today is 1o-20-24,
but I am going to settings to
set the publish date to 10-11-24
so, Fred's links are 1st.

my mother's side-
her (my mother's) dad's
[Lawrence Jefferson E___]
side -
research my third
great grandma's
I want to delve
into my 2nd great grandpa
who was murdered,
his parents.
10 22 24 2pm: resting...
Recap and reshare the links I have already started:
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side)-Part 2 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side)-Part 3 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side)-Part 4 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side)-pt 2 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side) Pt-3 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side) Pt-4 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side) (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side) (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side) (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side)-Part 2 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side)-Part 3 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side)-Part 4 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side) (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side)-pt 2 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side) Pt-3 (
Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandma's side) Pt-4 (
Back to Genealogy - 8-29-24 (
Back to Genealogy - 8-29-24 (
Back to Genealogy - September 2, 2024 (
Back to Genealogy - September 2, 2024 - part two (
Back to Genealogy- September 5, 2024 (
Back to Genealogy- September 6, 2024 (
Back to Genealogy- September 6, 2024- the rabbit hole I delved in (
addendum section to my 2nd Great Grandpa ["Murdered" - the Man who killed him, said he did it because he 'had his feet on the ground and was broke' 2GG was wealthy] (