7-10-24 7:21am: Mom, today is medical day so most likely get on here later-
or tomorrow if Weather happens...
I did remember to update forms for the blog with the Arizona Corp Comm. today--- thanks to my paper plate reminders :)
I did medical today and did something for SB...no PC due to weather, see: flight radar:

Thank you, Dallas Jenkins...

7-14-24 5:35pm- Four Days later- Hillside Congress AZ Wildland Fire 100%contained- I was focused there and documenting it and sending the EPA stuff on the 'unknown' on other side of Date Creek Mountains.
So, starting tomorrow, I am back to looking at my roots and genealogy.
When I was about to log off- I got this email alert: ????
Rekindled??? Back to documenting...sigh
swim time...7:28pm
swim time then crash....long few days...
I would like to get back to my roots but another fire in my area I have to document--- sigh.
Your Public Records Request has been submitted for review. To check on the status of your request, please visit: Public Records | Department of Forestry and Fire Management . You will need to enter your Public Records Request Confirmation Number listed below to pull up the details.
Public Records Request Confirmation Number: 00023666

Check out this event on az511.com https://az511.com/EventDetails/Closures/ERS/250249?lang=en
Road closed due to fire on SR-71 Southbound near Moore Ranch Rd (MP 103) |
the above image is where both planes vanish off radar...sent a few locals the alert that I am not tracking this fire--- have situational awareness:
ADOT has not reported any vehicle accident but my hubby got mail and postal worker said possible head on collision / collision so how come that is not listed? --- I spoke to both AZDPS and ADOT and no reported vehicle accident just brush fire. I called postal worker to let him know that update.
this plane is not showing its path:
I called ADOT = ADOT 511 and AZDPS and there was zero reported Vehicle Incident...????? Check out this event on az511.com https://az511.com/EventDetails/Incidents/ERS/250244?lang=en
Recent Incidents 07/15/24 04:40:03 PM: 34.118000, -112.965 - conflicting information because AZ511 shows on their map milepost 103. I spoke to both AZ511, ADOT, AZDPS and no report(s) of any vehicle incident as local postal worker stated head on collision, so I called him 4:21pm 7-15-24- to state so far ADOT, AZ511, AZDPS show no vehicle incident- Moore's Ranch is on both sides of the Highway 93/71 junction so which side is the fire is my question for PIO. We saw the three air attacks so far on it- and over in Thompson's pond areas but after last week Hillside Fire I am being reached and I explained I placed a public records request in because I am on a research mission from last week's fire so I am not on this one yet fully but I have a lot of air attack footage and misc. documentation where it notes it at 3.1 acres07/15/24 1240
Other: PN R3LN (1522)
Incident/Event Support
Junction Assist
Hwy. 93/71 Junction, W on Hwy. 71
34.120500, -112.954667 34°,7.23 x 112°,57.28 and because of that recent peak-- my last PRR Public Records Request Confirmation Number: 00023666 said a different noted name and I saw it switched so I would like for this Incident any Incident Action Plans, Maps, Crew Time Reports, Emergency Vehicle Shift Ticket and this may be same fire but I asked for two more items and have a new name in this request to make sure I covered asking for the proper thing since I will not have access to InciWeb data. most likely.
Your Public Records Request has been submitted for review. To check on the status of your request, please visit: Public Records | Department of Forestry and Fire Management . You will need to enter your Public Records Request Confirmation Number listed below to pull up the details.
Public Records Request Confirmation Number: 00023667
Shows the removal of the highway closure at 5:04pm so maybe my calls did something ??? when I said let me speak to the Supervisor.
Incident name is “Junction”. It is on land managed by the State of Arizona for fire protection. Fire size 3.1 acres. Fire has been declared out on the same day discovered 7/15/2024. Fire ID 2024.AZA53-241200.
Was this some kind of prescribed burn- if so, may I have a copy of the draft, final, unsigned, signed burn permit.
If it was not a prescribed burn or anything of the likes, any supporting public records why air attack was present and if it had been on any type of resource orders, I would like that for my within a ten mile radius fire history file. I like anything you have may it be professional protocol, emails, texts in regard to this specific incident especially who was first on scene to report it. Thank you.
Your Public Records Request has been submitted for review. To check on the status of your request, please visit: Public Records | Department of Forestry and Fire Management . You will need to enter your Public Records Request Confirmation Number listed below to pull up the details.
Public Records Request Confirmation Number: 00023668
Incident name is “Junction”. It is on land managed by the State of Arizona for fire protection. Fire size 3.1 acres. Fire has been declared out on the same day discovered 7/15/2024. Fire ID 2024.AZA53-241200. I saw a few Fire Air Attack on it- if any of them were carrying and used any retardant on this Incident, I want the resource order of such, how much was actually used in Congress Arizona on this Incident. The incident is closed out the same day and I also would like resource order if Air Attack used water and how much on the Incident and its source. Appeared to be Thompson's place. Retardant, Slurry, Red Chemical, Phos-Chek
Incident name is “Junction”. It is on land managed by the State of Arizona for fire protection. Fire size 3.1 acres. Fire has been declared out on the same day discovered 7/15/2024. Fire ID 2024.AZA53-241200. I saw a few Fire Air Attack on it- if any of them were carrying and used any retardant on this Incident, I want the resource order of such, how much was actually used in Congress Arizona on this Incident. The incident is closed out the same day and I also would like resource order if Air Attack used water and how much on the Incident and its source. Appeared to be Thompson's place.
If any estimated GPS coordinates and or map(s) were included in today's incident and heard one say this was just a State protection event so any documents that lead what the origin of what actually took place because AZ511 and AZDPS were confused when I explained the location and they said there were zero restrictions and no vehicle incidents and I told them their map showed red circle for 71/93 junction and they quickly took it down and said all traffic is allowed so I am documenting what took place over near the Moore's Ranch because Federal side said it was not the Moore's but State Land doing land protection ??? I didn't understand that because that is called a prescribe burn that requires plans and permits. Maybe documents you have can help me understand today's incident.
Public Records Request Confirmation Number: 00023669
Just peaked in the area via sky--- did not see much