30 - 06-13-2017.pdf:


How much Kool-Aid are you planning to drink, my friend? Some may get disgruntled by my recent posts yet imagine my broken heart to have to be that person to do this difficult right thing. It should be you showing that video and photos.


0028_Sender_Herrington,Tim - - Subject_Run to Remember - 06-28-2018.pdf:


0027_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation - 06-13-2016.pdf:


0024_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Fire Department Bi-Weekly Update - 12-08-2016.pdf:

I do not know if you all noticed but the numbers are not 24,25,26,27 - it was given to me 24 and 27...did someone else pull the same records and they redacted some for me...why the gaps in between the numbers?


0021_Sender_Light,Dennis - FirstRecipient_Zelms - Subject_Bi-Weekly Update - 09-11-2015.pdf:


0020_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_Days of Vintage - Yarnell April 23rd - 04-20-2016.pdf - not worth putting the images- this is a Yarnell business. If you have to see it - pull it. I am trying to hurry this along so I can jump to Jeff Archer's PRR.

"Date: 4/20/2016 9:22:17 AM Subject: Days of Vintage - Yarnell April 23rd Attachments: Yarnell Days of Vintage April 2016.pdf To All: For those of you that may be interested in attending the Days of Vintage in Yarnell on April 23rd, please see the attached flyer. Sincerely, Jaimie Sventek Business Manager Prescott Fire Department"


0018_Sender_Essex,Dave - - Subject_June 28-30th 1 year Anniversary Events - 06-02-2014.pdf:

"Date: 6/2/2014 10:35:24 AM Subject: FW: June 28-30th 1 year Anniversary Events All Personnel, Page 2 1/27/2020 Below are a list of events the 100club is putting on at the end of the month. I am asking if there are PFD members that wish to participate or attend. We will not be able to pay any OT as I am pinching every dollar at this point to send 4 people to medic class out of this budget that ends June 30th. If there are folks out there that can drive the crew buggies (must have CDL) and are willing to take them to the events let me know. This will all be on a volunteer basis. I know some folks are not interested in doing anything while others are wiling to attend the events. I need to know who is willing to participate. Please let your BC know if you want to help out. Dave E From: Vicente,John Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:58 AM To: Essex,Dave Cc: Willis,Darrell; Kriwer,Eric; Lucas,Ralph; Moser,Cory Subject: June 28-30th 1 year Anniversary Events Chief, We have some events planned where we will need some support from the PFD. We would like the following assistance. June 28th 1. 1-7 pm 1 Engine and Granite Mountain Buggies at the Prescott Resort for a static display for the families when they arrive. The engine does not need to be manned. 2. Meet and Greet Dinner 4pm -7pm Fire Chief, Chief Officers and Wild Land Personnel and some PFD Fire Personnel (6-10) in uniform meeting the Granite Mountain Families Meals will be provided. USFS Prescott National Forest June 29th 1. Set up a static display at the Charity Event PFFC and 100 Club Fundraiser - Granite Mountain Families raising Money for others in need at Rosa's Pizzeria on Gurley street. We are requesting 1 engine. Both ladders, Superintendent Truck and the Crew Buggies to include a display of structure equipment and wildland equipment from 12 noon - 8 pm. The engine and ladders will need to be manned and we would like to set up flags on the ladders as the entrance. Please pass out literature for general public. 2. We are asking for other agencies to participate with the static display. USFS, State Land, Groom Creek, CVFD, CYFD, Mayer FD, Williamson Valley FD, Lifeline, Any assistance in gather the email addressed or phone number for POC would be appreciated . June 30th Crew Buggies and Superintendent Truck: a. 7:30 am the crew buggies to lead the Buses to Yarnell and to lead the buses from Yarnell back to the Prescott Resort. Lunch will be provided. b. The Superintendent Truck & Crew buggies will then lead the buses to the memorial at 3:45 -5:30 c. The Superintendent Truck & Crew Buggies will lead the buses to the Granite Mountain memorial BBQ at Heritage Park 8 Pm the Superintendent Truck and Crew Buggies will lead the Buses back to the resort and complete. Ladders and Engines and Honor Guard: Memorial at Cemetery: June 30th 3:00 PM - 6:00 pm 1. Static display of Both Ladders with Flags at Entrance of cemetery 2. 2 engines one on each side of the Ladders at entrance with personnel We have had several departments volunteer to send engines to staff out stations on June 30th is needed so that our personnel a can attend the Memorial. Let us know if that is a consideration so that we can coordinate with the agencies. If there are any questions please let me know. I am asking for a confirmation as to the assistance by June 10th so that we can properly plan. Thank you for your support of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. JP Vicente "Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play." Mike Singletary"


0017_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_Planning Meeting Minutes - 02-24-2016.pdf:

Date: 2/24/2016 2:57:21 PM Subject: Planning Meeting Minutes Attachments: Planning Meeting Minutes 2-18-2016.pdf To All Personnel: I’ve attached the minutes from the last staff meeting for those that may be interested. Sincerely, Page 2 1/27/2020 Jaimie Sventek Business Manager Prescott Fire Department


0016_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation - 06-10-2016.pdf:

Date: 6/10/2016 9:34:26 AM Subject: GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation Attachments: GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation 2016.pdf To All Personnel, Please find the Ceremony of Remembrance GMIHC invitation attached. Please remember that the ceremony is private, for family and public safety service members, and by invitation only. The ceremony will take place at the Arizona Pioneers’ Home Cemetery on June 30th and will commence at 8:00AM. Sincerely, Jaimie Sventek Business Manager


0014_Sender_Kriwer,Eric - FirstRecipient_Kriwer - Subject_Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial - 06-28-2014.pdf:

Date: 6/28/2014 12:28:23 PM Subject: RE: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial All engine liaisons will get an hour of OT for attending the briefing. Thanks, Eric Eric Kriwer, EFO A-Shift Battalion Chief City of Prescott Fire/Medical Department From: Kriwer,Eric Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2014 11:33 AM To: Kriwer,Eric; Brown,Brady; Steinbrink,Troy; Griskowitz,Butch; Epperson,Travis; Laipple,Aaron Cc: Wallace,Jason; Luedeman,Scott; Bates,Dan; Hutchison,Dan; Stazenski,Randy; Seets,Nate; Fire Battalion Chiefs; Light, Dennis; Dispatch Supervisor Leads Subject: RE: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial Please add the Sedona BC with Wallace as the liaison. I will have rosters completed today. Page 1 1/27/2020 From: Kriwer,Eric Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2014 11:31 AM To: Brown,Brady; Steinbrink,Troy; Griskowitz,Butch; Epperson,Travis; Laipple,Aaron Cc: Wallace,Jason; Luedeman,Scott; Bates,Dan; Hutchison,Dan; Stazenski,Randy; Seets,Nate; Fire Battalion Chiefs; Light, Dennis; Dispatch Supervisor Leads Subject: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial All Engine Liaisons, Please be at the briefing on June 30, I will talk to you all this afternoon. Below is a list of preparations by Mesa Fire that may be of benefit to you. A few things to think about regarding what items you may want to train on and discuss. We will be delivering pizza to each station between 1100-noon for you and your crew. Please try and be there during that time.. The following are assigned: Station 71 Showlow Engine 311: Griskowitz *Drug box off E71 is needed for E311- * Showlow is staying the 29 and 30 at Station 75. Station 72 Mesa Engine 221: Brown Station 73 Glendale Engine 156: Laipple Station 74 -Sedona Engine 511 : Steinbrink Station 75 Superstition Engine 262: Epperson Many units may be in service prior to 2000 hours. You can take your personal vehicle back from 71 to your normally assigned shift upon completion. We will need to turn in all the radios at 71 when completed and each unit is released to their home unit. If we can get the visiting engines released prior to 2000, that would be great, as it will be a long day and we want them home ASAP. We can always rotate our personnel through Heritage Park if you want to visit the BBQ etc. Use your best judgment and thank you for your diligence and commitment! You have all done excellent! Regards, Eric Eric Kriwer, EFO A-Shift Battalion Chief City of Prescott Fire/Medical Department From: Brian Kotsur [ Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 6:03 PM To: Brian Hickey; Efrain Urias; Drew Mogalian; Danna Cravens; John Leivas Cc: Mary Pobuda; Michael Hyde; Bruce McGregor; FDCAR209; Mary Cameli; Garry Spencer; FALLBCS; FDSHIFTBCs&BSOs; Jeff Glenn; FireStaffing; Kriwer,Eric Subject: FW: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial Brian, Efrian, Drew and Danna, thank you for stepping up to assist with the events in Prescott. The plan is coming together and more updates may be forthcoming. You will be responsible for your bringing your turnouts, PPE, spare uniforms, brush pants and any other personal items necessary. I spoke to Chief Kriwer from Prescott FD who is coordinating the event, and he said they would be providing lunch and dinner. At this point this is what we know: -The crew will assemble at station 201 at 0430 on June 30th and leave for Prescott by 0500. -Resource has Engine 221 and is going through it to ensure it s ready for the trip. Once completed, ED200 will make arrangements to have it delivered to station 201. -An Engineer from station 213 will go through the apparatus check and verify all equipment is stocked. Completed 6 /27/14 -Car 209/Safety 200 are addressing logistics which include: radios, brush equipment, spare medical equipment, procurement card etc. * Car 209 will have 4 dual band radios for the crews to take to the event (2 radios will be provided by Prescott FD as well as a member to ride with our crew). Page 2 1/27/2020 * Medical equipment (including medications) will be used from the station 201 Emergency issue room. Spare monitor batteries will be needed. * Procurement card will come from ED200’s office (Wendy’s desk). * Brush equipment is being gathered from John Leivas at training * Med forms (EPCR’s will not work) have been procured and Captain Hickey is working on a restock medical supply kit * A cooler stocked with water/Gatorade will need to be coordinated at station 201 on Sunday. * Scott bottles can be refilled by the Utility crew in Prescott, but Chief Kriwer recommended bringing spare bottles as a back-up plan. Coordinate with SS208. *Hydrants/supplies will not be an issue according to Chief Kriwer, but the crew will need to verify with their liaison and adapters will be provided if necessary. Mary/staffing, please place the following crew members on the roster (o.t. I don’t know the code) from 0430-2200 hours. Captain Hickey will send you an email when they return if the time changes regarding their commitment. Captain Brian Hickey ALS Engineer Efrain Urias ALS Firefighter Drew Mogalian Firefighter Danna Cravens I’m sure there are other items I’ve missed, please let me know if you think of something not included. I will be passing on the information to Chief’s Hyde and McGregor to address any other issues and coordinate the final details before Monday. Thanks, BK From: Brian Kotsur Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 12:07 PM To: FDSUPPRESSION Subject: Re: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial The only position I have remaining is and ALS engineer. Thanks, BK Sent from my iPhone On Jun 27, 2014, at 11:36 AM, "Brian Kotsur" wrote: All personnel, I received word this morning from Chief Cameli that we have been asked to assist with the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew Memorial events this Monday, June 30th. Given the short notice and compressed time frame, I am going to put together a crew consisting of “C” shift members only; because of they are on the 4 days off. The timeframe for the coverage will be approximately 0430-2200 hours. Crewmembers will need to be at the designated station with their equipment (turnouts, brush gear etc.) by 0430. This is an evolving circumstance which will require some adaptation by members agreeing to respond; I’m still working through all the details. What I need from personnel who are committed, not just interested in fulfilling this request is an email to me today. Please understand, if you Page 3 1/27/2020 make this commitment, you will not be available to take other callback either Sunday June 29th or Monday June 30th. I will take requests based on email only and fill the positions as they come in. Please understand I know some of you will not see this email until after I’ve filled the positions, there’s nothing I can do about that. Once I fill the request I will send out another email, please don’t reply after I’ve sent the next email….I get enough emails throughout the day. The crew will be responding in an Engine to cover a Prescott Fire station during the event. Standard uniform is acceptable. I plan to have one crew consisting of a Captain, Engineer and 2 Firefighters (2 members will be Paramedics). Thanks, BK


