Minding my own business
[playing Scrabble]
and I could easily disregard
the email
that I received today
since I have such "head pain"...
yet relieved
to know
you are retired Ashby
from Yavapai County Sheriff's Office as of today.
yet I think it is important
in case someday
a higher authority
takes a deeper look
at Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 [YHF13'],
Last Minute of her life- that video ...
or the Yarnell land / bogus treatment I was shown by you.
always in my prayers
that YCSO
is looked deeper into
for any actions the
had for the YHF 13' and thereafter,
the Yarnell land neighboring the
Boulder Springs Ranch,
that has yet to come to the Public at Large
and it needs to be there, in my humble opinion.
Let me go back and think how my memories were with you and why I felt you were possibly biased---
some likely public evidence???
let's look:
I won't snippet the whole message from FB just areas I want to remember from the message---
Yavapai County Sheriff's Office
In the Facebook notice:
YCSO messaged out on Facebook
that Ashby had
23 years of excellent service...
I will allow God to be the judge of that statement
since He can see all the "back channel" that went on ...
but from my view
and my humble opinion
I find her to be most likely biased...
and failed to be unbiased on a civil matter (2021-2022).
Statements made from FB:
In the YouTube video, Ashby states
... would be nice to know
That is quite interesting...I asked for public records on ASHBY so was her own mother in control of my records request or did Morgan Hayter handle all my records requests...???...interesting...because that would be nice to know.
I strongly disagree-
with Sheriff David Rhodes
she showed my platform
which my path entailed legal gathering
of documents and testimonies
as the eyewitness
-where 19 men died
and I almost did -
I did that gathering
to lead documents
to a paper trailed conclusion
vs. glazed narratives
and confusion that was shown...
a much different journey she showed my way...
and remember world,
they, YCSO,
took into safe keeping
for the YHF13' investigation
logging in officially possible human remains
and why even place the names of two Granite Mountain Hotshots on that paper- with the GPS coordinates...
Why not allow me that interview
I had appointed with the two YCSO deputies
and set up- why cancel it, YCSO?
Why state to me, get a summons in a court for that area? [recorded event with PRR Supervisor]
I remember being there for those "End of Watch" moments with my own family [law enforcement] ...
so hopefully you have a very emotional "send off"
that now that you are retired
you can now focus on a path
to true happiness
and peace.
Maybe someday in your retirement years
you may write a tell all book
on the political and societal pressures you faced...
if any...
another topic to write on...
how deep the camaraderie was
when you served...
The community and family feel that
you felt when you came to Tex's truck
and firmly pounded on his window
gesturing to roll the window down
December 2014
as I was on my way
to get my Cancer blood marker labs done
to just hear you speaking likely 'biased'
and repeating misinformation my way
which I told you to apologize
or that recording would go to your Supervisor
and you called me by the time I gave you
and you did indeed apologized and explained the sensitivity of the matter-
all recorded too.
Seems like you possibly took a side
and rolled with it the past decade plus
when it came to my name JOY A COLLURA.
I always wondered how come when the Helm family knew
I was going to be on the land since April 2021 as we handed
all the contact information that YCSO even attended a
meeting at this property because I know people who was
present and yet why was I detained June 2021 and why did
it take you "how long" to transfer damaged expensive No
Trespassing signs and they stole/damaged the hardware and it was never given to me on a civil matter.
[I was just alerted my dear friend passed on so let me get this posted and go over there and see what is going on...moving slow but I may come back and reread the above paragraph just want to make sure this got out published of me sending my Congrats today too.
Some Memories:
When this YCSO body cam was made ...
Lee Helm was given documents who was the new owners and who would be on the land which included me so to be detained was a bogus moment and YCSO owes me an apology...
Why was the last conference I, Joy A Collura, was at, deeply traumatic for me? (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Is Joy A. Collura treated in a fair, impartial, bias-free, & objective manner, in accordance to law? (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Calling all "Prayer Warriors"- JOY A COLLURA is officially in "whistleblowing" mode in 2022- (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Yavapai County Sheriff's Office (YCSO) Close Out Letter on Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 to JOY A COLLURA. (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Yavapai County Sherrif's Office (YCSO) Public Records Received May 11, 2023 (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
We Miss You, Donna Gordon (RiP) - August 26, 2022 - August 26, 2023 (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
DONNA GORDON - Arizona Department of Public Safety - PRR 8-27-22 / August 26, 2022; RiP (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
DONNA GORDON - Arizona Department of Public Safety - Public Records Request Completed. (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Donna Gordon's "end of life" story remains "untouched" even with raw footage just like YHF13'- sigh. (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Pt 2-DONNA GORDON - Arizona Department of Public Safety - PRR 8-27-22 / August 26, 2022; RiP (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
As I got the good news today of Ashby retiring---
I also got the sad news that someone my father knew and I got to know since October 10, 2022