How Many Lives Does One Man Have? I Always Thought It Was Two. The Second One Began When One Realized They Only Have One Life. Not For Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny). This Is His Medical Status Update Post. Tex Being On The Weaver Mountains June 30, 2013 Was Very Important To The Wildland Fire Industry. Too Many Times He Has Been Thanked For His Fire Knowledge & Experience. Let This Post Honor The Fallen By Sharing About "Sonny"... Who Is On A Road To Recovery ...3
2018-11-03 | Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and contributing other(s)
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Figure 74. Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Old grader site after fire passed Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) p Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny)Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny)Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny)Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura
Sonny always enjoyed his time with Prescott Mayor and Tommy and his wife at Jersey Lizard
That was Sonny in the Service and School Days and Young Adult
Sonny's Family (mom's side)
Sonny always seem to have a motorcycle but his son Mark recently got his last motorcycle; his Harley.
His Parents
Sonny and his Dad and family
Sonny's Mom
Sonny's Family (mother's side) Sonny's roots - TJ Nichols died in the Alamo and that their heir to the oil wells in Texas
Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura
In closing, Tex has three broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a shattered clavicle. He received a dose of pain meds 8pm 11-2-18 and it takes 40 minutes to kick in - his pain gets close to a heart attack and its intensity. But he is given mild medication. He stated the gun that shot him was: Nov 2, 2018, 3:06 PM "12 gauge Beretta shotgun"
Nov 2, 2018, 8:10 PM "Yeah I miss those investigative media people all good people Everyone seeking the truth and most of them know it already here are the ones that have denied or alter the truth are only trying to protect their reputations. It would be big as if I had left you behind that day and you burn with the fireman. I could never live with my conscience from they're on. These people seem to have no shame or conscience so what do you do. You keep hammering away and one day The Young Ones Will want to know the plain truth. They will be able to find it on investigative media and your website. I got a dose of pain meds it takes 40 minutes to kick in just paying gets close to a heart attack and intensity. But I'm getting mild medication which I'm going to talk to the doctor tomorrow and if I have to haul my ass out of here up to William Beaumont where I know they give good pain meds. They treat a soldier like a soldier there when he needs it and I'm not one that likes pain medication but it's better than jumping out of a helicopter. Maybe. For your good work thanks much and thanks much for all the friends we have developed thru-hiking and investigative media."
Nov 3, 2018, 9:18 AM "Yeah I just woke up had one of these terrible Hospital breakfast. But I can't complain I can remember when the end of the month dad was going in to get a round of groceries we were waiting in the pine trees and throwing our last hard biscuits at each other. Groceries we're pretty slim in those days and it was fortunate that I was a crack shot with my little 410 single and a 22 rifle. They brought in many a wild pigeon and none went to waste. Even an occasional Cottontail roasted pretty good. Cottontail was the white meat and generally cleaner then Jack Rabbit, a red meat. Jack rabbits generally in the summertime especially carry worms. That's why I always roast jack rabbit on a campfire before I give it to the dogs. It's fun to watch them waiting patiently around the fire for the Rabbit to get roasted. I use a small Hatchet to divide it up and I guarantee you once they get their chompers on their peace it's a fight if anybody else gets near it. That tells a lot for dog food because I buy the best yet they like roast rabbit 10 to 1 over any brand of dog food. Don't believe those commercials of the dog sliding into a bowl of dog food. Even if I mix canned dog food in to the dry stuff, my dogs are not particularly impressed.About death and dying since I've died twice I can speak maybe a little of it. First time when I died outside that cardiologist office in the VA parking lot Prescott Arizona, I don't remember anything other than I was in great pain and went out somewhere and then woke up with all the Live Support that fortunately Joy ordered off of me later. I think my eyes were bleeding as well but I woke up from that and was a little bit angry because I was okay being dead. This time I knew I was shot bad enough but I didn't expect any chance of survival. Add shotgun blast and it lifted me off the seat and I saw blood fly by my head. But the jar was enough that I said oh s*** I'm gone and I had really thought some sniper fired at me from the desert somewhere. But once I rolled out on the ground I realized it had to be my own gun that had shot me.I did not think that calling nine-one-one would do much but I needed to turn the truck off cuz if somebody came along and found the truck and the boys they would need a ride back into town and the truck kept running it would run out of fuel so I managed to pull myself back up into the truck enough to turn the switch off and then thought I would try to find a phone. So I made an effort to Fumble around for the console and after a bit I did feel it and fell back onto the ground. But the sunlight was so bright I couldn't I need a dial so I had to squirm myself up under the truck to get in the shade enough to see the numbers. I'm not good at phones so I had to Fumble around for 5 or 10 minutes before I could get anything working but once I managed to nine-one-one operator I told him I'd been shocked by my 45. Anyways he asked all kinds of questions which I wasn't really in the mood to be answering but I did describe my location. And of course the rest happened and they were able to get there in time. I was conscious all the way to within 10 miles of the hospital. I don't know