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God is Good....Prayers for "34.631, -112.375 Pvt - S89A Mm 321 Fire Yavapai County, AZ"


9-17-24 5pm:


from a dream...

from a watch duty notification:

I will not follow any Prescott Fires ever.

That dream

it was so powerful...

so real

the dream I had

was that a top end legal team

was hired

by a prestige well-known figure

to fight for my rights

and all the lies and omissions

and defamation done my way.

They said I uncovered

one of the biggest scandals

in recent history.

They said it was hiding in plain sight,

but I was the only one

brave enough

to question and show it.

To speak up

and demand answers.

They said because of my bravery,

the tides have turned,

many are watching what they do next,

and what I do next,

and any area that

caused hurt, harm, lies

in regard to me,

will be handled.

Be that message


I explained to them...

My story

has never been

about just me.

but all those

who have been



brushed aside or

hushed up or

died before their time.

Too layered,

for one sitting here,

to name off all the injustices.

Journalists sniffed

but never did

what journalist

should have been paid to do...

share the documents to lead to a pure conclusion.

I refrain

from caring

how much

one spoke about me,

locally or globally

not one journalist

would I want

to sit with at this point.


proved that

for the data being shown

on the

Lookaway/Crest Way/ Crest/ Crest FA Fire.

They quickly used sound bites / images

of over eleven years ago

this guy {William Pitts} in video

interviewed me and Sonny

the first rainfall July 2024

in Yarnell

as we were out watching the creeks rise...

how many years ago? How about, 11 years, 2 months, 18days not 10 years ago...

back to dream...

This prestige person believed in me

and they believed in justice

and they felt the World needs to hear about my story.

News outlets

will be all about me they said

and I said then hire on a

Media Political

Public Information Officer


I am

closed off

to heal

and there is not a journalist

that deserves

my time or energy.

They can fake an alignment

but we all know



is the only journalist

that kept the information current

with "we, the people"

discussing it


the redundant sound bites

of the Media

all this time later.

Not one person knew the silent journey I have been on, but it was nice to see

someone was watching

even if it was in dream state

because I know

my dreams can become reality

as I have seen that happen...

This is much larger

and I was singled out

for my bravery

for the scandal

that is monumental

and already was exposed back channel.

They could have done the difficult right thing,

but they choose to do their path ...

mine was set from God

and prepared me for all of it...

all the hardships,

God guided me

and watched over me.

My determination

will pay off

in a way no one expected...

Justice is here.

God choose me

to shine light

on the areas

that should have been

done long ago.

Remember, I was placed here for a reason

to lead this movement

and I heard all the noise from the World.

This is about everyone who wanted a voice, I did it.

Let us be the vessel


inspire more


rise up

and to

stand tall

in the face of adversities.

I am the voice for the voiceless.

Make space for something greater they said...

may you speaking up

bring you closer to your life's mission.

Be that beacon of light

in a world

that desperately needs it.

I am ready -

are you?

they asked.

{then the watch duty alerted me of a Prescott Fire, and I was awake}

I am tired

of their web of deceits

and manipulations

to fit their narratives and agendas.

That is why I report less and less publicly

and just do it back channel

because I know

I did

the difficult right thing...

back to nap

or genealogy researching...

but the dream felt so real.

I guess because my wake time,

I do not even think like such...

I just change property cameras angles

when I get an alert of a fire nearby

and/or do genealogy research...I keep it really simple.

So, yeah if that dream

was to let me know

the Media is sniffing...


Most likely, dreamt all that

because I do see who visits the blog...quite impressive some of you who make the time to do so...



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G   O   D



6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 


Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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