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  • Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and

Are These Possible Indications of YH Fire Burnout Ops In The Peeples Valley Area On June 30, 2013?

Are These Possible Indications of YH Fire Burnout Operations In The Peeples Valley Area On June 30, 2013?

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InvestigativeMedia Comment Thread regarding the Yarnell Fuel/Fire Break along the Sesame Street and The Shrine corridor:

Figure 1. InvestigativeMedia Comment Thread regarding the Yarnell Fuel/Fire Break along the Sesame Street and The Shrine corridor. Source: InvestigativeMEDIA (IM)

Figure 2. InvestigativeMedia Comment Thread regarding the Yarnell Fuel/Fire Break along the Sesame Street and The Shrine corridor. Source: InvestigativeMEDIA

Figure 3. Distance and direction from Buckhorn Drive to Double Bar A Ranch. Source: Google Maps

Figure 4. June 30, 2013, 1645.43 Snippet of below Figure 5. video Source: Arizona State Forestry (AZSF) records

Figure 4a. very faint Snippet image of June 30, 2013, 1645:43 metadata from Figure 5. video (below) at 0:06 seconds Source: AZ State Forestry records

Figure 5. Home security camera film; time lapse video of the Yarnell Hill Fire (YH Fire) and GMHS burn over (Security video time lapse from 6-30-13 12:01:42 pm thru 7-1-13 7:46:40 pm) This video complements what WantsToKnowTheTruth (WTKTT) shared today on InvestigativeMEDIA above in Figure 1 & 2. Source: Arizona State Forestry (AZSF) records

Figure 6. Image indicates that it is 4.12 miles through the desert at 170.57 degrees from Shrine Rd. from the W. Buckhorn, Peeples Valley, Arizona property . Source: Google Earth

Figure 7. W. Buckhorn, Peeples Valley Arizona. The owners have not responded to my voice mail requesting further information; 6-28-18 1:23pm Arizona Time. Source: Google Earth

So now is the time to answer the question of this post: Are These Possible Indications of YH Fire Burnout Operations In The Peeples Valley Area On June 30, 2013? It begins with an IM post between WTKTT and Robert the Second suggesting to add in the Sesame Street and Shrine Corridor area fire / fuel break. Then it goes to a home security video of the YH Fire from AZ State Forestry revealing several separate and distinct smoke columns (plumes), including Snippet images from the home security video in Figure 5. From an experienced WF's perspective, these are clear indicators of a firing operation verus claims of spot fires. See Figures 3, 6, and 7 for distances. (Updated June 26, 2013, 3:44 PM)

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(Blog Was On Pause since 1-27-21- Glad blog was on pause - there was missing photos.) (JC)

#wildlandfire #Yarnellfire #GraniteMountainHotShot #InvestigativeMEDIA #W. Buckhorn Peeples Valley Arizona property #Possible Indications of YH Fire Burnout Operations #the Sesame Street and The Shrine corridor (hashtags)

Post Number Two

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Update October 5th 12:58am- Fred J. Schoeffler has my full permission to use any and all content from "Are These Possible Indications of YH Fire Burnout Ops In The Peeples Valley Area On June 30, 2013?" on his new "Project 10 and 18 United" / "Project 10 and 18 International" blog he is creating.- Joy A. Collura

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