0011_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Prescott FD Bi-Weekly Update - 11-23-2016.pdf:

Date: 11/23/2016 8:33:41 AM Subject: Prescott FD Bi-Weekly Update Good Morning All, As we enter the extended holiday weekend I’d ask all to take a moment to reflect on what you are thankful for and I’d venture to say at the core of most folks thoughts is that of family. Please take time to enjoy your family this weekend whether it is those at the home front or those in our work environment as at the root of family is one’s support. Page 2 1/27/2020 The past few weeks have been buzzing with activity and action as follows: · November 14th brought about the first full week of using our Auxiliary members to help fulfill some of the needs related to reducing risk in our community. They six members have been out and about helping with inspections, making the rounds to relieve the BC of some of that burden, and even helping out at a BBQ. Although the full potential of the program is yet to be determined it does seem to be on the right track. If you see them around, introduce yourself get to know them. · On Tuesday November 15th I represented Prescott Fire at Yavapai College s annual EMS Advisory Meeting. The primary topic of discussion revolved around the slight restructuring of the Paramedicine program in order to ease it s impact on students that also want to be engaged during off-district response during fire seasons. I did surface the fact that in-residence programs such as what is currently offered will be a challenge to compete with others, such as Wizard Education, in that folks don t necessarily want to spend 16-18 month learning what they can learn elsewhere in 12 months or less. Time will tell if they modify their approach to become more competitive. · November 16th brought about a brief meeting with the staff of our Community Risk Reduction Division with the primary topic being use of Performance Measures in our decision making. In the most general of terms Performance Measures may involve: inputs, outputs, efficiencies, or outcomes or a combination of all four. Inputs are associated with the resources expended to produce services and products whereas outputs are products and services delivered . Going hand in hand we must look at efficiency which equates to the ratio of cost to amount of output, or vice versa and outcomes which is the results, benefits, or effectiveness of an activity or program for clients or the public . At a recent council meeting City Manager Lamar emphasized the need to allow our data to support our decision making and frankly that is where the rubber hits the road for us. In so much my first conversation on this was with CRR in that we need to do a better and more comprehensive job at trending our activity it also flows to suppression and professional services as well. That s enough on this for the time being but this should help the conversation along as we move into the new calendar year. · At the most recent monthly planning meeting conducted last week we hosted Dr. Don Shaw, Professor with Franklin-Shaw University (Google the Institution if you want to know more) to present his research effort in which he s seeking to have funded and for which he s approached us to be a part of. To put things in firefighter language he and his research team is looking to enhance the science behind the physiology related to firefighter activities. Myself and the senior staff discussed some potential ideas to aid him with his research project and it is hopeful we can come to terms in this regard in one fashion or another. The research of generally a blind study and as such any findings revealed will be grouped together for eventual publication in peer reviewed literature. More to follow as he is expecting a determination on funding in early December. · On Thursday November 17th the primary departments for which Deputy City Manager Zelms provided oversight for hosted a farewell BBQ out at the Sundog Transfer Station. Aside from some parting gifts I had the opportunity to share a few words about her service to us in the department. For those that aren t aware Alison was often a champion for our cause even though even the best of champions every now and again get criticized for making tough decisions . Alison is a true professional and I for one appreciate her wisdom that was demonstrated time and again for the betterment of service to the Prescott community and she will be missed. Thanks to all who took time out of their busy days to make an appearance and a special thanks to Don and Jaimie for making the BBQ go as well as it did. · Later on the 17th me and my wife attended the Prescott Area Shelter Services Open House. Most of you will recall that this non-profit entity is one which I ve been engaged with since my arrival a couple of years ago. The efforts they demonstrate in offering a hand up and not a hand out to those women and family in need is admirable to say the very least. Along this same line my wife, Lynn and I helped out on Tuesday November 22nd by packing meals as part of the Hungry Kids Project championed by Dr. Ron Barnes. This project works to ease some of the nutritional needs for those school age kids whose family may not be fortunate enough to put a meal on the table when/where needed. In just a couple of hours we packed up some 115 meals with this effort. That said, and in this time of Thanksgiving, take a moment to reflect as to it you are doing your part to help those that may need a hand up? · Entry-level Firefighter testing commenced on the 17th as well. We had just under 70 candidates appear for the written test of which somewhere between 35-40 will take part in the initial screening panel consisting of FF/Engineer/Captain. Those panel interviews will commence next week and it is hoped to produce a recommendation of up to 21 candidates (3 candidates for each anticipated vacancy) to interview with me, PVPD Detective Jennifer Watson, and Captain Dan Bauman. The Chief s interviews are tentatively scheduled for Friday December 2nd and Monday December 5th. It is hoped we can make conditional offer before Christmas and then begin the screening process with an expected start date of early February 2017. More to Page 3 1/2 follow. · For those that have yet to hear we will be affording Jeff Moffitt the chance to serve as Interim BC which begins today. Jeff was the final of the three folks that expressed a desire to serve in this role. My thanks to Captain Morgan for filling this role most recently and to Captain Luedeman before him. That said the recruitment to establish a BC list is on track and is hoped to commence in early January to fill the current vacancy we have based on the promotional testing process. Some stuff on the horizon that may perk your interest: · Next week provides the final chance to put the finishing touches on our apparatus , facilities, and grounds in preparation for the upcoming Chief s Annual Facility and Apparatus Inspections. Having stopped in to a few stations this week I can already see many of the preparations that have taken place. Thanks in advance! · Tuesday November 29th will be the date in which the Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park will be opened to the public. This is an outstanding tribute to the fallen and I anticipate attendance by many of our members. That said remember we have a service to provide and as such need to maintain our staffing levels here in town during this time. Again here s wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to all. Sincerely, Dennis B. Light Fire Chief