how fast those helicopters move this one seem like it was in slow motion. Then I knew I was kicking off to the other side. This time I started seeing Neon geometrical forms different colors shaped like the window on that Ford F-150 pick up. I heard some weird tones that you would think was the end of things and I knew at that point I was a goner. When I woke up Mark was there in the hospital and said I've been out for a few days and then revive me with cpr's. Told me to think these guys cuz they had saved my life. And of course I I did thank them and was grateful. We sometimes forget how much good these First Responders and the doctors at meet us at er do. Mark has been in the ER nurse for 12 years so I imagine he's been Thanked a few times himself.Still, These Close Encounters bring me back to needless deaths of 19 Young Granite Mountain hotshots firefighter. Every time joy and I would pass the rock Monument we made for the firefighters up near the top of the Weavers, I would have to cry. It always brought back the memories of my loss of my own son. He was young and in his prime at 29 and that sort of thing can never go away. It makes you have special appreciation for the Heartbreak those loved ones have for the loss of the young Heroes.. that's why you can only honor Joy in her persistent and unrelenting Journey to reveal the real facts and Truth of what happened. It can only be a good thing just save lives of Future Wildland firefighters. Improvement in that area can be only be based on the truth. In my heart I walk with those Wildland firefighters and much degrees Mars and steed not so much to blame as those people that put them in there. They after all did the best of their ability but their ability was not good as a firefighter leader. Someone should have recognize their deficiencies as leaders but did not. So much of the blame can be removed from their shoulders but to remove the truth is wrongdoing and its highest form"
Nov 3, 2018, 9:21 AM "You're a writing and that is excellent material the way you put it. It will give hope and understanding too many people. I'm not down on the cookie cutter world. But some do need and education and to realize that we're all on an equal footing when it comes to death and taxes."
Nov 3, 2018, 9:26 AM "One thing is for certain there's a lot more idiots among geniuses then there are geniuses among idiots. But looking at the situation of those experts the ran the Yarnell fire, instead of taking Awards for Good Deeds, many of them should be taken Awards 4 an absolute failure at the Yarnell Wildland fire incident. Most of us were hanging our heads and sadness but some of them should have been hanging their heads in shame."
Figure 37a-c. Sonny is in hospital not rehab center like media stated. Call him up. University Memorial Hospital El Paso room 300 he stated at Nov 3, 2018, 9:55 PM Source: Joy A. Collura
Tex stated 11-3-18 7:50pm that he talks into a cell that types so if any errors - the cell is to blame. :
He stated: "We are all human and make errors. I have had guns since I was 9 years old and believe the Beretta 12 gauge shotgun (8 shot) to be on safety but it was a new gun that I wasn't adjusted to. There's certainly lessons to be learned but some accidents are unpreventable. When a meteorite conks you on the head you're going to have somebody say you could have avoided that. There were about Six Wives I could have avoided as well but fate sometimes plays a bigger role than determination. And God has been known to f****** the best of plans."
When asked about "gun safety" to Tex, he replied:
"we can all make simple errors in judgement through life. But this one cost me pretty dearly you can bet I we'll check for safety next time but I'm not going to change my way of doing things or telling people how to do their life. It's absolutely ridiculous to try to make a law concerning minor technicalities. It's another 'cookie cutter' way of trying to make everybody follow somebody else's rules. The old adage what's good for the goose is good for the gander is not necessarily so. I might like peanuts but it might be deadly for somebody else. Strawberries are great but don't give them 2 someone allergic to them. And I am allergic to too damn many rules in this life. I grew up with a rifle within reach since I was 9 years old. Of course this is a modern age, and you think because it is you don't need a weapon handy. Modern Age crime is only increased as time goes on despite for Trump types believe more in law enforcement they do protecting your own self. Unfortunately law Enforcement is generally not readily at hand so that you hear many people killed because they didn't have a weapon handy to protect themselves. We make a big deal out of weapon deaths but they are minuscule to the number of deaths caused by automobile. Shouldn't we ban the automobile since it's thousand time greater killer then guns? Of course not neither should we ban our guns or make laws on people how they should use them. Of course there are sensible rules to go to buy just as we drive. But let's be sensible and all these things."
this video is funny:
Figure 42. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 43. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura
Figure 7. God really does this statement in this image Source: this sat in my online file but I do not know where it came from.
Update From Tex: Nov 3, 2018, 11:13 PM (he is still at hospital University Memorial Hospital El Paso room 300- anyone can visit or call him) (media said he went to a rehabilitation center and that has not happened yet): He closed today with pain stating: " I say Live and Let Live and people as far as I'm concerned if they're happy being a sheep head go to it. The world is full of idiots but it certainly not my problem. Can you wake them up? I don't know but if you try you're sure 2 be one of the despised. Funny how once an idiot is control he just follows what the Elder say no matter of the Elder is a freaking idiot and greedy and desirous have his flag phylacteries in other words he likes to be on the pedestal with people looking up at his a****** "
Nov 4, 2018, 1:15 AM Sonny emailed me: "woke up in such pain right up next to you heart attack pain..."
I went to sleep about 3am. I got off the pc about 1:30-2am. I posted an update on InvestigativeMEDIA ( )
I am uploading some phone and camera clips of Sonny playing the guitar and some stuff from the YH Fire in the YouTube video this morning than off to church and be back by late day. I enjoy the people there yet at times I feel I have so much other stuff to do. However, the edification and obedience this church has to show me and the high significance of firefighters help me learn my 10 and 18 for school as well I have made my own classroom for Wildland Leaders now that this awful video came out from Leaders ( ) ( ) ( ... )
Nov 4, 2018, 1:19 AM Tex stated some agitated private thoughts and WHO LIKES HOSPITALS and those darn lights on and coming in all hours and he said: "Back to sleep..." Nov 4, 2018, 3:34 AM he emailed again a frustrating moment he had. He is up and at since Nov 4, 2018, 6:39 AM and what people do not know about Sonny this month and last was having severe life threatening heart issues (with prior 6 stents and 7 heart attacks) and lung issues called bibasilar atelectasis ( and he already has very bad COPD and lack of lung function due to the YH Fire. He also has pleural thickening and this gun shot to the lung was not really a good thing and he aortic plaque build up he has does not help either. Real serious degenerative disease to his spine/shoulder concerns from being the "Cashus Clay" of the Mining Industry - Tramp Miner - let him tell you the times of his uranium mining. I would be here ALL DAY telling you the ails of Sonny but the IMPORTANT part of this all is that Sonny NEVER carries his cell phone and that day he did and it saved his life.
November 7th, 2018 12:30pm:
Thank you Lord for the people you share to my life. Yet can you give me a little more time in Congress? Soft smiles.
THAT MURDER INC ( ) Nov 3, 2018, 9:34 PM has our full permission to use any of this site and page. Thank you for respecting the copyrights and letting us know...
Joshua 1:9
New King James Version (NKJV)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Update 11-18-18 933am: Sonny stated he is recovering at home but the dog
that shot him died by a local rancher most likely shot him as he wrote here: Nov 15, 2018, 10:29 AM "Well you were right Charlie made it back just so I'm just now as I walked out. He's been shot for the chest I don't know if you'll make it and I don't know how far he came being shot. Looks like it must have been a 22 cuz I don't see any exit wound but it went in right in front left as if he was looking at whoever shot him. Might be possible he went up to one of the ranch Outfitters off about 5 miles or the neighbor up a couple miles." and then update on dog here:
Nov 15, 2018, 6:31 PM "Well Charlie passed. Sure does hurt cuz I really liked Charlie. He must have come a long ways cuz he was gone all day yesterday. I had to run into town because of they were putting in the wound vac but that didn't even materialize so I have to go back tomorrow cuz they didn't have all the parts again."
We were thinking did Charlie even shoot 2011 this fella tried:
All indications are pointing toward Mr. T.
Unnamed sources have revealed that Mr. T is not a suspect at this time, merely an "arachnid of interest".
Updated 11-18-18 12:10pm: November 18, 2018 11:50am email from Sonny:
I would appreciate if you did send a thank you to the Dona Ana County Sheriff Department that's spelled. Anna not a n a. Maybe even give him a link 2 your blog and also JD investigative media and maybe a little about your and my involvement with a 19. It was about 19 men all together that's save me including what Captain long listed here and he added Fire Department helicopter crew and ambulance and paramedics that were on the scene 25 miles out in the desert. He said my good description of my location as what save me but of course they're quick response and getting there and again I was saved within about 10 minutes like we were at the Yarnell fire because had we been 10 minutes later getting out you and I would be as burned to death as those 19 were. He didn't mention the doctors at University Memorial Trauma Center in El Paso that were also involved. Took a lot of people to bring a dead man back. So here we are people on the scene,
Captain Marion long Dona Ana Sheriff Department, and other Sheriff personnel, including sergeant d a s o n Allen, sergeant Josh Bryant, and interviewed me at the hospital was detective Thomas Hill very nice person I don't know if he was at the site where I was shot. And more people captain long told me we're present at the site including u.s. border patrol agent Juan Ontiveros, long said he had been a former deputy sheriff why he knew who he was. Also I saw a state policeman and long said there were Fire Department helicopter crew, ambulance and paramedics. And of course Charlie, cowboy and scooter. Well I don't know if it added up to total of 19 but I can imagine it was pretty close. I think your blog would be a great interest to those people. Probably best address Captain long. I see he was a 6-year Marine and meeting him you could see he was highly intelligent and excellent choice for the position he has. Wouldn't surprise me if some day we don't see him as sheriff of the county."
They will not remove the pellets but there they are, World:
Updated 11-20-18 5:27pm:
Update: May you all have a beautiful loving Happy Thanksgiving Holiday and Sonny emailed this:
Updated: 11-10-18 captions 42-47. I stopped at 47 because way too slow the pc is running. Try again soon so keep fact checking before publishing any data from here.
Updated 11-12-18 121pm Happy Veteran's Day! PC is running too slow so I did captions Figure 47 to 75 for today