-Stacy Cathaleen Abel-
She passed on ...
on my father's birthday;
August 21,
I remember the way she smiled
and her complimenting me in the public bathroom.
I will honor her today
as I do a "Remembrance Walk"
...thinking of all the things
I am grateful for
the known negatives.
Let my times walking
shine light
on areas still in the dark...
We planted a tree in her name last year:
We chose the location:
Israel ...
for her Memorial Tree.
Dear Heavenly Father,
As we come before you today,
we remember
honor the life
Your dear loved one
Stacy Cathaleen Abel
who passed on almost one year ago.
We are grateful for the time
for those who shared
the memories
that they shared.
Though many hearts
are still heavy with sadness,
we find comfort in knowing
that she is at peace with You.
Thank you
for the
assuring promise
of Eternal Life
with You,
where there
no more pain
or sorrow.
We pray for strength to continue
on without her physical presence,
but also find solace
in the cherished memories
that will forever live on in many hearts.
we ask for Your Grace
and Your Guidance
as we navigate
through this one-year mark
without her.
Help us to find
peace and healing
in the midst
of grief and
to always remember
the impact that
she had on many lives.
Thank you for the gift of her
and the love that she showed many.
May her legacy
continue to live on
through many of us
remembering the joys
of her.
With humble hearts,
seeking Your guidance
and strength always.
We ask for
Your forgiveness
for the times
when one has not
spoken the truth,
{or holding back crucial information
that could have made a difference.}
you have taught us
speak the truth
I do
to be honest
our dealings.
Yet, fear, pride,
and selfishness
often lead one astray.
Help us
to overcome
these temptations
and to stand firm
in our commitment
to truthfulness.
Grant those the courage
to speak up
{as You have
me to do}
when we see others
being dishonest,
(even if by omission)
and the wisdom to know
when to keep silent.
Give us
the discernment
to know what
needs to be shared,
and what should be
kept confidential
by Your Standards
not by ours.
We pray
that Your Holy Spirit
will guide our words
and actions,
so that we may
speak the truth in love,
with compassion and humility.
Help us
to be people of integrity,
who are known for our honesty
and trustworthiness.
We ask for your blessings
upon our relationships,
that they may be built
on a foundation of truth
and mutual respect.
And may Your Grace
be upon those
who have been hurt
by past failures
to tell the truth.
We thank you,
loving God,
for your
constant presence
in our lives.
In your precious name, Jesus, we pray,
Stacy Cathaleen Abel Obituary 2023 - Ruffner-Wakelin Funeral Homes and Crematory (
My prayer continues to be
that I continue to have hope
that more
have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.