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The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (WFLLC) alleges to accurately promote a learning culture to

Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and

The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (WFLLC) alleges to accurately promote a learning culture to enhance and sustain safe and effective work practices using past and present lessons to improve for the future, safe work practices, advance organizational learning, and share lessons learned and knowledge within the entire wildland fire community, while promoting organizational change toward safer, more effective practices. Why are these alleged WFLLC-sponsored "leaders" so disingenuously and perilously attempting to persuade us otherwise, all while claiming "Sense-making" and "Learning" on "Hallowed Ground"?

2018-11-09 | Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and contributing other(s)

Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"

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Figure 1. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' video published on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire LLC, YouTube

"This video was captured on site of the Yarnell Hill Fire in January 2014. The participants spent the day walking the ground and discussing the challenges facing the wildland fire service as a whole." (emphasis added) Category Film & Animation

We allege that this WLF LLC statement is a myth: "The participants spent the day ... discussing the challenges facing the wildland fire service as a whole." The "discussing the challenges facing the wildland fire service as a whole" statement is a fabrication to fit the SAIT and their story line and narrative that "the wildland fire service as a whole" feels this way, they were all heroes, the big-bad-fire killed them, they did everything right, and there was nothing they could have done to prevent it. What friggin' bulls**t!


"He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it." Titus 1:9 ESV

We used the "Snip It Tool" to capture the screenshot image content of this Wildland Fire LLC (WFLLC) video for the following several Figures 1. to 9x. below.

Figure 1a. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the "Students of Fire" image originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 1b. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the "Hallowed Ground" image originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 1c. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the "Sense-making" image originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 1d. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the "Self Reflection" image originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 1e. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the "Learning" image originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 1f. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the "Honor the Fallen" image originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 2. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of WFLLC Analyst Travis Dotson, featured in the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 3. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of USFS Rocky Mountain Region Fire Director Curtis Heaton featured in the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 4. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of Steve Gage - USFS - Assistant Director - Operations for Fire and Aviation Management - Boise, Idaho featured in the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 5. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of Matthew Carroll (USFWS Assistant Fire Management Officer at North Country Fire Management - McCall, Idaho) featured in the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 6. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of Heath Cota (USFS - Director Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program - S&P-WO, Fire & Aviation Mgmt. and a prior Sawtooth Hot Shot Supt. featured in the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 7. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 7a. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet "This video was captured on site of the Yarnell Hill Fire of the in January 2014. The participants spent the day walking the ground and discussing the challenges facing the wildland fire service as a whole" originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 7b. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 7c. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

"For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." 2 Timothy 4:3-4


What follows will be PDF images from the WLFLLC "Honor The Fallen" YouTube website of several viewer comments converted to JPEG documents of the alleged "Leaders" commentaries.

Figure 8. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8a. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8b. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8c. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8d. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8e. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8f. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8g. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8h. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8i. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8j. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8k. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8l. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8m. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 8n. Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' snippet of viewer comments of the originally published video on Oct 23, 2018. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Now that you have made it this far, read the "official" Wildland Fire LLC "Fact Sheet" in the link below, which includes their Mission Statement and more. You will notice a paradox between what they claim in their "Mission Statement" compared to their attempt at dogmatic indoctrination above.


What follows are Figures 9-9y of the Wildland Fire LLC 'Honor the Fallen' video and our snippets of WLF LLC the 'Honor The Fallen' transcribed content and viewer comments

Saturday, ‎October ‎27, ‎2018, ‏‎9:20:39 AM I first noticed the YouTube video and it had 679 views.

Figure 9. WLF LLC Honor The Fallen snippet 11-11-18 1062 hits shown on my laptop for the YOUTUBE and still up and all comments still there. Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9a. WLF LLC Honor The Fallen snippet Shows newest reader / viewer comments Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9b. WLF LLC "Honor The Fallen" October 23, 2018, snippet of title slide Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9c. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9d. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9e. WLF LLC reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9f. WLF LLC reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9g. WLF LLC reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9h. WLF LLC reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9i. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9j. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9k. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9l. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9m. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9n. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9o. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9p. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9q. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9r. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9s. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9t. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9u. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9v. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9w. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

