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"Live" Journal (Month of April 2022)

Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"

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I was listening to Public Records and recordings and you Hotshots out there. You learn a lot in that. My co-partner Fred J. Schoeffler expressed to another his dislike how I mix my public records in with medical / snapchats / etc. and my life journal section.

I am for now on - from April 7, 2022, going to listen to the public record recordings and Fred's request done back channel and make posts called "live" journal and the month at hand and keep records separate from my life journal.

So, you will no longer have to scroll, scroll, scroll through my life stuff for public records documents.

Sometimes I reflect back and wonder if I was doing it such way because this whole blog is not made the way I would like it.

I would prefer to hold on to the data and just wait until I made an article, but it was agreed upon long ago that I would "live" journal what I did each day with uploading records in a slow timely fashion with making my health priority first.

Never did I think meanwhile my blog partner was telling people as he has been doing because our contract was written that it was to be a "live" journal with uploading records in a slow timely fashion and he would make articles from what I provided him. I was always the gatherer in this, and he was to place the information out using his expertise. I was never in this to produce articles. I was to release records in a "live" journal fashion only.

I am officially going to separate records from "live" journal and that should alleviate some of Fred's concerns he shares to others yet not fully to me.

Yeah, I had to learn the hard way in public records and from others. All the man has to do is be direct to me and avoid all the whispering to you all to come to a solution.

Problem now solved.

I hope this helps you, Fred.

Also, from now on another thing I heard from Fred is he wants dialogue before an image explaining the image versus just dumping records out. I will do that.

I am thankful to learn about my blog partner through his sharing to the Hotshot community and ends up in my lap ... I hope this teaches us both a lesson.

Watch what you say and write because I may end up seeing it someday... I could easily bail for good but this time I will do the bigger thing and make a resolution for this matter.

You come to better resolution if you just be direct with your blog partner versus talking behind my back --- soft smiles.

Salute to Solutions.

My "live" journal was just dumping of records, but Fred wants all posts to be scripture inspired so I will work on that area. It is new for me to add that on to my dumping records pages.

Below is an update to my emerging leader presentation. The email update as of 4-7-22. I will work on this after my procedure next week--- it is due in May 2022.


4-7-22 6:14pm: logging off PC until next week---I came on special for this announcement.


4-7-22 10:33pm: Watching a study on Facebook on liver damage:

How is it in October 2021 my face was cleared using LilliAn's product:

but lately I am facing toxins draining all over my body---odd...Snapchat fun while ill fighting infection:

I have to get well soon---this is rough---I see cats on my shoulder --- soft giggles:

all this fluid leakage holes---could it be my liver??? Looking forward to my procedure to get rid of this infection once and for all...

just got this from SB's memory wall---2020 I was so swollen---wow:


Archiving some Facebook posts:


placing this on here 4-10-22 10pm from my FB and some I met yesterday: 7:30 seconds in you see Fred Schoeffler and Roy Hall on the Butte Fire---historic day for me to see 4-9-22 Roy Hall and Fred J Schoeffler at the GMHS Trailhead parking lot talking---


I have photos I can insert here but unsure at this point of this was a private or public event, but it was our Eric Shane Marsh Tribute Hike 4-9-22 with Eric's Best Friend ... no, not you Alan S... he had another --- soft smiles.

Thank you, Mary for joining us---

Scott, are you taking close-up pics of orbs?

I will stick to pics of cacti blooms:

Mary, someone yesterday thought they did over 10 miles...let me show on the map how far you went before you turned around and went home.

on the map where you turned around:

you did this much, Mary:

you had this much more to go where the white circle is:

this is the area Sonny and I dropped down June 30, 2013, by number 11 Anthony Rose marker:

So number 11-19 markers are the way pretty much Sonny and I escaped route out on June 30, 2013, so when up there be thankful the prison crews and other organizations helped up there to create the trail you walked on---it was not like that June 30, 2013.

I challenge this being the halfway point---Next time, I will take pic of the halfway point.

Roy Hall, Tom Harbour and me the Desert Walker:

Historical Moment for me:

Bottom Center of Photo- Red shirt-Cowboy hat is 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire Incident Commander Roy Hall but today he was President Hall for the Mormon Youth:

same photo below but closer view with grey box is 53 years with the Forest Service - Tom Harbour speaking to the Mormon Youth about how all the men died together. I then am puzzled with the evidence I own --- I am placing a public records request in before I comment more---

when you are on top you can see the United 10 and 18 International land---appx circle of the area:

I remember saying look how peaceful it looked with just three down there and it was the "peaceful" trio Bonnie, Alana, and Tara:

this is a very important photo---maybe one of the lookouts that was never made public can explain why---email me if you know why:

I began to slow down here---heat, sun hitting neck, where Neurologists placed rods in December 2021 in my legs and back was in much pain, feeling the start of heat stroke here:

I was so impressed with the Mormon Youth Group leaving up the Weavers and already on the bus to their BBQ at almost 4pm:

at Jesse's marker, Scott took my backpack and I captured him passing Eric's marker since this was Eric's Tribute Hike:

I slowed the trip down --- sorry...but at least I did the complete hike. Mr. Bottom safely got the young lady off the Weavers- she was bad since Sean Misner's marker:

Fred J. Schoeffler, do you see there is Roy Hall and Tom Harbour - they both went back and forth - just had to let you see that ;) Good job Tom and Roy. This was the peaceful trio's tribute hike papers:


this was a "blessing" hike--- my slowest hike due to me --- the last slowest hike was with a GMHS grandmother --- that was slower --- but as soon as we got to Nichols West I vomited outside and went right home to wash up and just keep vomiting for hours---see how ill I was ---I went pale and clammy and had chills -the toxins oozing out all over my body last night:

then today:


4-11-22 10:45pm update:

We miss you Lance Honda. I came online special to write that because I knew today was your one year ... You fought the good fight and I am in that same mode as today I am back from my procedure --- feel a "3" out of a "10"...thank you God for sharing Lance Honda to my life.


I am still ill but soon I will share how it felt to see God today in my procedure---the people's hands working on me --- it was a surreal moment and the tears just flowed. Explain soon-- took a few pics to show I am okay just recovering---


home from procedure--do more in a few weeks --- my oxygen dropped today --- resting. I see the resp. therapist this week-

Our focus today was #15 and #19---

soft foods for recovery:


was just thinking ...

thank you Wade Ward for helping me out when my legs buckled and thank you to Bruce and Joanne Dodder Nellans and Michael Kodas for the "Salute to Sonny" drink after this moment


4-12-22 10:10pm update: I was a 3 out of 10 --- dropping to 1.8 --- resting and flushing the system ---

just a quick stop in to say hey --- maybe later I will be alright --- not there yet.

The positive side --- bodily swelling is going down quickly - where it was oozing is lessening - face is clearing up -- ate below and drank beet juice ---

day two of recovery. soft foods.

I had a coupon about to expire so did the order now vs later ---

The above moments ( flowers and gifts ) I send to WFF are always in honor of my grandmother who loved the Lord and always felt one must give fully in life yet never expecting anything in return. Oh wait -- that is my mom --- hee hee. I had to say it. My grandmother did for all her grandkids when we were young - explored the USA --- I did not much see her in my adult life. Yet, I kept aside some funds of hers - "ways to care and share" to WFF besides the Lifetime Membership and just being present---they are good folks doing a solid Mission---thank you for being there in my life.


Please donate to WFF today -

Donate Today! — WFFoundation (


Added this 4-13-22 2:36pm from FB because I firmly believe in my statement.


Day Three Recovery 4-13-22 6:26pm:

Fluid retention is down--- time for updated measurements...brb...let me go measuring tape.


Prayers to all dealing with Ruidoso Fire but especially those who lived here in Yarnell 2013 through that fire who moved there--- you remember the tools I taught you -- use them. I am too unwell to track this fire --- use your irpg and all those areas I taught you --- gather gather gather...


Thank you, Diane for my teddy from Vermont Teddy ;)


Last measurements: 3-20-22 9pm---now almost a month later 4-13-22 8pm:

2022 Monitoring Edema / Fluid Buildup (Lymphatic) Measurement Chart

Ear to Ear: December 2021 - 10, 1/1/22 - 10, 1/16/22 - 11.5 (swelling) --> 7-7.5 is my normal, 2-4-22 - 12 (swelling), 2-24-22 11 (less swelling), 3/20/22 11.5 (swelling), 4-13-22 10 (less swelling)

  • Temple to Temple: December 2021 - 7, 1/1/22 - 7, 1/16/22 - 7, 2-4-22 - 7 5-5.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 6 (less swelling),3/20/22 7(swelling), 4-13-22 6.5 (less swelling)

  • Widows Peak to Chin: December 2021 - 8, 1/1/22 - 8, 1/16/22 - 8 with swelling 3d by chin area with fluid draining in T-Zone/ears, 2-4-22 -8 with swelling 3d by chin area with fluid draining in T-Zone/ears 6-6.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 8.5 (swelling in chin area no fluid draining), 3/20/22 9(swelling), 4-13-22 8 (less swelling)

  • Forehead all the way around: December 2021 - 24, 1/1/22 - 22.5( reduced swelling 1.5 inches), 1/16/22 - 21( reduced swelling 1.5 inches), 2-4-22 -21 18.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 23.5 (increased swelling with fever and heat felt). 3/20/22 23(swelling), 4-13-22 22.5 (less swelling)

