September 16, 2024, 2pm:
Greg is on the Yarnell Land
awaiting the siding guy-
and he told Fred and me
he actually sees the fire
over in the direction
of the Legion in Yarnell.
I said I would check
but uninterested
in incoming fire data.
I am just praying
they have "common sense"
whomever takes jurisdiction.
Oh crap,
it is Yarnell 2013-
Russ Shumate...
09/15/24 1110AZPHD-1390 Smoke Check DOI Report Only - No ActionHwy. 89, MM 27534.199402, -112.76000234°,11.96 x 112°,45.6- 09/16/24 1401AZA5S-241774Smoke CheckYRN PVT - Looka Way34.220639, -112.74
I am not watching any fires-- this data is for Fred since Greg is on his land now in Yarnell, AZ...
watching flames over by the Legion area he claimed from Fred's land, but it is more towards the upslope to tower area.
9-16-24 2:51pm- was labelled vegetation fire then turned to crest way fire I watched it change on watch duty...
thank you to all the locals for documenting from all of your properties. Most I will keep the data back channel so they do not know how much we are watching how they suppress this fire...okay...thank you again everyone :)
Williamson Valley just let the direct local area --- 3:36pm 9-16-24
now they dropped it from Crest Way to Crest Fire: ???? and Prescott is on the scene now...
Jurisdictions Labels:
looked at all fire weather tools---this is unknown as to WHY:
little vegetation grass fire today ...
you locals kept an eye out ...
see how it goes through the night, you night owls...
we remember watching them light up
on the Tenderfoot Fire
and you all saw today---
no crews reported
yet we saw who was present, right...
mop up...
and you all gave me some great images
we will possibly keep 'em back channel...
we want to see
they handle
their suppression to this incident, right?
I just got done moving my camera views from the Weaver Mountains to other areas on my land when the Cellar Fire 2 went to 100% Contained so heading back out to move camera angles back towards the mountains for any night time ignition on a fire or blow ups---
you all showed pretty much was out, but we will watch...or you will because I will do genealogy---if only those out of state people would stop blaming a certain one on a fire he had no involvement on--- I wouldn't be watching much at all but I do not comprehend why all the malarkey...
I am like that in and out chick
who peaks
but then
goes back to genealogy...
but for the most part
I did the initial attack data
for you all here...
outside that, uninterested in tracking it.
I realize YCSO and the Constable notified people to evacuate and many stayed behind so we will see...
Mainly media on social media for this fire.
Nothing on the Yarnell Fire District social media not even about the Evacuation notices ???
as I jotted down the social media data---I saw this huge spider on my wall and I put him in container and relocated it outdoors...
How come they gave superfast media coverage on a 25-30 acre fire and go so fast into evacuation mode for a grass fire? Yet, I did not even catch it on the heat maps? Is this part of some possible political thing? Just does not make sense...a little patch of grass burns and bam, sound bite stories about Yarnell being on fire and being evacuated in the East area - opposite side where 19 died was reported on tv, why?
let's take a peak and see if any air attack was assigned to this low grass fire that we all saw was about burned out yesterday afternoon...anything up in the air by there??? let's see:
I doubt any of these are fire related air attack --- just showing what's in the air but we know this is the wrong time to look in the air for that so be back later on that data
Now Congress / Senate, let us peak at this history of incidents besides the obvious Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 that almost took me and my hiking partners' lives but 19 died and many after did die to our communities and then this fire called the Tenderfoot 2016:
I show documents
so now I ask them
to show us the documents
of what took place on this Prescott Owner's recorded Foundation private land yesterday? How did it even begin? Why were other resources called when this shows it is Yarnell's Jurisdiction area, in town. Is there a mutual aid agreement that now even in town they want to get additional resources? How come they could not put it out themselves. Even I could have done that, put the fire out. Actually, Sonny and I did have to when we pioneered...This shows who's jurisdiction this fire goes to ...see:
so, we will see how this goes---will it be like Pine Arizona? where their 30 acres became an old school managed fire?...and has been reported to me by residential and people resourced on fire as layers of it being possibly incompetent in tactics??? There are locals being told it was the possibly same transformer from the Tenderfoot Fire-2016??? What. People, look above of the fire history documented- whomever is spreading that- PROVE IT!
As of today---resources backed off on this fire..I checked at:
other sources report:
100% Contained:
some data who was present:
Fred would pick on their gear here: Safety right FJS....
Locals alerted me on some Division happening up in Yarnell Arizona and egos are at the forefront too...let me show what was shown to me today 9-22-24:
an eyewitness saw the Congress FD and I can confirm I also heard this same account outside the author:
My opinion so far about the above- some, are just others' opinions and the areas I place a question mark is new news to me. Divisions and name calling is never a good way to approach this, but we will see the comments next--
- this should impress the social media algorithms to see that many comments in a short time from a very tiny town- Yarnell Hill | Facebook
Congress / Senate-
these comments below---
reach me back channel
or can I say for the record-
how appalling
to see the projections--
by the way
I am not tied to anything
but God,
but I do provide records
so one can make their own assessments...
like how people of the highest authority
already have the record of videos
that some of these commenters
are on those videos (evidence)
so those higher folks
reading these comments
are probably thinking holy cow...right?!
Now you see why I keep cameras
for every angle of our property...
we have had cameras
even angled in the sky
for drones and air vehicles.
I do that
so there is a blueprint
if something ever did take place
from an external area
because I know full well
what higher authorities
have the evidence and so do others- they know...
and I also know God is watching but
more than likely so are these higher authorities-
I bet at this point
the ones who received the evidence
in 2022/2023/2024
get what our community
is up against...
and you are probably
awaiting their next action(s)...
are you all waiting to build a case
because the evidence shown was plenty ... ???
meanwhile back channel
one stated to one
"watch what u say!!!"
and that person
must realize
all this time
you possibly should be the one to watch...
because God is watching this all.
Plus, the higher authorities I gave the evidence too...
What clan could Errol possibly have...???...come on...that is rubbish talk...stop the nonsense...Errol has lived up there in Yarnell since the 70's so he has every right to address his concerns if there was two fire vehicles that were on scene and noone knew how to use them ??? that seems like a legit concern people...
Insurance companies will begin to wake up more as you will see more companies will declare certain areas uninsurable based on zip codes with possible stronger Wildland Fire history - I think there is a possible agent that lives in that area that can share more or ask FJS here on the blog ...his experience. Call / text 928 970 0926.
I actually own these records Trish mentions:
I never reached
any of these folks,
but I can say
there is a serious concern
that this town reached me
9-22-24 3:38pm
and I was firm and fair
and explained look at Yarnell's IGA
with Williamson Valley- Bagdad FD
and next REMEMBER
this is a volunteer district
so respect the fire volunteers
so, where some
are strong in structure firefighting -
some are not very equipped
fully / possibly for hybrid tasks like wildland fire.
I support a dozer line / fuel break behind the homes since two incidents happened (2016 and 2024) without any supporting documentation but rumored transformer as the issue- ???
In closing,
let me make this statement-
I am uninterested
in the fire arena
after being brutally assaulted
over public records pertaining
to a Yarnell Fire in 2013.
My public statement,
please refrain
from letting me know about fires-
I am healing
I pick and choose
what data
I place public...
"S"... had a
30 minute offer
of my time today
but no more-
with me,
check one's ego at the door
is my motto.
original origin GPS coordinate they reported: