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My "Dear John" letter to the W__ and 8


This will be a "live" journal to cover areas Ryan and I are reading from Brendan McDonough's book until it is too big than on to part 9.

8-19-22 through September 2022 I will more than likely pause reading Donut's book with Ryan because I have to "get well" and reading his book touches the brotherhood of the Wildland Firefighter from his view yet because I know much more outside that book ---

I will lessen the challenging him on his campfire story telling but I will "call out" the facts on that job application and stuff to make sure we learn the documented truths on the aftermath of the Yarnell fire.

DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts

The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you.

Abbreviations used: Wildland Firefighters (WFs) - Firefighters (FFs).


From post one

( ) I requested after I left the Wildland Firefighter Foundation Tour 7-18-22 :

Friday, August 19th, 2022, at 3:55 PM I received this:


archived FB posts here:


YouTube Intermission Song:


Here is a chronological order of the recent posts:


What has the rain done for my property---"green"- see:

lil' snapchat fun:

Well, here is our town --- did you blink -- then you were here in Congress...

Thank You All:

looking for a special spot for these beautiful flowers:

I put it here so I can see my in-laws daily in the background:

about your flower inserted greeting card---my very first childhood friend and I would only write to another in class like you just did---that was very nice memory too for me...thank you.

my cutting board from the US Hotshots Association folks (FS)- 2022---too cool --- thank you sooo much --- I will treasure this for decades to come and its right moment it will be used --- just in a brain detox diet phase currently--- it is HUGE:

When I got home --- I went to show my mother the flowers and this photo below was on my gaming chair...this is the only person since 1988 who has been my bestest friend who year after year --- decade after decade has taken me to all my medical appointments /procedures / surgeries for this long ass chronic bullshit medical path. I was not the first to make a million in my family but spend a million ON MEDICAL over time ---- ugh --- even local business owner / Scottie / Fred / Ted have helped me over time. I appreciate anyone who has been a part of keeping me here --- stayin' alive.

He always has been kind and caring. If anyone is in my immediate - you know I am independent and firm / fair with a slice of stubborn yet my life will always be the path I am on -medical path with my bestie doing my best to stay alive ... but for a moment, I did get to "feel" a first time something I never saw as a teen or young adult because of my unique "bubble" - lifestyle of hanging with Celebs/Govt folks in my younger years then transitioned to desert walking meeting the salty ones--- the old loggers and miners and ranchers... I am forever grateful that area was shown to my life, and it has inspired me to write a song I plan to sing and I named it ---Meet me at the bridge of my heart. Hope to have it done by second week of October 2022 and sing it from the roof tops and mountain tops here in my tiny ghost town. Thank you for sharing this pic of us in San Diego. You are the best! Thank you for always allowing me to be me ...



this was on FB timeline as an ad: - - A good hour of good old classic christmas songs

Good night- 8-19-22 11:29pm--- thank you for understanding Ryan how I sometimes have to separate the fire stuff...but look forward to this trucker as all I get what Logan was talking about...neato. Have a great weekend. Be back in the Fall 2022. Thank you again for the flowers. When I come back to finish Donut's book- I will make a new post so once you read this page...I will not be adding more on it because this was in as sense a wind down explain where I will be the next 6 weeks...

Someone sent me this:


This image (thumbnail) belongs to almost 88-year-old Kramer's home on fire 6-30-13 not to the folks in the video.

I accept the apologies from FJS - Ryan for this week "joking around" --- and we have "moved on" --- "stay the course" --- I just have zero time for garbage ...

Something drew me to look this up:

8-20-22 2:32pm: Fred and I were reviewing this video (above) by call with another on that call (conference call) and he said how come you are bogging down the post with snippets --- People, I own the site with a contractual agreement what he has permissions for are writing as a guest writer in a few years he had the blog payment manager while back but right now it has been my family's credit card on that area and Fred was to handle legal and as well payment areas starting again Dec 2023 and always been my agreement for me to participate I was to require a list to be met which has not been but never in all the years can he see the gallery or posts of mine but he said today he has access and I directly asked "how" and he hung up so I am ill but if you use any content historically on here---let me know because I do not have the time to go see if any area of this has been changed...I should have been the only person who could make changes to my material and see my own material---noone else...I feel a huge uh hum right now and then hangs up and wants me to help him---no, help me GET how you are able to access my stuff, sir...--see:


I was notified they want to make Granite Mountain Hotshot coins to collect---what the heck??? Go buy a coin world and see for yourself...snippet:

if every coin was sold that would give Yarnell Fire District $9.5 million ---do you hear that Kristee and others --- isn't it time to SPEAK UP????


article sent without reason why???





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G   O   D



6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 


Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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