0009_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Willis - Subject_A Week To Remember, Reflect and Learn- June 30- July 6, 2014 - 06-11-2014.pdf:

Date: 6/11/2014 3:33:14 PM Subject: RE: A Week To Remember, Reflect and Learn- June 30- July 6, 2014 Attachments: M-14-06_A Week to Remember Reflect and Learn June 30 -July 6 2014 (2).pdf Here is the attachment, sorry for not attaching it. DW Darrell Willis, Division Chief Prescott Fire Department 333 White Spar Road Prescott, AZ 86303 (928)777-1701 Office (928)776-1890 Fax Notice: My new e-mail address is From: Willis,Darrell Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 3:31 PM To: Fire Battalion Chiefs; Fire Administration; Fire Chief Staff; Fire Suppression Staff; Fire Senior Staff; Station 71; Station 72; Station 73; Station 74; Station 75 Subject: A Week To Remember, Reflect and Learn- June 30- July 6, 2014 The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) has put out a campaign to Remember, Reflect and Learn on the 20th anniversary of the South Canyon Fire and the one year anniversary of the Yarnell Hill Fire. I am asking that you read the attached Memorandum, share it with your personnel and actively participate in this great training opportunity daily during the June 30-July 6th dates. Thank you for your consideration. DW Darrell Willis, Division Chief Prescott Fire Department 333 White Spar Road Prescott, AZ 86303 (928)777-1701 Office 928)776-1890 Fax Notice: My new e-mail address is


0008_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Bi-Weekly Update - 02-27-2015.pdf:

Date: 2/27/2015 1:45:38 PM Page 2 1/27/2020 Subject: Bi-Weekly Update All Interested Parties, In hopes of keeping our employees engaged and informed the following is provided for your reading pleasure. Current happenings: · Last week and earlier this week we conducted our periodic meetings with crew to discuss a variety of topics. These meetings are designed to afford all employees the chance to have an audience and conversation with myself. Of particular interest during this go around was the soon to be implemented time/attendance changes, certification maintenance, and other housekeeping items · With the legislature in session the current 100 day period is and is likely to remain very active. There has been a robust number of bills moving forward in differing degrees in both the senate and the house. Bills dealing with fire access roads and sprinklers have been pursued and through input through our legislative affairs spokesperson, fire chief s, and others across the state we think we have offered enough input to curb our concerns. Councilmember Kuknyo, Alison, Chief Monahan, and myself spoke in support of the Group Home legislation and it is continuing to move through. We had a follow up with some of the stakeholders from industry yesterday and the city yesterday and see some common ground but nothing significant yet to stop moving a legislative means to control this growing concern. This has been one of the more active sessions in recent memory that I can recall that has so many items directed towards fire and other services provided by municipalities. · Calls were made to personally thank each of the candidates that reached the final selection process and interviewed with me. Contingent job offers have been tendered and accepted and it is expected our new folks will begin work on March 16th. Barring any further changes it is expected that Jason Heartisan, Jason Beyea, and Jamie Taucher will be assigned to “A”, “B”, and “C” crew respectively. · Conrad Jackson and myself meet with the representative from the Boy Scouts of America to discuss our continued support of the Explorer Program. This program does a great job of promoting the fire service as a career while allowing the young personnel that take part in it to better serve their community. · Council is being briefed on the General Plan and I attended a portion of the meeting earlier this week. Please understand that a general plan provides some sense of framework for the city of Prescott to follow in a vast array of areas. It is currently available on line and you should take a peak when you have some idle time. · DC Essex and Melissa Fousek took part in this week’s assessment centers being conducted for CYFD. I’m confident some very valid learning points were brought home and that we very well could be tweaking our system to ensure a level and legitimate process for all the candidates. More is likely to follow on this topic. Items on horizon: · BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET…we will continue to look at efficiencies as we move forward. As of today our operations and maintenance budget has been entered and forwarded to finance. It is showing roughly a .5% decrease in planned expenditures as compared to the current year. Keep in mind a $1-$2 Million shortcoming is forecasted so all things are in a state of flux. · Next week our Capital items will be finalized and submitted. Of most pressing need is a compliance concern with our SCBA’s and this is a really big ticket item. Aside from that all things are on the table in hopes we can help the city do something in regards to moving forward some of the findings from the classification /compensation study. · March will be our departments 130th anniversary. Aside from a media release and the belt buckle purchase through Conrad no other events are planned. Although this is a milestone of sorts it is nothing like the quarter, half, or whole century marks. · The Yarnell Hill Memorial Group is meeting later this afternoon to which I plan to attend. This group is working to secure the land as hallowed ground in regards to where the members of the GMIHC laid their lives on the line. They currently have a website available in the event you care to make a donation. This is somewhat an abbreviated version but I can assure you there is loads of stuff going on. Thanks for the opportunity to serve you and the Prescott community. Sincerely, Page 3 1/27/2020 Dennis B. Light Fire Chief


0006_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Bi-Weekly Update - 04-03-2015.pdf:

Date: 4/3/2015 5:00:58 AM Subject: Bi-Weekly Update All Concerned, Page 2 1/27/2020 The following is a brief recap of the events on-going or on the horizon for the next month of two. Items of interest in the present: · I briefly attended the AZ Fire Chief s Association Conference on March 23-25. Although the program was somewhat lack luster as compared to past years there were a couple of presentations worth sharing here. The first was by Frank DeAngelis, Retired Principal for Columbine High School. He shared many of the same experiences that our department has in the aftermath of disaster. Of particular interest was his willingness to stay the course through thick and thin in the aftermath and commitment to stay on until the last school age child at the time of the 1999 event graduated which was last year. Also presenting, albeit very briefly, was Brian Jeffries, PFFA President. Brain shared his forecast about getting some stability back in to the pension system and the course such reform may take. It is hoped that next year’s conference is able to garner a more robust program. · Friday afternoon on March 20th, I along with the Chief of Police attended the Republican Women of Prescott panel discussion at the Las Fuentes Resort. Although many of the questions were directed towards Chief Monahan I was afforded the opportunity to showcase what we do and that we don’t sit idle playing cards but instead continuously hone our skills for emergent response for fire, EMS, TRT, Hazmat, Wildfire, and other operational needs along with being accessible in the community for risk reduction efforts and public appearance requests. · Later this same afternoon I attended the public opening of the Vietnam War Memorial at the Gateway Mall. I had the pleasure of meeting Col. Cone, a veteran of the US Marine Corps who served three tours in the theater of operations. Quite a compelling memorial to say the very least. · On Thursday March 26th I presented a visionary look towards the future of fuels reduction and the PFD’s role with that responsibility. This is resulting in a flattening of the overhead we currently have and the dissolution of the Wildland Division thus saving some salary costs while more importantly aligning the deliverable of risk reduction under one operating division led by DC Devendorf. I, along with Marsha and Ronnie, current staff of Community Risk Reduction (Don, Dave, and Bret) met in conjunction with Tony Sciacca from the AWAIMA met on Wednesday in a stakeholder meeting. More of the finer points will be coming out as we plan to fully implement this change with the commencement of the next FY on July 1, 2015. Collateral duties that were the responsibility of Darrell (PRCC Liaison, Facilities and Apparatus, Wildland Response and credentialing, snow removal, etc.) will be parceled out to others to provide oversight or moved to another operating department of the city. It is recognized that this sort of change generates some passions among our personnel but frankly to continue with the status quo really wasn’t an option as it was unsustainable, unaffordable on many levels and became the target of past and expected future litigious efforts. Of note is the shifting of the name away from Training to one of Professional Services which I feel better represents the work that DC Essex is tasked with. In his role he is involved with Training, Human Resources, Health & Safety, and Internal Affairs/Investigations to name just a few hence the change of vernacular. · In hopes of easing some of the angst on those folks credentialed to work off district I’d like to assure everyone we will offer our due diligence to continue to support efforts with the recognition that “our community needs come first”. Those identified under the Cooperative Fire Rate Agreement (CFRA) as single resources with a specialty that is useful in off-district situations will be afforded the chance to remain involved provided we don’t diminish our local capability. This may mean some off-district work isn’t performed during the height of our local fire season (May-early July). Likewise we will have a limit on “how far” we are willing to draw down to send folks off-district so as not to exceed approximately 8%-10% of our entire work force. If a skills set is required and it comes through the traditional channels a fair evaluation will be made by the Shift Commander/BC as to our capability to support or not and that decision will be communicated to myself if our limit is stretched. Hopefully this may put to rest some of the rumors or innuendo that is being stirred on this matter. · Fire Administration has been asked to perform a self assessment as to our proposed budget and provide a secondary budget that is capable of accounting for upwards of an 8%-10% net reduction. Frankly there is not enough low bearing fruit to arrive at such a number without a corresponding reduction in service levels. This is on a very short time track but showing the reality of such cuts will become my job in all this. This direction was not solely leveled at PFD but all the operational departments to include but not limited to: Police, Recreation Services, Library, and Fields and Facilities. More to follow on this I’m sure and as I shared earlier this year things always get a little giddy around budget time but I’m confident we will pull on through this once again. Items on the horizon: Page 3 1/27/2020 · On April 13th the folks for CYFD and PFD training along with the Chief’s for each department will be meeting to see what areas we may be able to share added efficiencies and some cost savings. This is preliminary discussion and to my knowledge there are not an preconceived ideas from either side of the fence. · An initial planning meeting is in the works for 8a on Friday May 1st to outline our preparations and efforts directed towards the 2nd Anniversary of the Yarnell Hill Fire and tragedy that cost the lives of our fallen 19. This year’s plan is to be scaled back significantly although it will provide for a community and family member piece. It is hoped that the efforts of IAFF Member Services and those of the City of Prescott can come to terms on something appropriate, reserved, and respectful for all the valued stakeholders jointly and as one group. · On Wednesday May 13th Brian Jeffries with the PFFA will be in the local area to talk about the future of pension reform. It is hoped that through his visit that our policy folks and others in City Management will help gain a good insight as to what is on the horizon in this regard. Once the time and location is determined that information will be broadcast for those interested in attending. · On Friday May 15th from 6p-9p and Saturday May 16th from 8a-3p PFD, CYFD, CVFD in cooperation with L3066 of the IAFF will be serving to host Fire Ops 101. This is an IAFF initiative that provides community leaders the opportunity to gain a better understanding of our work in an up close and personal way. PFD will support with an engine company this effort as those attending are treated to a variety of evolutions (structure fire, auto extrication, EMS, CPR, Tech Rescue and Hazmat) to aid in their understanding of how we get things done. If interested in helping out please contact Dan Bauman. Letters of invitation will be sent to all our current elected officials and city management. Sincerely, Dennis B. Light Fire Chief


0005_Sender_Kriwer,Eric - FirstRecipient_Kriwer - Subject_Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial - 06-28-2014.pdf:

Date: 6/28/2014 11:32:54 AM Subject: RE: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial Please add the Sedona BC with Wallace as the liaison. I will have rosters completed today. From: Kriwer,Eric Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2014 11:31 AM To: Brown,Brady; Steinbrink,Troy; Griskowitz,Butch; Epperson,Travis; Laipple,Aaron Cc: Wallace,Jason; Luedeman,Scott; Bates,Dan; Hutchison,Dan; Stazenski,Randy; Seets,Nate; Fire Battalion Chiefs; Light, Dennis; Dispatch Supervisor Leads Subject: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial All Engine Liaisons, Please be at the briefing on June 30, I will talk to you all this afternoon. Below is a list of preparations by Mesa Fire that may be of benefit to you. A few things to think about regarding what items you may want to train on and discuss. We will be delivering pizza to each station between 1100-noon for you and your crew. Please try and be there during that time.. The following are assigned: Station 71 Showlow Engine 311: Griskowitz *Drug box off E71 is needed for E311- * Showlow is staying the 29 and 30 at Station 75. Station 72 Mesa Engine 221: Brown Station 73 Glendale Engine 156: Laipple Station 74 -Sedona Engine 511 : Steinbrink Station 75 Superstition Engine 262: Epperson Many units may be in service prior to 2000 hours. You can take your personal vehicle back from 71 to your normally assigned shift upon completion. We will need to turn in all the radios at 71 when completed and each unit is released to their home unit. If we can get the visiting engines released prior to 2000, that would be great, as it will be a long day and we want them home ASAP. We can always rotate our personnel through Heritage Park if you want to visit the BBQ etc. Use your best judgment and thank you for your diligence and commitment! You have all done excellent! Regards, Eric Eric Kriwer, EFO A-Shift Battalion Chief City of Prescott Fire/Medical Department From: Brian Kotsur [ Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 6:03 PM To: Brian Hickey; Efrain Urias; Drew Mogalian; Danna Cravens; John Leivas Cc: Mary Pobuda; Michael Hyde; Bruce McGregor; FDCAR209; Mary Cameli; Garry Spencer; FALLBCS; FDSHIFTBCs&BSOs; Jeff Glenn; FireStaffing; Kriwer,Eric Subject: FW: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial Brian, Efrian, Drew and Danna, thank you for stepping up to assist with the events in Prescott. The plan is coming together and more updates may be forthcoming. You will be responsible for your bringing your turnouts, PPE, spare uniforms, brush pants and any other personal items necessary. I spoke to Chief Kriwer from Prescott FD who is coordinating the event, and he said they would be providing lunch and dinner. At this point this is what we know: Page 2 1/27/2020 -The crew will assemble at station 201 at 0430 on June 30th and leave for Prescott by 0500. -Resource has Engine 221 and is going through it to ensure it s ready for the trip. Once completed, ED200 will make arrangements to have it delivered to station 201. -An Engineer from station 213 will go through the apparatus check and verify all equipment is stocked. Completed 6 /27/14 -Car 209/Safety 200 are addressing logistics which include: radios, brush equipment, spare medical equipment, procurement card etc. * Car 209 will have 4 dual band radios for the crews to take to the event (2 radios will be provided by Prescott FD as well as a member to ride with our crew). * Medical equipment (including medications) will be used from the station 201 Emergency issue room. Spare monitor batteries will be needed. * Procurement card will come from ED200’s office (Wendy’s desk). * Brush equipment is being gathered from John Leivas at training * Med forms (EPCR’s will not work) have been procured and Captain Hickey is working on a restock medical supply kit * A cooler stocked with water/Gatorade will need to be coordinated at station 201 on Sunday. * Scott bottles can be refilled by the Utility crew in Prescott, but Chief Kriwer recommended bringing spare bottles as a back-up plan. Coordinate with SS208. *Hydrants/supplies will not be an issue according to Chief Kriwer, but the crew will need to verify with their liaison and adapters will be provided if necessary. Mary/staffing, please place the following crew members on the roster (o.t. I don’t know the code) from 0430-2200 hours. Captain Hickey will send you an email when they return if the time changes regarding their commitment. Captain Brian Hickey ALS Engineer Efrain Urias ALS Firefighter Drew Mogalian Firefighter Danna Cravens I’m sure there are other items I’ve missed, please let me know if you think of something not included. I will be passing on the information to Chief’s Hyde and McGregor to address any other issues and coordinate the final details before Monday. Thanks, BK From: Brian Kotsur Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 12:07 PM To: FDSUPPRESSION Subject: Re: Assistance with Yarnell one year memorial The only position I have remaining is and ALS engineer. Thanks, BK Sent from my iPhone On Jun 27, 2014, at 11:36 AM, "Brian Kotsur" < wrote: All personnel, I received word this morning from Chief Cameli that we have been asked to assist with the Granite Page 3 1/27/2020 Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew Memorial events this Monday, June 30th. Given the short notice and compressed time frame, I am going to put together a crew consisting of “C” shift members only; because of they are on the 4 days off. The timeframe for the coverage will be approximately 0430-2200 hours. Crewmembers will need to be at the designated station with their equipment (turnouts, brush gear etc.) by 0430. This is an evolving circumstance which will require some adaptation by members agreeing to respond; I’m still working through all the details. What I need from personnel who are committed, not just interested in fulfilling this request is an email to me today. Please understand, if you make this commitment, you will not be available to take other callback either Sunday June 29th or Monday June 30th. I will take requests based on email only and fill the positions as they come in. Please understand I know some of you will not see this email until after I’ve filled the positions, there’s nothing I can do about that. Once I fill the request I will send out another email, please don’t reply after I’ve sent the next email….I get enough emails throughout the day. The crew will be responding in an Engine to cover a Prescott Fire station during the event. Standard uniform is acceptable. I plan to have one crew consisting of a Captain, Engineer and 2 Firefighters (2 members will be Paramedics). Thanks, BK


0004_Sender_Lucas,Ralph - - Subject_Updated Frequency Lists AGAIN! - 05-27-2018.pdf:

Date: 5/27/2018 10:40:30 AM Subject: Updated Frequency Lists AGAIN! Attachments: 2018 Radio Groups 1 and 2 and 3.docx.dat Dear Fire Department Members: Page 2 1/27/2020 In haste, I sent out an incorrect frequency list about a week ago. Please dispose of those! Attached is a current and correct list. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have created. Sincerely, Ralph


0003_Sender_Kriwer,Eric - - Subject_Tribute Hike Narration - 06-21-2014.pdf:

Date: 6/21/2014 7:40:24 PM Subject: FW: Tribute Hike Narration Attachments: GMH_HIKE_PGM_FULL_R3 - FINAL.pdf Page 2 1/27/2020 FYI… All are welcome to the hike. Eric Kriwer, EFO A-Shift Battalion Chief City of Prescott Fire/Medical Department From: Baynes,Joe Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 9:52 AM To: Kriwer,Eric; Light,Dennis; Gordon, Peter A -FS; McCarty,Pat Cc: Essex,Dave; Moser,Cory; Lucas,Ralph Subject: RE: Tribute Hike Narration Eric, Here is what I have we will also have 2 or three water stations set up along the trail and I will be there to help however I am needed Thanks Joe Baynes City of Prescott Parks & Recreation Director 928-777-1599 Office 928-771-5845 Fax From: Kriwer,Eric Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 10:00 PM To: Light,Dennis; Baynes,Joe; Gordon, Peter A -FS; McCarty,Pat Cc: Essex,Dave; Moser,Cory; Lucas,Ralph Subject: RE: Tribute Hike Narration Pete and Joe, Do you have any information regarding the hike? I know we discussed having support from Parks/Rec and PNF regarding the hike on Thumb Butte. Todd Rhines, Duane Steinbrink, and Marty Cole (ALL PFD retirees/Wildland ) are being coordinated by Pat McCarty to meet with the public at the top of Thumb Butte. Thanks for your assistance, Eric Eric Kriwer, EFO A-Shift Battalion Chief City of Prescott Fire/Medical Department From: Light,Dennis Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 1:13 PM To: Kriwer,Eric Cc: Essex,Dave; Moser,Cory; Lucas,Ralph Subject: Tribute Hike Narration Good Afternoon Eric, What if any support are we or have we been asked to provide to the Memorial Hike that is planned? I recall this event was being planned via the P&R folks if memory serves me but I don’t recall any mention of it other than in passing. It’s been shared that we have loosely agreed to provide some background and significance from our department as to the significance with the location and what this meant to the crew. May be worthy of Ted, I think that is his name, to provide this sort of overview to the participants. Please let me know how we can address this need. Page 3 1/27/2020 Thanks, Dennis B. Light, Fire Chief City of Prescott Fire and Medical Department 1700 Iron Springs Road Prescott, AZ 86305 Phone: 928.777.1700


0002_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation June 30th - 05-30-2018.pdf:

Date: 5/30/2018 10:40:45 AM Subject: GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation June 30th Attachments: GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance Invitation 2018.pdf To All Personnel: Page 2 1/27/2020 Please see the attached invitation for the GMIHC Ceremony of Remembrance scheduled for 9AM on June 30, 2018 at the Arizona Pioneers’ Home Ceremony. Sincerely, Jaimie Sventek Business Manager Prescott Fire Department


Look at the odd way that 0036 / 0038 etc. shows on the list - why they up there and not in the order like the others-


0001_Sender_Light,Dennis - - Subject_Change to Personal Appearance Policy (Effective Immediately) - 09-10-2015.pdf:

Date: 9/10/2015 7:00:05 PM Subject: Change to Personal Appearance Policy (Effective Immediately) Attachments: Facial Hair Policy Memo Sept 2015.docx.dat All Concerned, Attached you will find the departments purpose and policy recommendation concerning the wearing of facial hair by our male employees. Page 2 1/27/2020 From what I have gleaned the allowance for our members to wear goatees stemmed from a desire to recognize and honor the fallen GMIHC members in the aftermath of the Yarnell Hill Fire and were permitted as a sort of tribute to them. After taking some time to deliberate the matter and seek input along with recognizing that this Saturday September 12th brings about a final act on behalf of the families to return the personal artifacts of the fallen the timing is purposeful in closing of a chapter on very big book towards honoring our fallen brothers. It also happens to coincide with the retrieval of items off the fence at the crew quarters back on September 12th, 2013. It is desired that all our employees embrace this change as it is one designed to protect our members. I realize this may not be a popular move by some in the department but you will have to trust me on this that it is warranted to ensure our compliance with published laws, standards, and other governance. Sincerely, Dennis B. Light Fire Chief


0036_Sender_Peterson,Dave - - Subject_Prescott Fire Department Peer Support Team - 10-24-2017.pdf:

Date: 10/24/2017 1:42:03 PM Subject: Prescott Fire Department Peer Support Team Greetings Everyone! Page 2 1/27/2020 With the recent release of the movie highlighting the lives of our Granite Mountain Hotshots, Only The Brave, I am reminded of the importance of each of us watching out for each other in our profession. Not only to look out for each other physically but also mentally and emotionally; Not only at work but also at times we are with each other away from work. Not only as brothers and sisters in the fire service should we be looking out for each other but also for our spouses, kids, significant others and family members. All that being said, I want to remind all of our membership and their family members that we have a Prescott Fire Department Peer Support Team, as well as FIRESTRONG website (User Name: prescott Password: prescott1), available for your access if you should need any kind of assistance. We don't claim to have all the answers for the issues that life and work may throw your way but we can try to help you find resources that can either help immediately or at least head you in the right direction. I just thought that this was a good time to remind you. In the near future we as team members will be trying to make contact with each crew at each station to just let you know more about us and to answer any questions that you may have about what we're all about. As I'm typing this I am at a conference on "peer support" with the IAFF, in Florida. Let me tell you first hand that contrary to how our profession has often looked at mental and behavioral health in the past, the cloud has lifted. The leadership of the IAFF and it's over 300,000 members are making it a priority. More details later :) Anyway...please feel free to contact myself or any of our members with questions or needs. Our current peer team membership is made-up of a diverse group of mostly current employees, dispatchers, admin personnel and two former employees. Having this kind of diversity in our team membership is a blessing because it affords you as members of the department to have a more varied group of people to reach out to if you should desire. Our current PFD Peer Team members are: SUPPRESSION Dave Haskell Jason Beyea Doug Harwood Jamie Wallace Derek Sanders Bill Hickey Dave Peterson ADMIN Jaimie Sventek DIPATCH Rebekah Haywood Sarah O'Brien FORMER EMPLOYEES Ted Ralston Bret Lucas Thank You! Page 3 1/27/2020 Dave Peterson Prescott Fire Department Captain/Paramedic 1700 Iron Springs Road | Prescott, AZ 86305 Ph: 928-777-1700 | Cell:


0038_Sender_McCarty,Pat - - Subject_Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial - 06-29-2018.pdf:

Date: 6/29/2018 7:32:40 AM Subject: Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial Attachments: Rendering Presentation for Board.pdf ATT00001.htm Page 2 1/27/2020 Good Morning Brothers and Sisters, Attached you will find renderings for the GMIHC Memorial that will be placed on the southeast side of the square, the artist chosen is from AZ and knows the impact of the project she is undertaking. All of the Families have had the chance to see this and have had positive reactions. After some fundraising effort we hope to having this project underway and finished one year from the time we break ground. Thanks, Pat McCarty Engineer/Medic Station 74c


0013_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie - - Subject_GMIHC In Remembrance Invitations - 06-22-2015.pdf:

Date: 6/22/2015 10:29:27 AM Subject: GMIHC In Remembrance Invitations Attachments: GMIHC In Remembrance Invitation 2015.pdf Wreath Laying & Social Gathering Invitation 2015.pdf To All Personnel, Page 2 1/27/2020 By now, you should have all received the attached Celebration of Remembrance GMIHC invitations. Please remember that the ceremony is private, for family and public safety service members, and by invitation only. The ceremony will take place at the Arizona Pioneers’ Home Cemetery and will commence at 4:30PM. Sincerely, Jaimie Sventek Business Manager Prescott Fire Department 1700 Iron Springs Road | Prescott, AZ 86305 Ph: 928-777-1766 | Fax: 928-777-1890 | TDD: 928-445-6811


As you see I just gave you all what they gave me but in due time what COP does not realize there is something due to come out that will make this PRR possibly not all that they should have shown-

I would show it now but I am not near that area to do that yet. But at least area is complete so I am pausing Pfingston and the other PRR so I can start Jeff Archer-

Probably the same thing as Troy's but put Jeff Archer's name...right? Probably.


Dear Firefighters -who were in that alley, at the Bucky's Casino, the phone call where you said you "seen" this video of Troy's- please do the difficult right thing and present it. Life is short. There is no reason so many have to be living this lie. Please. I did my part. I am not so sure COP successfully did theirs to ensure I got "all" but that will be on them...not on me. I tried. You see it above. I did my part. I heard all these accounts and I went and fact check and verify. That was all I could do.

This page is done fully. Now on to break then Jeff Archers tomorrow in post 9-

Pausing Pfingston PRR and the items I requested.

Good night. 7/31/20 7:43PM

This was a waste of my time.

Yet, I think they succeeded in that- wasting my time.

I mean if they were there then there should have been an email of them being resourced to the YHF or something.

Now if you present your video then I got them on not fulfilling the request because your video will prove they were there. Until then, I await and this section is completed.


RiP - Craig Steinbrink - Left the world too young.

Very much missed by many.

Please donate to 'Craig Steinbrink Memorial Scholarship' Yavapai College

helps students enrolled in (1) Fire Science; (2) Emergency Medical Services;  (3) Police Certification/Law Enforcement; then, any other Public Services program.  First preference to graduates of Bradshaw Mountain, Chino Valley, Mayer or  Prescott High Schools.


CTRL F the keywords Craig or Troy or Steinbrink to look at the time stamps of how all along I mentioned them way before this blog on InvestigativeMEDIA.


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6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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