  • Shoulder to Shoulder: December 2021 - 16, 1/1/22 - 16, 1/16/22 - 17.5 (swelling) 2-4-22 - 17 13-13.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 17 (heat tension felt) 3/20/22 18 (heat tension felt) (massager mentioned the heat and tension 2 times this month), 4-13-22 15.5 (less swelling)

  • Upper Arm: December 2021- l13r14, 1/1/22 -l13r14, 1/16/22 -l15r14 (swelling l 2 inches r 1 inch), 2-4-22 - same 9-9.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 l13r14, 3/20/22 l15r15 (swelling), 4-13-22 l13r12.5 (less swelling)

  • Wrist: December 2021 - 7, 1/1/22 - 7, 1/16/22 - 7, 2-4-22 - 6.5, 5-5.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 6 (less swelling), 3/20/22 l7,r6.5 (swelling), 4-13-22 l6.25,r6.25

  • Neck: December 2021 - 16, 1/1/22 - 16, 1/16/22 - 14.5 ( reduced swelling 1.5 inches) , 2-4-22 - 15, 11-12 is my normal, 2-24-22 16 (swelling and naseau and vomiting), 3/20/22 16 (swelling and naseau and vomiting),, 4-13-22 14 (less swelling)

  • Chest: (which all my young life was 34 :( (sad)December 2021 - 41, 1/1/22 - 43.5 (swelling), 1/16/22 - 40 ( reduced swelling 3.5 inches) 2-4-22 - 46 (much inflammation and swelling) 34 is my normal, 2-24-22 41.5 (tightness in scapula less swelling in chest), 3/20/22 47(much inflammation and swelling), 4-13-22 40 ( 7 inches - much less swelling)

  • Upper Thigh: December 2021 - 24l24r, 1/1/22 - 24l23.5r,( reduced swelling .5 inch r) 1/16/22 - 22l25r( reduced L 2/increased R 1- swelling ), 2-4-22 - 23.5l23r, 16.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 22l23r (reduced swelling in left leg), 3/20/22 25l25r (swelling), 4-13-22 25l23r

  • Fattest area of stomach: December 2020 I was almost 70in. and dangerously congested all over December 2021 - 46 but was 36in Sept 2021 (a concern but I also had 3 seizures into unconscious state, medical delays/babysit bs with ins./pcp/specialists, DJ/Lee/Pat/Ashby/Basden BS, DJ over by me and her cease bs on an area I have been solid with DCJ for decades- very agenda feel and uncool, and my head pain bilateral ear infection which I am still not over that ), 1/1/22 -42, 1/16/22 - 51(swelling), 2-4-22 -40 (swelling going down) 30-31 is my normal, 2-24-22 47(swelling), 3/20/22 54 (7 inches increased swelling), 4-13-22 43 ( 9 inches - much less swelling)

  • Calves: December 2021 - l17r17, 1/1/22 - l16r17, 1/16/22 - l15r15.5 ( reduced swelling 2-2.5 inches), 2-4-22 -l15.5r1710-11.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 l16r16 (left increased, right decreased), 3/20/22 l17r17 (swelling), 4-13-22 l16.5r16.5

  • Feet: December 2021 - l 8 r 10 , 1/1/22 - 9.5both, 1/16/22 - l almost 10 r 10 (swelling), 2-4-22 - l almost 11 (much painful swelling),r 10, 7-7.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 r 9 l 10+(fluctuating), 3/20/22 l almost 10 r 10 (much painful swelling), 4-13-22 l almost 10 r 10 (much painful swelling)

  • Ankles: December 2021 - 10, 1/1/22 - 9, 1/16/22 - r 9 l 10 (fluctuating), 2-4-22 - r 9 l 9 5-5.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 r 9 l 9, 3/20/22 r 9 l 9, 4-13-22 r 8.5 l 8.5

snap chat filters-


Thank you, Barb Carmichael, for sharing and caring:


4-13-22 10:10pm-10:31pm almost asleep:

duh---been losing this week---

listened to DH on Ruidoso NM fires - Oklahoma (7 Apr), one in Nebraska (7 Apr) and both in New Mexico (6 Apr, Hermits Peak ~ 12 Apr, McBride) - Wednesday, April 13th, 2022 at 9:14 PM - I guess we can converse on it more when well


since I am unwell---figured I would enter a few too many contests and big hopes to WIN:

my public statement- if I won this $15,000 I would ask the sweepstakes to split it three ways with Fred, Scott and Burk for their half ($7500) and give my half to my husband for taking care of me through this rare disease phase and hope we beat is a tough path, it is.

If I win - it is for Scott and Jackson:
