Was the June 30, 2013, Yarnell Hill Fire, As Tragic As It Was, Trying To Teach Us Something Other Than Lessons Learned?
Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"
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Figure 1. View of increasing fire behavior and flames within darkened smoke columns; photo taken from South Lakewood Drive in Yarnell, AZ on Sunday, June 30, 2013, 4:08:32 PM with a Canon EOS REBEL T3 camera. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14 \ SAIT Report and Documents \ A30-20130630 Tom Garigan Photos

Figure 2. Same view as Figure 1 of increasing fire behavior and flames within darkened smoke columns; photo taken from South Lakewood Drive in Yarnell, AZ. "Snipping Tool" image insert of photo metadata in upper left with date and time of June 30, 2013, 4:08:32 PM. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14 \ SAIT Report and Documents \ A30-20130630 Tom Garigan Photos

Figure 3. Google Earth image of Figure 2 above. Snipping Tool was used to show a more current view of South Lakewood Drive in Figure 4 image below indicating the line (yellow) of view from above ground looking northwest. Source: Google Earth

Figure 4. Snipping Tool was used to show 'sightline' (yellow) of the above ground view from the Yarnell Fuel/Fire Break (upper yellow pin), smoke columns (plumes) and fire behavior as seen in Figures 1 & 2 looking southwesterly toward the lower yellow pin depicts the photographer's location; ground distance of .92 miles from Fuel/Fire Break upper yellow pin to photographer site based on photo insert data. Highway 89 runs North/South through this part of Yarnell. Source: Google Earth
Figure 4a. (audio) Yavapai County Sheriff Office (YCSO) Officer notifying a fellow officer on the radio - 'I have eyes on a fire along [Highway] 89- 400-500 yards west of the road and a fire topping the hill of above Yarnell'; "Eyes on a fire" 2013-06-30_16.29.29_Ch18 YCSO radio transmission recordings . \Audio video recordings\Radio Transmissions\yar rad 063013\6.30.13 403pm\YCSO radio transmission recordings 2013-06-30_16.29.29_Ch18/; Image used for audio is from Google Earth, red lines indicate measurement of 400-500 yards in Yarnell, Arizona. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14

Figure 4b. (image of audio above since it was blurry) Bear with me. The long typing on Google Earth image- the pushpin is not the Fire Fuel Break - it is the dirt line underneath it. The pushpin and typing putting it where it belonged would have covered the dirt path Source: Google Earth

Figure 5. 'Sightline' workup for IMG_4254 photo in Figures 1 & 2. The yellow 'sightline' goes right down Lakewood, and then right over that pile of rocks that is clearly visible down the street. It continues on all way out to the Weaver Ridge.The fire and flames seen through the smoke are in the 'middle bowl' area advancing towards Glen Ilah. Bear in mind that 4:08 PM would have (supposedly) been 4 minutes AFTER the Granite Mountain Hotshots (GMHS) left the 'safe black.' In other words, the GMHS were already walking SOUTH towards the box canyon noted in the SAIT-SAIR and in Figure 7 below as the red "D" icon in the upper left. Source: Google Earth and IM Contributor

Figure 6. Same view as Figures 1 & 2 of increasing fire behavior and flames within darkened smoke columns; the yellow line is the 'sight line' from where the photo was taken and the RED line represents where the fire is faintly visible within the smoke. Photo taken from South Lakewood Drive in Yarnell, AZ. June 30, 2013, 4:08:32 PM. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14 \ SAIT Report and Documents \ A30-20130630 Tom Garigan Photos and IM Contributor

Figure 7. Sightline' workup for IMG_4254 photo in Figures 1 & 2 and image in Figure 5 above. The yellow 'sightline' goes right down Lakewood, and then right over that pile of rocks that is clearly visible down the street. It continues on all way out to the Weaver Ridge.The fire and flames seen through the smoke are in the 'middle bowl' area advancing towards Glen Ilah. The red "M" icon is the location from where GMHS McKenzie took his photos. The red "G" icon is the 'Old Grader' location referred to in the SAIT-SAIR and elsewhere. Bear in mind that 4:08 PM would have (supposedly) been 4 minutes AFTER the GMHS left the 'safe black.' In other words, the GMHS were already walking SOUTH towards the box canyon noted in the SAIT-SAIR and at the red "D" icon in the upper left denoting the GMHS Deployment Site. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14 \ SAIT Report and Documents \ A30-20130630 Tom Garigan Photos and IM Contributor

Figure 8. Zoomed in image using snipping tool of flames and fire behavior within the smoke from Figure 1. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14 \ SAIT Report and Documents \ A30-20130630 Tom Garigan Photos
The photos and Google Earth images and metadata insert(s) of smoke columns (plumes) and associated fire behavior in all of the Figures 1-8 above strengthens the mounting, pivotal suggestive evidence of the alleged firing operation that took place along the long established Yarnell, AZ Fuel/Fire Break along the Sesame Street and Shrine corridor. This was first brought to the forefront on this website in the "Did the late afternoon, June 30, 2013, Sesame Street and The Shrine fire behavior/smoke plumes influence structure loss and GMHS fatalities?" post on June 27, 2018.
When I opened my eyes today (July 16, 2018) I thought about Rance Marquez, the Division Z DIVS on the June 30, 2013, Yarnell Hill (YH) Fire. When you reflect back on his career since 1988, it may help you understand what made him make that decision June 30, 2013 to leave the fireline that day. Did it have anything to do with that fire itself … or did it remind him of current or expected fire behaviors of others on previous fires? If we, as the human race, are the highest form of God’s Creation, then I would really like to focus to the human factors that influenced Rance Marquez and his decisions that day.
Was Rance Marquez the “ONLY ONE” acting and thinking this way or were there other Operational personnel also acting and thinking accordingly that day - like Brian Frisby, the Blue Ridge Hot Shots, and Darby Starr with Sun City West?
Our minds and emotions or how our free will and ability to make our own choices are all human characteristics that reflect the God that created us. In my life, I have seen many folks treat other people like crap and this was one of the key factors why long ago, I shut down and stopped my sharing flow with God. I just figured I will just survive life versus "live" it. I thought if we are a reflection of God and people treat people like they do - like dirt - or worse, then is that how God is?
If that is the case, then I am better off on my own. I used to think that was a rough and tough approach at looking at it, but then I realized evil does exist. Is evil a part of God or did something just go wrong along the way and it was never made right. Kinda reminds me of the YH Fire and the hidden areas still not yet known to the world. One FF that was on the YH Fire told me "I only have to account to God," but I think one should also feel a duty to be truthful here on Earth versus when he meets God.
The world is scary enough as it is, tragedy after tragedy. And then the YH Fire ended up a fairly predictable and avoidable tragedy. Until I pass on, I will bring to the forefront, contentious and troublesome areas so lessons can be learned; this knowledge is important. What many loved ones and homeowners and others faced in the aftermath has been frightening – truly frightening.
I would like to know if there were any type of blow outs Rance Marquez experienced in his career with the alleged “first” municipal tied Hot Shot Crew before the YH Fire, like maybe on the Doce fire? Was there ever a time where there was a fluent moment? Or were the GMHS considered an “outsider” based on PFD Duane Steinbrink and PFD Darrell Willis attempts to “create” this Crew from Steinbrink's home, not how the media, books, and lately a drama movie that claimed it began in Eric Marsh's garage with his ex-wife.
It may have continued there in that garage, but it began with Duane and Darrell trying to learn how to make this happen; to tie a Hot Shot Crew to the City of Prescott and its Mayor. I wonder how many folks Duane and Darrell asked to be the Supt before Marsh became that person.
I requested all the public records on the GMHS and the ever-present redactions and "missing" areas were frustrating and yet revealing because these redactions let me know that I was on to something that these public agencies were trying to conceal. And yet in the whole profile I know that Marsh was not the original voice to-be for the GMHS, and that many men were involved in this.
Have any of you ever questioned when someone mentions a Bible scripture or God … does the very mention make you fulfilled? or squirm? What I have learned over time is that only God can completely fulfill one's heart. Some people have meaningful aspects with almost everything at their feet, but deep down they are not totally fulfilled. Lots of people are seemingly happy but it's easy to put on a happy face for other people as a facade. Now try that 24/7 or try it living outside your own space. I have been doing it for a long time.
Some lay claim they are fulfilled through their relationships, their jobs, or their causes and they really feel and think that way. But I tend to reflect and think of society and how people fill their lives with alcohol, cigarettes, sex, food, work, gambling, etc.; the list goes on and on. The same conclusions; those are all temporary fulfillments.
However, my personal relationship with Him fulfills my soul. This has nothing to do with abuse or addictions either - look at positive aspects in life - parenting, happy marriages, public service, etc. and even then people tell me they are not fully fulfilled. Good experiences and living clean decades after decade yet they felt something was missing. What makes this important to me is that I believe life is what it is; every day has its own set of stresses and happiness.
I know this because of the losses I have seen with me, my friends, and my family, may they be tragic or natural or even my own health. The fact is we all face this. One thing no one can take from me the connection that I have with My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have my own times where I lay deaf to listening to Him, shutting Him out - or at least trying to do that. However, regarding all things on the YH Fire, I clearly feel His Love and yet at times I do not hear His Voice because I turn my back on Him. I can hear His voice through my conscience at times through the Holy Spirit because He lays it on my heart when I get moody. And I later feel awful, so then, in small whispers I hear Him clearly. God is anything but boring. My greatest joys and pleasures have been from Him every time I am under the moonlit stars. God reached out to me and the Faith He has for me is abundant. At times I fall flat because I am stubborn and resistant to Trust His Path for me, almost as if I am _______ ... more than I can put into words. When I was young I was ______ ... devastated by what I experienced and saw, again ... more than I can put into words.
How could God do that? I recently was thrilled someone not only knew my name yet has allowed God to utilize us to get the T R U T H S of the YH Fire. Meanwhile, I finally am opening never-seen-before areas of my life and I see the healing of Him, and it’s hard to go through; not just for me but the person that is a part of this. It is ugly sometimes and yet we are working it out. There is this voice that sneaks in as I am trying to tee it up saying, "How can you ever Trust a God who would ever do that to you, Joy?" Knowing this man helps me bring my scattered thoughts and information and evidence to the world; to take what I have received by the Grace of God and placed it out in a more organized fashion than I can offer - THAT IS GOD!
God lays it on my heart that all the bad I have seen and felt and endured, He also hates it just as much as me and feels it is horrible. And at times I have to snicker back asking “Why didn't You stop it from happening to me then God, why did you allow these things to happen to me?”
He asked: “Tell me this Joy. None can begin to understand the grander scale of things than I and evil exists ... things have to happen for the due course of time and I am at work always in all ways... it begins with our Patience and Faith.” And so, I asked God: “Why do we have to wait?” I said to Him that I hope one day one relationship at a time tied to the YH Fire that all things will be reconciled. He said: “It is a slow process, one person at a time.”
God is patient. God is mercy. I hope my webpage people begin to pray for the site and its content and may it bring hope to highlight more communications to allow folks to have a safe place to open their hearts and pains for the YH Fire and its aftermath. I always thought of the Bible as kind of a “rule book” just like the Wildland Firefighting (WF) “10 and 18 and LCES” rules, until I stepped into it and heard His Loving Words.
And then I really felt it is all about allowing a person into your space and to know you for YOU and allow God to do what He does in His time and way. I feel accepted finally not only in God's Heart but with who He shares to my life. I feel blessed by the YH Fire tragedy, for the pain stricken moments that day and thereafter. They have also brought pure healings for peoples' lives and mine. God is good all the time. I am listening more this Summer 2018 to Him and the reason I am here making this page for the world to reveal what I know on the YH Fire. I am thankful for my husband, family and friends.
Every day, I look around me and I am grateful that God blessed me with what I am attempting to accomplish, and most of all for all those that God has placed in my life to share this journey. I give all the glory to Him as this page keeps unfolding.
Consider now the "Unofficial Transcript" of Rance Marquez on September 23, 2013. Mr. Marquez was assigned to the YH Fire as a Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS) as DIVS Z. Many considered him to having abandoned his position, however, I do not believe that. The transcripts tell me that he knows a lot more about what occurred and hopefully, one day he will share that.
By the way, if you are reading this Rance, my phone number and email are listed below, so send me your photos and videos. Thanks in advance for doing the right thing.
Consider now the Rance Marquez (DIVS Z) series of Interview "Unofficial Transcript: 12-30-13" consisting of 39 pages / images. Source: AZ Forestry Bill Boyd Public Records Request

Figure 9. "Unofficial Transcript" of Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS) Rance Marquez assigned as DIVS Z on September 23, 2013; interviewed by ADOSH Investigator Brett Steurer (39 pages) Source: Yavapai Public Records SAIT documents

Figure 10. DIVS Z Marquez typed Unit Log / Narrative (2 pages); the SAIT told him he didn't have to turn in his Unit Log. Source: Yavapai Public Records SAIT documents

Figure 11. Arizona IMT 2 map indicating hand-drawn DIVISIONS "A )( DIV Z" perimeter boundaries, geographic features, and section numbers discussed throughout interview. I did the best I could with my marginal editing skills. Source: Yavapai Public Records SAIT documents
It was interesting to follow the discussion about how much the Serious Accident Investigation Team (SAIT) valued DIVS Z Marquez's documented Unit Log. On pages 3-4 and lines 109-146, DIVS Z Marquez stated that he had prepared an unofficial Unit Log when asked by the ADOSH Investigators if he had turned one over to the SAIT. Marquez told the ADOSH Investigators: "They [SAIT] said I did not have to turn these in even though I was prepared to do so and they went through a narrative at the time and that was approximately seven or eight days after the [June 30, 2013] event."
Another interesting moment was noted on pages 36-37 from line 1610-1635 when Marquez's Interior Department Solicitor's Office (DOISO) attorney interrupted the ADOSH Investigator/Interviewer when he asked Marquez about the Basic Wildland Firefighting Rules (10 & 18 and LCES) and the (DOISO) attorney told the ADOSH Investigator / Interviewer to "keep the questions [for DIVS Z Marquez] to what he knows about the fire."
Now consider the 'allowable' YouTube 18 minutes and 20 seconds of DIVS Z Marquez audio version from which his above (Figure 9) September 23, 2013, "Unofficial Transcript" was (un)officially transcribed in Figure 10 below. The original in-total audio interview is a full hour and 30 minutes and 30 seconds long. If you would like the full audio interview, please mail me ONLY (1) a self-addressed padded envelope and (2) a blank CD. Money or any other type of compensation in any form is not allowed per my Non-Commercial status, so refrain from any payment(s) to me.
Figure 12. DIVS Z Marquez audio (18:20) version from which his above (Figure 9) September 23, 2013, "Unofficial Transcript" was (un)officially transcribed. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14\Audio video recordings\Audio Files
Some of my photographs that lay over at the InvestigativeMEDIA (IM) Dropbox located below:
Source of IM dropbox: ( http://www.investigativemedia.com/yarnell-hill-fire-serious-accident-investigation-report-supporting-documentation/ )
AZ Foresty Division Investigation: ( https://www.dropbox.com/sh/02ue6bnjp6nazkm/AAB7ApoftT1z6ShjPCK6ky8Ca?dl=0 )
Tom Garigan Photos have been on IM since 2014 and yet this image on this post has not been specifically discussed as of yet: (img 4245)
( https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y3jy5opssrcvzb3/AACaoGUVHlpO_lUZId2UPVmSa/Tom%20Garigan%20Photos?dl=0 )

Figure 13. 1647 Fire at Structures Yarnell North End 06_30. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14\SAIT Report and Documents\F-Photos And Videos\A14-20130630 Byron Kimball Photos

Figure 14. Google Earth overlay image of photographer area (with line of sight) showing house in bottom right insert in Figure 12 is the same house in Figure 11, in left center of image in Figure 11; fire behavior advancing into the Yarnell Area inserted in above image. Source: Google Earth/Paint/Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14\SAIT Report and Documents\F-Photos And Videos\A14-20130630 Byron Kimball Photos

Figure 15. Zoomed in view of fire behavior on June 30, 2013 of 1647 Fire at Structures Yarnell North End 06_30. Source: Yavapai County Records Request 7-9-14\SAIT Report and Documents\F-Photos And Videos\A14-20130630 Byron Kimball Photo, and Paint Program for Cropping tool.

Figure 16. Image of Yarnell Area Source: Google Earth
I am not a FF/WF ("yet"; - I just began at the Arizona Wildfire Academy in 2018). However, I was told by FFs/WFs that any Fire Behavior Analyst (FBA) worth his/her salt would be out on the fire lines checking the behavior versus hunched over a computer. So then, if these photos exists, what other ones are out there?
I thought the saying below was rather appropriate for this situation because that's how it's been all along from June 30, 2013 to now. And God Willing, it is likely to continue based on what will be revealed here on a fairly regular basis:

Source: Best Love Quotes Love.com
Now to answer the post title question: "Was the June 30, 2013, Yarnell Hill Fire, As Tragic As It Was, Trying To Teach Us Something Other Than Lessons Learned?"
Absolutely, the June 30, 2013, Yarnell Hill Fire, as tragic as it was, was trying to teach us something other than lessons learned. Telling the truth of what happened and why is absolutely paramount. Given that, the practice of first establishing a "conclusion" and then supporting it with "facts" must stop immediately, and return to investigating the facts to lead us to a conclusion. The notion of municipal FF "heroes" and "heroism" and how the FFs" sacrificed their lives" or "willingly gave their lives" needs to stop immediately. Wildland firefighters should not be put into the municipal FF category considered as "heroes" if and when they died in the course of their duties, because in most cases, they likely died from refusing or failing to follow the Ten Standard Fire Orders and / or ignoring one or more the Watch Out Situations, while failing to mitigate them. In addition, drop the practice of focusing on fire shelter use and Deployment Zones to save lives. The practice of allowing surviving loved ones to determine where the investigation leads in order to follow relevant evidence. needs to cease. Moeover, we need to know the cauasal human factors of why they died, where they messed up, the error chain that led up to their deaths, and the like. Allow the AZ Wildland Fire Academy cadre (many of whom were the Type 3 Organization) on June 30, 2013, to allow open discussion of the YH Fire and GMHS debacle instead of punishing those that speak up and / or inquire about it. The notion of the WFs and FFs determining their own conclusions based on a bogus report, as was the case on the YH Fire, should be dropped.
For the epic wildland fire that the YH Fire and GMHS debacle became, there are unlimited lessons to be learned. Read our YHFR website for plenty of good information ( www.yarnellhillfirerevelations.com )
Updates: edited all caption spacing to one inch, increased font size on all text, and answered post title question. (July 3, 2021 at 6:53 PM)
#HASHTAG #Yarnell Hill Fire #T R U T H #Heroism #Fuel/Fire Break along the Sesame Street and Shrine corridor #
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Post Number Nine
Update October 5th, 2021, 12:58am- Fred J. Schoeffler has my full permission to use any and all content from "Was the June 30, 2013, Yarnell Hill Fire, As Tragic As It Was, Trying To Teach Us Something Other Than Lessons Learned?" on his new "Project 10 and 18 United" / "Project 10 and 18 International" blog he is creating.- Joy A. Collura
6-26-22 9:14pm Update: Home | Project 10 & 18 (project10n18.org)
Post Number One: Did the late afternoon, June 30, 2013, Sesame Street and The Shrine fire behavior/smoke plumes influ (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Two: Are These Possible Indications of YH Fire Burnout Ops In The Peeples Valley Area On June 30, 2013? (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Three:InvestigativeMEDIA Five (5) Years Later (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Four:What Lessons Have We Really Learned About The June 30, 2013, Yarnell Hill Fire? (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Five: Another Big Question Arises ... (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Six: How does one effectively lead by example? Extreme ownership must apply ... (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Seven: Will the fire community benefit from the ‘lessons learned’ concept and sustain a ‘safety culture’ wh (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Eight: "Leave it alone ... you shouldn't go down this road ... let it be." How many times ha (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com)
Post Number Ten: https://www.yarnellhillfirerevelations.com/post/2018/07/22/are-these-numerous-up-to-now-unrevealed-photos-audio-and-videos-posted-here-sufficient-ev