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Joy A. Collura's - Fall 2022 Recap - Part 9


"Special Message" - The Person Reading It Will Know It's For Them- "this post; first section".

I am very sorry the people in your immediate space and my immediate space allowed lies and omissions your way.

Ruined a true knowing between us - it did.

God is watching.

It began the first day I met you when I was in another room and had to hear it from the next room how the lies began.

God assured me in His time and way, it will all be okay, but I would have to drop off many folks in the process...

and witness many lies, and betrayals done my way.

I have removed basically everyone from my immediate space even included "" person based on he came out and told me he "blocked" a certain person so if you block them on a cell phone, I can see a voice mail getting through yet multiple back and forth texts.

Hmmmm. ???? Not getting that.

Paused that area for sure but we are fine as of 12-3-22 just did not sit well at that moment 12-2-22 but I really care for "" peeps because they share the same innocence as me.

Yeah, that wasn't cool. If your "L" reached me, I guarantee I would have never done that to you - in my lifetime. But all good there now.

See I let it go because it was an ill thing tied to yet again, Fred. No different than Scott in a sense but Scott has now layers and it use to be the triangle; Fred - Joy - Scott, but that dissolved fully when KK entered the picture indigenously. I knew gut-wise as it was happening and a FF told me 10-15-22, but it was confirmed by Scott, 10-26-22. Then I was like they are a bunch of omitting fools. God will handle it.

Right now, my family, my medical team, Dr Ted Putnam, Tex Gilligan, Betty Ashe and L/L, a few FFs/GMHS family members, my local lady pals, my workout gal pal, dozer guy / KY peeps time to time, ID Dan, and my pop's ol' pal- that family - (rr) are the only folks in my life.

The rest, I have made sure to have zero time for them.

Fred was notified the current platform exists that he can write with running the publishing part through Wix process.

In 2023, he will remain that status. If he has told you he has paid and owns this site. Untrue. I own the domain link fully and it was paid for ten years back a few years ago so there is appx 6-7 years left on it.

and Fall 2022, he paid 2021's back invoice that I had paid but not for 2022 - just for the time he was hospitalized so that is a shared Wix interest currently with me in the administration/owner and him handling inquiries or legal concerns and I wanted it that way because I paid the ten-year domain area so I have stronger interests

to ensure I have the control to he gets to do his material / posts and I can do mine. Split. He does his posts the way he wants, and I keep putting "live journal with documents for him to later work on to make a post. I am not here to make posts just provide the documents and my "live" journal for family and friends since I avoid social media. However, I do just skim...or CTRL F on keyboard for search box and type in your key interest words.

(all the financial documents on who paid what are already posted in a prior post because he liked telling people he owned it---untrue--- and I would never do a blog where another has control of my content)

so, the Wix is a dual writing space for us both individually not collectively which means when I write- it is me and when he writes and says contributing author- again I am not tied to his writings--- and I do not know who his contributors are, but it is not me. That goes for presentations / conferences. The last presentation I did was in 2019.

Wix blog (YHFR) is our writings with me as owner/publisher, but he handles any inquiries / on & off guest writer, legal issues is how it is setup. (Fred J Schoeffler (928) 970-0926 / PO BOX 446 Pine AZ 85544)

That is an area I am doing my best to interact the least with (really, not at all) in 2022 Holiday Season and into 2023.

He has done really nice things over time, but he also has done with intent/unintentional very un-nice things that concludes he is not in my immediate space going forward.

Scott most likely has a lot going on in his own life- that the actions he did at a time it should have been handled differently - it is one person I wish the best in his life, yet he too is a person I refuse just because confessions were made --- I do not want people glazed in areas that are not for unifying people and just appease the party(ies) at hand...and that I saw as confessions were told...What was sad looking back was Burk believed omissions and lies versus what he experienced in person with me which was pure and truth. I am so sorry folks lied to you Burk Minor - indeed I am. Remember, God is watching them all.

Based on lies & omissions / misinformed / misjudgment ... the ill manners ...yes, right now I am stating many areas / connections were sabotaged because some could not be pure for some reason and told how they could / what they could --- so in a way ---- their white lies ... and or omissions caused such areas to be destroyed because ???

I know it is God's time and way but if I have anything to do with it --- reunions or reuniting is not even a thought for me because so much time passed.

I know someone lied to Burk Minor to get him to have the manner I witnessed 7-18-22/7-20-22 --- that was underserving and bogus.

I was kind to him and the entire staff the entire year; month after month --- someone created that mess and it was not way should cops be called on asking for a public records form... ??? ..."high priority" too.

to then learn later by legal team sure I could address it but many grey areas, so I dropped it. I had zero beef about him and the staff just the phos chek connections after the evidence I showed Burk Summer 2021. I felt disregarded. especially when a fallen firefighter's widow was stranded ...And yet in God's way and time they will see I am/was truth.

I actually have faith you will figure it all out --- this I do know. I should have been defended when I was not. That I know. I was extremely loving and extremely nurturing towards WFF and the staff and something shifted on their end from July 2021- July 2022- shame on those folk(s). No excuses.

What you saw before someone got in your ear, Burk, was genuine and all through that year from me. I was floored when I was told it was you who Fall 2022 shared to someone 'Fred and Joy, get away from them - they will ruin your reputation' --- that was like, yeah, someone got in your ear because we had a solid good connection is all I have to say...until 10-5-21 when I asked a serious inquiry and it was an immediate need based on THREE FREAKING SEIZURES, dude...into unconscious state and I needed to ask some serious questions...I got 'in a CA airport- cannot talk' then ghosted but I still showed WFF kind ways all through that year so I don't get it...


Holiday lights we are starting to put up:


Heading to medical and the Arizona State Archives Library

12-1:14pm- saw Prison Crew (LEWIS) Leo V. at the Taco Shop (unplanned--- always been with Scottie Briggs):

I took thousands of photos and I will do posts with those items soon ---




Snapchat fun:

I am so haggard/drained:

Cartoon me:


Monday thru Wednesday December 5-7, 2022, I was with R Family and today 12-8-22 I am with head pain and reflecting back to Carol calling me last night and that talk and how her call was so delightful, yet I am still hurt by the people in my immediate for not seeing we are all one...this lady needs our help.

I have a lack of resources to do what needs to be done for this woman and I prayed WFF was the ones who could help her and even flew out to show the evidence to Burk but was disregarded...she is a fallen Wildland/Structure (hybrid) firefighter's widow wife. What gives? She so deserves some guidance after such a horrific loss.


There is no creative way to reach out to right a wrong --- it has been too long ---

you can say you have been bored watching the time tick by and just overthinking it on your end...

you can be uninterested in your life path. You won't be able to just come in and act like nothing took place. Huge betrayals.

You can feel closed in --- you did that; not me.

How much longer can you stare at your clock? I will call out the bullshit no matter how creative you try to come my way or how much the gap in time.

My cat is not in the tree - so do not need a rescue over here. You should know as an adult between right and wrong.

You know in my presence you were your authentic you.

You have turned your back, not me. You lied. You betrayed me. Godly Love is not this disrespectful, and I let Carol know in God's way and time, He will carry us both not these fools who should have because it's their professional missions.

You can miss the moments and allow them to go by and claim booze or boredom but nice reminder for me is that sword in my back you placed--- God is watching.

12-7-22, a person who said he blocked a certain person in the past week plus has been the one reaching out to the one he blocked and then writes me Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 at 11:38 PM: "I Will Pray For Guidance On This My Friend. I Sorry For Anything I Messed Up."

Sent from my iPhone


Any person who ignored / snickered while I suffered, and Carol suffered ... giggled or talked unedifying or stirred up chaos my way ... I know, it seems, you all were/are doing your best to destroy me ... but I gave only love ... and the same with Carol.

God is watching ... you all will be held responsible/accountable in His time and way. I never deserved what was done to me. I gave the best love and you will learn of my innocence and unconditional ways in His time and way ... any of you that knew about this --- you will see God will hold you accountable and responsible.

Some of you, live with too much "black mail", that possibly could even send one to jail and possibly not enough "love" -

but remember you all began that drama ---

I am just moving forward where people use to watch what I was doing and try to learn what I do--- you just can't --- you can't replicate me ... "one of a kind" ... some love to love me and some love to hate me ...

Keep digging, folks... I live a good clean straight forward quality life. You can make all the rubbish remarks and waste all your energy or get some huevos and help me help a fallen firefighter's wife (widow) finally---

I am doing big things right now - I am in the final part of my whistleblowing phase. Protecting myself after a brutal assault that should have never gone down. I really feel there are way too many folks internalizing way too much from June 30, 2013, to July 1, 2013. "Speak up" ---

Calling all grown-ups... time to have your "glow-up" and let that light shine in...tell the truths.




You know I was looking for the AFUE and FBAN files and you will see the files for sure just not the content - "not in the files" at the archive library... just the labelled file they should exist and be there as perm. records but was interesting to peak in the HELM file that State Forestry / DFFM archived on them...

Now I say to EVERYONE- if you use my photos from YHF13' then please give me courtesy credit---

the only two who do not have to do that are John Dougherty and Scottie Briggs 2013-2022---

now 2023 and into the future, I am back to all must ask for written permission from me even those two men.

Look here --- that Knapp fella used my photo to make his claim (for over a million bucks) for the Helm family with no photo credit to me--- what the hell--- that is rude and so here I am stating any lawsuit claims that has this photo below BELONGS TO JOY A COLLURA not the Helm family---just for the record. My photo on their claim:

this claim was tied to the Helm family - they never lost a home ... wth???? Must be a general Intro for all homeowners' claims ??? but how does it make you feel DJ to know my photo (without courtesy credit) not your own that you took was front and center on your claim? Nice, huh. I think so.

Funny to see their claim in this file on the "10 and 18" and now their neighbor has Project "10 & 18" United / International LLC...funny:


After visiting the ladies in the Village, my husband said even though the Dental Board notified my case was not only dismissed on 12-09-22, but the appeals was too then I emailed them a question then why did I get this which by the way THANK YOU FIRST DENTAL because God assured me 12-30-22 my liver/gallbladder procedure deductible would be met so this helps substantially:


One of you asked me if I am still on the site as WFF Lifetime Member ---- sounds like yep, see:

This was the date I formally resigned:


Never got any communications since my resignation ... never received my customized brick yet either ... I want it with me not anywhere near their entity.

They waited way too long ... I am greatly disappointed in this entity. At this point, I do not care if someone got in their ear and they believed someone else's lies and would later realize and apologize ... they sat on it for far too long ... I have zero respect for this entity for how I was treated in 2022 and how Burk treated Carol; a fallen hybrid Wildland/Structure firefighter's widow. I will always like Betty and Ashley and that kid that was the front desk guy; he was cool... as for the others my gut told me something was off on 7-18-22.

Yeah, that is all the update I have there, and you will see if you ask me about this topic --- I do not feel the same anymore --- dry lake of emotions for me. I moved past this, and this is my one-time update for you. If they ever reach me, I will not share it public. I have them all blocked out. One time update for you - the one who inquired.


on and off year of bilateral ear infections and increased hearing loss as well:


I wish it was THAT easy --- just listen to frequency noises ...and lose weight :)


I "Google" my name time to time and young Grant's pic showed up --- interesting --- in the remembering Grant ...


World: I did not do any articles in 2022/2023---just for the record...


All you "tag teamers" out there trying to destroy JOY A COLLURA --- it took "how many" of you 'in shifts' to harm and hurt and destroy me ...secrets are being revealed.

You are gonna just have to give up creating imbalances to my life. Sorry.

Some of you are covering up and you cannot. Causing conflicts are of the past ---- "judgement" time in God's ways and time. I am just to chill and rest.

The one who is heart broken or if you are wondering if my heart is broken. Nope. I am living my best life ever. I have stood up for TRUTH(s) ... when so many wanted it suppressed.

Live in truth and light. God is watching.

I am in poor health--- it is the electrical charges to all limbs and lungs breathing concerns.

Everything is in God's hands.

Also, side note--- if you were trying to speak untruths in any fashion ... remember, God watched it all I am stating ... I am not the person you should be focused but Him. Amen.

I feel like some of you would want to come back in but still with the continued lies and omissions. That is no longer acceptable in my life.


12-12-22: Headed out at 5:30pm to the desert. Thank you, Sonny, for your visit - going over your accident - ebay - and thank you for meeting the rest of my 12-30-22 liver / gallbladder procedure deductible ---- God assured me it would come in His time and to keep the appointment and with FIRST DENTAL sending the partial refund on that crown $560 and your $190--- it covered the $747 deductible. I truly appreciate it from you both.

me at 100 yrs old:

the rip off on driver's license so they tell us all to get a travel ID --- I do --- but my original did not expire until 2037 ... now this travel id / driver's license expires in 8 years vs 15 years --- that is weird ... and a waste of my money ... bye old license...

back to my desert walking...found a desert dog out there ...he belongs to someone ... it's one of RR's family --- thank you for joining me --- nice surprise though...

it was dark out and someone I know went to light my "SOLAR" candles --- thinking they were regular candles, need new solar candles:

Thank you, Mom for the Holiday Items, to our household - I love them --- the creams --- the hair care --- all of it...thank you. Huge hugs. Happy Birthday to my favorite person in the world today 12-15-22 --- the big "79" --- you are the best. Thank you for all our awesome talks.

Thank you to FJS for the $9.00 to pay for the DONNA GORDON area.


clearing my cell's photos and videos here from 12-9-22 for the past week:

this girl is too quirky with her makeup tips---cookie cutter makeup---literally:


I have witnesses stating she was not motionless and that two were trying to revive her before YFD

I will state this is a lie in report as I will mark the areas that show obvious damage that tells the story on this door I circled in red:

I am notifying a higher authority on this:


Bill Boyd said they moved it during COVID 19 phase:


This email was done to me (above), but FIRST DENTAL sent me a refund so ???

So, I guess that's, that. No further details or explanations were shown. Case closed and refund check was deposited in my account to pay for my liver / gallbladder procedure soon.

So far what I am amazed about - in my situation, I would refrain from filing a legal complaint unless I had proof and that is what I did --- but the link above I am greatly sorry for both ends --- the people who filed a complaint but also the ones who are being complained about.

My trust broke when "oops, my x-ray files vanished before mine and the dentist eyes...but I had it all on footage and my tooth was left "unknown""

Yeah, God bless anyone dealing with teeth complaints. Mine was minor when I see the long list above of names.



Joan of Arc keeps coming to me not only in dream state but as I walk into one room from another "awake" and she is telling me so many messages and very very fast and I am writing them all down.

I am being told I am a messenger for God.

Whatever I am facing - she is saying, stay with it ---

She loves my sincerity and warrior mentality.

She says I have abilities like no other and I need to take my innocent unwavering faith and who cares if I freak people out she tells me. Keep going strong and know many are rooting for me. I am like whoah.

It is so innocent what I see --- so pure. Stand up and fight .... she tells me it is destined and worth it.

She was the one who keeps telling me to tell Burk --- people lied to him about me. So, I tell him here because I do not want to hear any more bogus bullshit like I saw July 20, 2022. I never deserved that.