Figure 9x. WLF LLC content and reader / viewer comments of Honor The Fallen snippet Source: Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, YouTube

11-11-18 (Five Years Ago Tex Gilligan and Joy A. Collura hiked with Fire Author John MacLean)


"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." Ephesians 5:11 ESV

Figure 10. Our dry erase board project on the YH Fire video Source: YouTube

Figure 11. InvestigativeMEDIA posts regarding the WLF LLC 'Honor The fallen' video and comments. Source: InvestigativeMEDIA

Figure 12. Email thread between Britt Rosso (WLFLLC), R. Bell, Paul Musser,Todd Abel, Eric Zanotto, and Scott Bliss from January 1-2, 2014, regarding "SUBJECT: Denver Post: Fire Line." Rosso mentions the video contains "some captured radio traffic from the Yarnell fire that's tough to listen to." The link that is provided is not viable and reveals an error message shown in Figure 14 below. Source: Central Yavapai FD (2013) named here; now known as Central Fire and Medical Authority

Figure 13. Email between Cougan Carothers, Jason Nolan, Zach Pederson, and Scott Bliss on September 15, 2014, referring to the Figure 12 email above regarding "Subject: West Metro Firefighter Mourns Friends Killed Fighting Yarnell Fire. 7 News Denver The The link provided is the same one in Figure 12 above and is likewise not viable and reveals an error message shown in Figure 14 below. Source: Central Yavapai FD (2013) named here and is now known as Central Fire and Medical Authority

Figure 14. The link provided in this error message URL is the same link in Figures 12 and 13 above and notes that it is not valid when searched for on the Internet. "404 Page Not Found. Sorry, the page you're looking for could not be found. ..." Source: 7 News Denver

Figure 14a. Snippet of an April 3, 2020, Way Back Machine result for a title search of the above "WATCH: The Fire Line: Wildfire in Colorado"article and video. They required that you subscribe (pay $$) to be able to view the article and presumably watch the video Source: Joy A. Collura and Way Back Machine

Now consider the answer to our question embedded within the title of this post: "Why are these alleged WFLLC-sponsored "leaders" so disingenuously and perilously attempting to persuade us otherwise, all while disingenuously claiming "Sense-making" and "Learning" on "Hallowed Ground?"

Putting these quotes into context for this post, we allege that the WLF LLC mission to create an "illusion of knowledge" is their goal by having to continue with the YH Fire SAIT-SAIR lies where they found: "no indication of negligence, reckless actions, or violations of policy or protocol" and that the WLF LLC "have become so accustomed to [their] illusions that [the WLF LLC ensures that] we mistake them for reality." The illusion that the GMHS did everything right, (i.e. applied LCES and knew, understood, and followed the 10 Standard WF Orders and knew, recognized, and mitigated the 18 Watch Out Situations) Have they succeeded in this?

Succeeded in part. However, many feel that the lies actually are the truth about what occurred. And many more WFs think it is because these supposed "leaders" have to continue on with all the cover-ups and lies about the Yarnell Hill Fire and the GMHS on June 30, 2013, in order to keep the necessary prevarication momentum going. And it certainly appears that they are so comfortable with their own deceptions that they mistake them for reality. Something they hope will be the general consensus of WFs and FFs familiar with the incident. Hopefully, most of you - especially the WF and FF community, came to the coverup, lies, and whitewash conclusion on your own or with a trusted colleague's guidance.

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge."

"We have become so accustomed to our illusions that we mistake them for reality."

Both quotes from Daniel J. Boorstin ( )

"Remember that for people to recognize a falsehood, they need to know the truth. Orwell assumes that once deception is stripped away, the truth will be plain."

Source: Lane Greene (November 10. 2018) Orwell Thought That Plain Language Would Save Us. Then came Trump. Politico Magazine. ( )

November 11th John Percin Jr. would have been 30 years old. I will always celebrate you, John. On June 30, 2013, he was rated at 100% on that Granite Mountain Hot Shot Base dry erase board.

"Happy Birthday John Jr."

UPDATES: Grammatical and spelling corrections, Figures and captions uniformity, some Daniel J. Boorstin additional comments, and Biblical scriptures bolded and larger fonts.

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G   O   D



6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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