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June "Junk" Journaling 2024- Part 3


If people are wondering how I am such the warrior for TRUTH to be told versus all this gossipy trash that was done my way---

watch when I say my ancestors got my back- watch- watch how God is watching---

So, I posted my grandparents and great grandparents from Papa's side---now let's go deeper:


Dirk (Richard) - my Great grandpa ( Papa's Dad) came over from Holland on the SS Noordam on 1-10-1914:

time to watch the Chosen.

then crash- my medical appt got moved to tomorrow vs July 1st due to head pain and ear infection and jaw pain.


throat area swollen- bilateral infection with drainage below the chin:

also draining between the eyes

highway 60 open- 7 homes burned they said and 12 structures:

Did medical today- and shopped and home--- four types of antibiotics I am on for the next couple weeks---10 days for one...spoke to SB/RB/FJS in regard to DH.

staging for Northern Arizona fires---was at Happy Valley Walmart- talked to one o fthem-

I know this ... no one is getting my vote especially for YCSO unless they tell the Public at Large the last minutes of DONNA GORDON. I pray daily a higher authority does an Audit on the investigation they did for DONNA GORDON and if they need the evidence--- many people own it and I got my records from the ones who did the investigation on YCSO and they broke HIPA laws too in my PRR. Hopefully the FBI gives DONNA GORDON's end shared to the world in documented facts then we go next to Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 evidence and how the Public at Large deserves much more there too.

already REMOVED so putting it back on:

I was on cell not paying attention---spelled Mississippi wrong:


because of my mom and a sibling - I am getting health care diagnostics and care much sooner--(yesterday)- what makes it amazing is because of the private back channel on the ones who got me the financial resources to get the medical help---thank you HUGE time. All our lives matter!

My family on both sides do place much emphasis on life and history being told in TRUTH - my father (RiP) possibly fell trap to following the possible Kool-Aid drinking when he worked for Arizona law enforcement area - I refuse to allow that to be and through God's lead we ( God and I ) will bring TRUTH of DONNA GORDON vs. YCSO and her last moments.

I like and have heart/empathy for both sides (the one who struck her and my Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 Truth Teller- my intel) involved so this makes it even harder

but what was the worst ...was one of his friends on 5-22-24 (first responder in my home handling my head and chest pain and her ignorant perception/analysis not knowing the seriousness of my long health path as she is not a doctor and claiming in my home it is "YOUR TRUTH" about Yarnell and YCSO vs DONNA GORDON--- it is THE truth, sweetie) ...she was in my living room stating "Your Truth" then I asked her to leave my property and to make sure she fully comprehends GOD IS WATCHING.

THE TRUTH is all I care about being told about Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 and YCSO vs DONNA GORDON...and one has to question how some of these folks in fire ...

especially the fire author who distracted you all with what they did in regard to me ...

especially judging perceptions in a formal presentation done by John N MacLean at a Smokejumper Conference where Smokejumpers reached me ???

Ya have to wonder WHY....why did he do that? It took time out from talking about the tragedy and so many areas he could have addressed vs such toilet talk.

Wow, I had to print this - Diane Lomas has been a long time InvestigativeMEDIA participant and this photo just says it all...our youth matter! Great image.

I was putting something away and these photos fell down on me from a shelf:

hibiscus time and spirulina (thank you Sonny)

nope, not SB's image---I fact checked and verified:

where is all the papers I was published in- since the 90's until now ??? this was all I saw:

Despite all the stuff you all are watching happening my way --- I still follow Jesus because I saw miracles.


watching for your arrival DH/DH:

17: wrote my grand aunt's family- to be "blocked" ??? all I could do was share the photo I had -


thank you, Johnny G for the prayer emoticons. Had to cancel all upcoming appts.

I know I do not always write or type out swim and polar plunge but I do it all through the week but did pause while on antibiotics except to screen the pool and check surveillance cameras...

19: congrats Taylor-

I decided in my nightgown to polar plunge ... my hair is so dark - weird because the last time I colored my hair was in 2022. So weird to see my hair naturally so dark. Letting it grow out.

so sad- even in report all I got was who was there and the date of that, but the location puzzled me because that same scenario happened the week before. It is not abnormal for TM to get water from back of truck and even forget to shut hose off as RR would come back soon after to get more water due to that. So still no known date

Read with Fred his post coming out soon about Dude Fire Hatchery:

I reached out by email to Craig---

swam- no scrabble---worked on Fred's posts for his FOIA

20: Unwell. Head pains. cancelled to see DHx2 and Sonny visit today.

I am doing this...getting Fred's docs on posts so he can place his flair on it: Fred J Schoeffler's 2019-FS-WO-04116-FOIA - September 26, 2019 - (

3pm: DHx2 realized no visit confirmation and Sonny and I talked

21:always Fred reminded me of him:


analytics shows this person removed themselves- blessings on your endeavors David---Facebook

thank you for showing "following" when ya did- God bless you and yours :) at 9am I noted it

then at noon I noted he went back on???

spoke to dozer guy until cell died

even with 4 antibiotics---my skin is suffering---areas that were once welts - look like this:

23: unwell: on 4 antibiotics-

hubby has been helping me move more due to legs so full of fluid retention and the desire to move just ain't there....painfully swollen...

working on something for my family today-

This link was freezing up

The Chosen Global Livestream: Season 4, Epis... | The Chosen so I went to FB and they actually blocked me fully off their page for just stating this link was locking up ??? and I am their Top Fan badge ??? then 10 minutes later they allowed me back on FB because I was under the other page??? that was odd.

I won twice in Scrabble but was weak to think to take photos- take pic of score---I did not even write words like I normally do just the score but at least I did the task.


working on family thing---texted with S-SD-nuts this week--letting her know I am praying for her and donated to SS's son's graduation. Not much - like the thought that counts.

Last night I was feeling yuk so I played Scrabble and won but failed to take the pics like I usually do- so here is my messy score keeping last night:



Is Arizona- the new CA? I require medical equipment...but how does one back it up while asleep?